Whose The Simp Now?

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"I feel like a toddler," I whined, slamming my head into Nishi's back as we stood in the lobby.

"This is where the tiny giant played!" Hinata cheered, going starry eyed as he looked around the room.

"Uhm, the tiny giant played in Yoyogi," Kageyama said calmly.
"I'm talking about the atmosphere! That's what matters!" Hinata exclaimed, scolding the setter as a tall player bumped into him.

He stumbled forwards, knocking Nishinoya and I over as we fell too the ground right in front of a girl from Niiyama high.

"Woah, are you three alright?" she asked, extending a hand and helping me up.
"Yea but... HINATA WHAT WAS THAT? DONT YOU KNOW HOW TOO WALK? BAKA!" I exclaimed, punching him in the arm.

"Heyyy! I got knocked over!" he pouted, rubbing his arm.
"Oh, Kanoka! It's been a long time!" Tanaka exclaimed, running over and waving at the girl in front of us.

"Tanaka, you know her?" Nishi gasped, looking between the two as they exchanged pleasantries.
"Yup! She plays for Niiyama girls high school," he explained.

"So, have you been well?" Kanoka asked, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. She was quiet pretty, and I wondered why Tanaka wasn't doing his usual 'freak out and flirt' act.

"Good! It's been so long, since fourth grade right?" he asked as Hinata, Noya and I watched her nod.
"Yea! I see your as...huge...as ever..." he mumbled, trailing off as his eyes darted too her chest.

"Oh my god," I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose as he proceeded to check her out. There's the 'freak out and flirt'.

"Uhm well, let's do our best Ryu!" she exclaimed, quickly darting off into the crowd as Tanaka stared at her with big eyes.

"Hah! Whose the simp now?" Noya snickered, knocking him in the shoulder.
"Sh-shut up! The only girl I love is Kiyoko!" he exclaimed in defence.

"Pssh, say what you want but you were totally checking her out just now!" I teased as his cheeks flushed a deep red.
"I was not!" he scowled.

"Mhm, okay, whatever you sayyy," I sang, flicking him in the forehead when a loud voice caught my attention.

"HEY HEY HEY! Y/N! HINATA!" I looked too the side too see Bokuto standing in the crowd, waving his arms around with Akaashi by his side.

"BOKUTOOOO!" I cheered, running forwards and jumping on him.
"There they are! My lil sis and number one student have finally made it!" he exclaimed, putting me on the ground as I gave Akaashi a tight hug.

"You guys can tell him to stop whenever," Akaashi sighed, shaking his head as Hinata and I looked up at the pair.

"Hey! Listen up! Once the net's between us, I'm not going easy," he declared, glaring down at us with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Oh yea? Hinata here will get passed all of your blocks and I guarantee Tsukki will block you! And even if he doesn't, Nishi will pick up the ball no problem!" I exclaimed, pointing around the room at the various members.

"Oh yea, where is that boyfriend of yours anyway?" he asked, looking around the room as my cheeks heated up.
"W-what? How'd you know?" I asked, stunned.

"Well for one, Tanaka's been keeping all of us updated. And if you want something too stay a secret, maybe you shouldn't tell Yukie. She can't keep a secret too save her life," Bokuto snickered as I crossed my arms.

"Hmph, baldy and Yukie are soooo gonna get it," I huffed, glaring at the ground as something else caught Bokuto's attention.

"Hey! Tsukki! Tsukki! Tsukki?" he called, waving his arms at the dinosaur which tramped through the lobby.

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