Bee Boo Bee

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"GINGER DID IT! HAHAHA OH YEA!" I cheered obnoxiously loud as the gym erupted into applause for Hinata's moves.
"Yea! Good job Hinata!" Yachi cheered as she cupped her mouth too project her voice out.

"AHHH YEAAAA!" Seiko exclaimed as she pumped her fists in the air while the teams took their breaks.
"These nerds are gonna pay for making me this anxious," I said sternly once the cheering started too calm down, and the teams returned too the court.

"Wait, they're playing Sugawara!" Yachi exclaimed, pointing down as the team mother wandered onto the court.
"YEAAA GO SUGAMAMA!" I cheered as he turned and smiled at me before focusing on the game.

Karasuno started the game off strong with a nice kill from Asahi, but Shiritorizawa easily tied it up with a spike from Ushiwaka.

Thankfully, the next ball rebounded off number 5's block and landed outside the court, giving us another point.

"OOOOO NOYAAAA!" I exclaimed as he leapt into the air, about to pull off the attack where the libero sets up a synchronized attack with the entire team. He wound up setting Suga, who came in and CRUSHED a cross court shot right passed lava boy.

"I've never seen Suga spike before!" Yachi exclaimed as she clapped eagerly for the boys.
"I honestly thought Nishinoya was gonna play it safe," Takinoue added as my jaw dropped and I looked up at him.

"Did I just hear you use 'Nishinoya' and 'play it safe' in the same sentence?" I asked seriously as he raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"HAH, as if!" I cackled, earning a slap on the back from Seiko.
"She's right! I never thought I'd hear those things in the same sentence," she sighed in agreement.


"Y/N!" Seiko cackled as I angrily began to insult Ushiwaka who just got his FIFTH point in a row against us.

"It's not my fault his batteries haven't died yet!" I exclaimed as she smirked and looked down at the court.
"Man, they must be exhausted by now," she sighed in a sing songy voice.

"Oh- wait a second," Yachi gasped as she pointed to Tsukishima who was clutching his hand in pain.
"What happened?" I asked, leaning forwards as Ukai, Takeda and Kiyoko went running onto the court.

~Third Person~

Tsukkishima slowly held his hand up too reveal the swelling and blood which dropped from the gap in his fingers.

"The force from the ball busted open your hand," coach Ukai gasped as he studied the boys injury. "Kazuhito!"

The boy quickly hurried over, as Tsukkishima's eyes darted around, and he was led off the court by Kiyoko.

"Aw man, this isn't good," Seiko sighed as Yachi and Akiteru went running off to locate the boy, Yachi and Y/N keeping their contacts open to update each other.

"Gagh! Come on you tall salt shaker! Why now of all times!" Y/N wailed as she banged her head on the railing a couple of times, only perking up when she heard a certain someone's voice.

"Kazuhito! Blocks aren't our only defensive strategy! I'll be there to follow you up!" the libero exclaimed happily as he pointed his thumbs at his chest.
"Remember, just like in practice!" Suga instructed as the boy nodded.

Meanwhile in the hallway, Yachi and Akiteru had located Kiyoko who was leading the stubborn Tsukishima too the medical office.
"Akiteru, I knew I saw you," he huffed as he brother ran towards him.

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