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"You three are hopeless," miss groaned as she personally escorted us back to the class.
"Hey, Tanaka's sister tells him the same thing!" Noya exclaimed as Tanaka rammed his shoulder into him.
"Aw man I miss Seiko! Tell her I wanna see her," I whined as miss perked up.

"Seiko? Seiko Tanaka is your sister? Now why does that not surprise me," she asked, almost sounding excited for once.
"How do you know Seiko?" Noya asked, raising an eyebrow as we reached the second year floor with our class trailing behind.
"I taught her. She's the most, how should I put this, chaotic student I've had aside from you three," miss sighed.

"Aw no way! Big sis had you before us? That's awesome!" I exclaimed as we were led into the class and miss rolled her eyes.
"Awesome for you but torture for me," she mumbled as we took our seats at the back of the class.

"Aw, she loves us," I sighed as I kicked my chair back and put my legs up.
"I think your definition, and her definition of love are different," Noya sighed as he leaned his head on his desk.
"Well let's see," I muttered, standing up and placing my hands on the desk, "EXCUSE ME MISSSS!"

"What is it?" she groaned, turning away from the chalkboard and looking at us.
"Do you love us?" I asked sweetly as she groaned and placed her hand on her head.
"Whatever will make you stay quiet during my class," she muttered as I smirked and sat down.

"I'm taking that as a yes," I teased, poking Noya with my elbow.
"And I'm taking this as a sign that you two have finally admitted your feelings and realize you're in love," Tanaka sneered as I swatted him with my other hand.

"Would you quit already? If anything ever did happen between us we wouldn't tell you anyways," I scoffed as an offended look crossed his face.
"Why? Am I not good enough for you?" he whined, dramatically wiping fake tears from his face.
"You already know the answer to that," Noya smirked as Tanaka groaned and collapsed on the desk.

"Who wants trail mix?" I announced randomly, pulling the granola bars out of my backpack along with a metal water bottle since I already got bored.
"Do you know what trail mix is? Because that certainly isn't it," Tanaka teased as I rolled my eyes and placed the bars in a line up.

"It's not trail mix YET," I declared, slamming the water bottle on the desk and crushing up the bars as the entire class turned and looked at me.
"HAHAH SHE'S GONE CRAZY!" Noya snickered as I continued to bash the granola bars until a shadow appeared above my desk.

"Hi miss, do you want some trail mix?" I asked happily, picking up one of the bars and opening it to reveal the crushed up granola.
"I'm gonna pass. Please just keep it down," she huffed as I shrugged and started to eat some of the nuts.

"Oh and for the record, I have not gone crazy," I grumbled, throwing a bar at Noya's head.
"Psh, I know a lie when I hear one," Tanaka snickered as I threw a bar at his head as well.

~Time skip because I feel like it~

"GOOD AFTERNOON VOLLEYBALL NERDS!" I yelled as I skipped into the gym followed closely by Tanaka and Noya.
"You just entered the gym and I'm already annoyed with you," Tsukishima sighed as he put on his sports glasses.
"Tsukki, I think that's the nicest insult I've ever heard," I sniffed sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey Y/N- oh? What happened to your knee?" Yachi asked as she pointed to the piece of gauze which had blood soaking through it.
"It was Hinatas fault!" I exclaimed, pointing to the ginger who was about to toss up a serve.

"How is it my fault you fell off your scooter?" he asked, offended.
"Hey! I didn't fall! I dove, gracefully!" I shot back.
"Yea and uh, how'd that work out for you?" Tanaka snickered.
"Well I won, didn't it?" I huffed, taking a seat next to Yachi.

"You sure are full of energy, aren't you?" she laughed as Tanaka and Noya put their shoes and knee pads on before joining the rest of the team.
"Meh, I don't even have that much energy right now," I sighed, leaning against the wall as the boys started to warm up.

"So you mean you've got more chaotic since we were young? Wow," Yachi sighed as I pulled a granola bar out of my bag and smirked.
"Trail mix?"
"That's a granola bar."
"Yea, for now," I declared, raising my water bottle just to have it snatched by Noya.

"Nuh uh. You did this all class I can't listen to it anymore," he teased as I reached up for the bottle.
"Stopppp, I'm hungry," I whined.
"Then eat the granola bar as it is!" he exclaimed through laughs as I clung to his legs and pleaded like a puppy dog.

"Shouldn't you be practicing?" I groaned, finally giving in and opening the granola bar.
"They're doing serves. Libero don't serve so no, I shouldn't be practicing," he teased, finally giving me my water back.
"Then go receive the serves or something," I said through a full mouth, pointing to the court.

"Fine, then you're coming with me," he instructed, grabbing my arm and tossing the granola bar on my bag.
"Oiiii, let your master go," I instructed as he dragged me onto one side of the court in front of Hinata, Daichi, Ennoshita, Asahi, and Narita.
"Nope. Since you claim to be so good at flying receives you're going to try them," he told me, squatting down in ready position.

"Nuh uh, I'm only good at the diving part," I told him, dodging a ball which whizzed past my head.
"It's not that hard. Just put your arms together like this and keep your platform steady. Use your legs to guide the ball once it makes contact," he instructed, demonstrating the skill in slow motion before Tanaka aimed a serve right at us.

"AHH! BALDY YOU IDIOT MEAT HEAD!" I screamed as Noya rushed in front of me, easily receiving the ball.
"I WOULD SAY MY BAD BUT I TOTALLY AIMED THAT ONE!" he yelled back as I sent him a glare.
"Alright, Tsukki's serving, try to receive it," he told me, grabbing my waist and shoving me in front of him as Tsukishima tossed the ball.

It came flying over the net, and I took a quick step forwards which allowed the ball to bounce off my wrists as I moved. I watched as it flew up in the air and landed just in front of the net.
"Was that it?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck as I turned around to see a shocked Noya behind me.
"That was almost perfect! Are you sure you haven't played volleyball before?" he asked, shocked at my apparent skills.

"Never," I said sternly.
"Geez, you're about to take my spot as libero," he sighed happily.
"Meh, I'd probably forget what I was doing and run into someone," I snickered, walking off the court as he rolled his eyes and continued to practice his receiving.

God damn you, cute idiot.

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