You Are Crazy, We're Just Hyper ✔︎

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how can I help you

where are you ?

I'm in gym 2
with Tanaka, Hinata and Kageyama

so the team room is empty?

I think so
For once four eyes didn't go back to the room

oh no reason
just getting Tanaka back for last night;)

oh boy
this should be good

"Alright, he said the room is clear," I announced to Yukie as we ducked out of the managers room.

"Aw man he's gonna freak!" she exclaimed as we ran down the hall to the Karasuno room, pausing and slowly opening the door to make sure no one was there.

"Well maybe he shouldn't have locked me in a classroom last night," I exclaimed as we dashed into the room, looking through the bags until we found Tanaka's.

"Oh come on, I know you enjoyed that," Yukie smirked as I rolled my eyes and pulled the bag of fake spiders out of Noyas hoodie pocket.

No way he's taking this one back.

"For your information sleeping on the floor for two nights in a row without a mattress can get quiet uncomfortable," I huffed, placing the spiders in each of the pockets of the bag, and stuffing the largest one on top of his t-shirt.

"Oh but you weren't sleeping on the floor, you were cozied up to Noya both times," she snickered as I threw one of the spiders at her.

"Well, well, sounds like someone's a little bit jealous, no?" I scoffed, standing and crossing my arms as she flicked the spider into Tanaka's bag.

"Oh yes, I'm so jealous of your ability to hide your true feelings for a boy whose obviously crazy about you," she cooed in a mocking tone.

"I'm not hiding my feelings! Not that I uh, have any," I exclaimed, leading her towards the door and back into the hall.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say. You'll realize it eventually," she taunted, patting me on the back and racing down the hall towards the gyms.

"HEY, where are you going so quickly?" I demanded, taking off after her.

"Oh, no where," she called back, zipping out an exit into the school yard and beelining it towards gym 2.

"HEY, NUH UH GET YOUR JUICY ASS BACK HERE!" I screamed as she started to cackle like a crazy person.

"Nope! I'll pass!" she yelled, leaping into the gym as everyone stopped and stared at her.

"NOT SO FAST!" I yelled, diving towards her and grabbing her ankle so she tumbled down onto the floor in a fit of laughter.

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