The Rollerblading Shenanegins

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"IF YOU'RE NAKED YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TOO PUT CLOTHES ON!" I yelled into the club room door as Yachi and I stood outside.

"MAKE THAT 15!" Hinata yelled back as I rolled my eyes and started counting down the time on my fingers.
"Shit I messed up..." I mumbled as I somehow managed too miscount.

I waited about another 15 seconds after that before slamming my fist against the door and barging in.
"HELLOOOOO!" I cheered as Yachi giggled and followed me inside.

"Y/NNNNN!" Noya cheered as he rushed forwards, tackling me with a hug and nearly crashing us into Yachi.
"Owwww, I think you bruised my scapulas," I groaned as he pushed himself up and smiled down at me.

"How do you know what scapulas are? I thought that would've been too big of a word for you," Tsukkishima snickered as he set his bag down on one of the shelves.

"Hey! Just because it took me twenty minutes to learn how to say it doesn't mean it's too big of a word!" I shot back as Noya grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Why would it take you so long to say scalp...sapul..scapa..." he trailed off, realizing that he too couldn't say it.
"Oh my, the stupidity is simply radiating off you two," Tsukki continued, covering his mouth as he laughed.

"WHAT WAS THAT MANGO FLUFF?" I asked, making my hands into fists and looking up at him.
"YEA HOW ABOUT WE COME UP THERE AND TEACH YOU A LESSON!" Noya continued as he simply rolled his eyes and turned away from us.

"Please don't try too climb me like a tree," he sighed, only making us angrier.

"That's enough," an angry Daichi declared as he grabbed the collars of our shirts and held us back.
"Awwww, come on Daichi, he's being mean!" I exclaimed as he shook his head and pulled us over too the other side of the club room.

"Wow Tsukkishima, I think you're the only person too ever challenge the tiny towers of terror that much," Tanaka snickered as he slapped the dino in the back.

"Hey! I wanna be a tiny tower of terror!" Hinata exclaimed as he jumped up and down, waving his arms like a crazy person.
"Ginger! You already are!" I exclaimed, flicking his forehead as he smiled brightly at me.

"Oh yea!" he cheered happily as I smiled and shook my head.
"Would you stop yelling? And hurry up and get your stuff together so we can leave," Kageyama scolded as Hinatas smiled faded and he crossed his arms.

"Right, sorry for simply interacting with my friends!" he exclaimed in defence.
"Yea, just let the ginger live milk boy!" I demanded as he raised an eyebrow.

"Milk boy?" he asked as Noya and Tanaka tried to hide their snickers.
"Ugh we've been over this before! You use milk as your therapy and despite the amount of time you spend at the vending machine, you always end up getting milk!" I exclaimed as furrowed his brow.

"Yea, whatever. I guess it's better then crappyama, or whatever else this dork calls me," he sighed, pointing too Hinata.
"Well then maybe you shouldn't get so tired, your majesty," Tsukki chimed in as Kageyama sent a death glare his way.

"Stop it! You're gonna make Daichi mad!" Suga exclaimed as he stepped in between the boys.
"I thought we already did that," Noya thought out loud as he tapped his chin.

"You did," Daichi declared, stepping in front of us a with a glare on his face and a purple aura emitting from him.
"AGHHHHHHH!" Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, Kageyama and I screamed in unison as Tsukki simply stood there with a scowl on his face.

"O-okay! Let's all just relax!" Asahi exclaimed in a shaky voice.
"I am relaxed!" Daichi exclaimed as we stepped back, toppling over into a huge heap of limbs.

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