The Superior Second Year✔︎

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The sun reached through the gap in my curtains, rudely awakening me from my slumber.

"Y/N! Get up, you'll be late!" my oh so lovely mother yelled from downstairs. Instead of answering, I simply groaned in return, lifting my head and glaring at the rays of sun.

"Rude," I muttered, rolling over and toppling off the side of my bed. "You're kidding."  I picked my body up and groggily wandered into the washroom.

I did my morning routine per usual; brushed my teeth and h/c hair, washed my face and then proceeded to put on my school uniform.

Today was my first day attending a new school; Karasuno High. I'd just moved from Tokyo with my Mother, so this was a big change for me. Not that I cared too much, but I would miss my friends from Fukurodani Academy.

I looked at the uniform which hung on the back of my door and groaned. Although it wasn't the worst uniform in the world, I knew I'd be uncomfortable. It had white button up and a pale brown sweater vest with a dark blue skirt. Then to top it all off, it had a MASSIVE. MAROON. BOW.

What is this? Barbie life in a dream house?

I groaned and put the uniform on, not bothering with the bow and simply shoving it into my wine coloured backpack instead. If I got in trouble, I'd simply put it on. Or not 😏🤏🏼.

"Morning Madre," I called as I thundered down the stairs and galavanted into the kitchen, being greeted by a plate of bacon and pancakes. My eyes lit up with stars as I dashed over to the plate and immediately began stuffing my face.


"Honestly, you eat more then any teenage boy I've ever met," she groaned, smacking the back of my head as I glared back at her.

"It's FOOD! Why wouldn't I?" I asked, my words being muffled by the combination of bacon and pancakes in my mouth. She simply rolled her eyes and left the room.

"You know you love me😌 " I thought as she left.

Soon after I finished eating, I stuffed ten bucks into my pocket from the 'Y/N's money' jar. This was a jar which held ALL my money. Whether it was from chores, birthdays, holidays or whatever, it was in there. My mother said this was so she knew what I was spending it on, but let's be real. She also knows I'm to stupid to be able to get my hands on anything illegal.

"BYE MOTHER!" I screeched as I slung my bag over my shoulders and slipped a pair of white airforces over my stocking feet.

"GOOD RIDDANCE!" she yelled back as I stuck my tongue out at the camera in our front hallway.

As I stepped out onto our porch, I looked up the road to see a young boy wearing a similar uniform to mine wizzing past on his bike. He had bright orange hair and appeared to be fairly small, no taller then 5'5. Not that I'm one to judge.

"HEY! GINGER! WAIT UP!" I yelled at him as I sped down the front steps and grabbed my electric scooter from the front lawn. (gotta ride in style👊🏻) The boy stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey?" he asked quizzically as I sped towards him.
"Do you go to Karasuno?" I asked as I matched his distance and stopped next to him.

"Yea! I'm a first year. Shoyo Hinata!" he exclaimed, raising one fist into the air.
"Sick, I'm Y/N L/N, second year. But you can call me her highness," I announced proudly.

"A second year?! Cool!" he gasped starry eyed, ignoring my comment about obviously being royalty.

"Eh I guess. Anyways, could you show me the way? I'm new there and don't exactly know what I'm supposed to be doing," I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head.

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