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"Guys...I think she just wanted a waffle," I sighed as Noya, Tanaka, Mako and I walked down the hall too the principals office.
"Definitely," Tanaka agreed as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"She's just jealous of our meal," Noya added as he placed the last bite of waffle in his mouth and chewed it.
"I've gotta say, that's the first time I've seen someone make food in class," Mako nodded.

"Pssh, that's like the third time she's done it this semester," Tanaka snickered as I just nodded my head to confirm.

"Aw man, now I want trail mix!" I pouted.
"Hah, you always want food," Noya snickered as he opened the door to the office from me since I had to hold the toaster.

"Why wouldn't I? Food is spectacular!" I cheered, getting the attention of the secretary.

"Y/N, Tanaka, Nishinoya, it's only first period. What did you do this time?" she asked, eyeing the toaster in my hands.

"Well ya see, I didn't have time to make my waffles at home so I tried to make them in class! I think miss got jealous that she didn't get one though so she sent us here," I explained seriously as the secretary sighed and looked at Mako who tried to stifle his laughs.

"This is new. You are?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy.
"Mako Akihito!" he declared happily as she sighed and typed his name into the computer.

"He's just like you Y/N, getting sent to the office on his first day," she sighed, making notes on each of our student reports.
"He had a good teacher!" I boasted as she stood up and stretched her arms out.

"You can have it back at the end of the day," she instructed as I handed the toaster over and pouted.
"I'LL MISS YOU!" I called as she brought the toaster into the back room.

"You know the drill!" she called back as I groaned and led the boys into a separate room which had six desk spread throughout it.
"Alright! Apology letter time!" I announced, snatching multiple sheets of paper from the middle desk and sitting down.

"So, this is a routine for you guys?" Mako asked as he followed suit, sitting in a desk in front of mine.
"You know it," I snickered as I pulled a glittery pen out of my bag and started to write.

"How do I apologize for eating a waffle in class?" Tanaka asked dumbfounded as he stared at the blank piece of paper.
"Pssh, you say you're sorry you didn't share with miss!" I exclaimed as he rolled his eyes and mocked me.

~Time Skip, brought to you by Tendos dancing~

"Y/N it's not that hard!" Noya teased as he shoved the pen in my hand.
"Yes it is! All I wanted to do was make a waffle! I don't see what I did wrong!" I exclaimed as the boys burst out laughing.

"I mean, she has a point," Tanaka snickered as he opened one of my failed apologies. "WAIT, WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT MISS IS AN EGGO-MANIAC?"

"SHE WHAT?" Noya cackled as he grabbed the letter and read it out loud.

"Dear miss, I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your class. Maybe if you weren't such an EGGO-MANIAC I wouldn't be writing this," he read aloud as I groaned and collapsed onto my desk.

"Wait, look at this one!" Mako exclaimed as he handed them another letter.

"Dear miss, did you know that toasters aren't water proof? I bet you'd be SHOCKED if only you hadn't sent me out!" Tanaka read as I repeatedly banged my head on the desk.

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