Only If You Give Me My Sweater!✔︎

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"And with that, I take my leave," I announced quickly, grabbing Noyas hand and sprinting out of the room, away from the commotion and embarrassment.

I didn't even realize that I continued to hold onto his hand as we ran down the halls, not having a destination, just running. Eventually we came to an exit in the building, and ran out of it, welcoming us to a massive, lush, green hill.

I held his hand as we sprinted up to the top, the cool morning air blowing past us and his warm hand squeezing mine gently.

"Oh, s-sorry," I mumbled finally noticing our intertwined fingers once we reached the top.

"Heh, don't worry about it," he smiled back, gently rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled back, taking note of his usually spiked hair which was beginning to fall down. Ngl, he looked damn good.

"Oi shorty, you should wear your hair down more often," I told him, reaching up to ruffle his hair gently.

"Yea yea, we'll see," he mumbled, knocking my hand away and running his fingers through it.

I smirked and laid down in the grass, feeling it's cool temperature against my burning skin as I looked up at the clouds. They danced across the sky in smooth patterns, twirling around in intricate shapes and designs.

"That one looks like Ukais headband," I laughed, pointing up at one.

"And that one looks like Daichi when he's mad!" Noya added, pointing to another cloud with darker shades.

"Oh no, you're actually right!" I gasped, looking over at him as I laughed.

His brown eyes stared into mine, that usual cheesy smile plastered over his face as we laid there.

If ANY of the other guys could see us right now, we'd never hear the end of it.

I returned my attention to the sky, listening to my breathing which was finally calming down after the excitement of the past half hour.

It grew quiet between Noya and I, but it was a comfortable quiet.

We simply laid there, enjoying each others presence as the sun slowly continued to rise into the sky.

We stayed quiet for a a long time until Noya finally asked the one question I'd hoped he wouldn't .

"Y/N, we aren't falling for eachother? Are we?"

"I don't think so. That is of course, if you're not already attached."

He let out a small chuckle and lifted his legs into the air, allowing them to dangle there for a moment before I followed suit.

"You're feet are so small," he laughed, scooting closer to me so our feet were next to each other in the air.

"Maybe your feet are just big," I scoffed lowering my feet as he rolled his ankles around.

"They shouldn't be much bigger then yours. I'm only a few inches taller then you," he laughed as I elbowed him in the ribs, watching with glee as he winced and rubbed his side.

"Alright shorty, let's not get carried away now," I teased, slowly sitting up, my h/c hair falling in my face.

He laughed and sat up as I shook my hair back, gazing at me before he FINALLY noticed.

"Is that my sweater?" he asked, looking from my torso to my face.

"No," I mumbled, stuffing my hands in the sleeves as I looked up at him.

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