Ah, Young Love✔︎

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~Third Person~

It was 11:30 at night and almost all of the players at Shinzen high school were asleep. That is, except for 6 teens who were currently plotting their escape.

It started off with the two best friends from Karasuno, who somehow managed to claw their way out of their team room without waking anyone up.

How they did that well, we'll never know.

Next was the captains of Fukurodani and Nekoma, who weren't questioned when they suddenly got up and left their rooms.

And finally, the two girls who were huddled inside the manager room, snickering at each other as they stuffed their pockets with nerf bullets.

Y/N had brought a couple of nerf guns in her 'necessities' bag, along with a load of bullets so the girls were stalking up.

They planned on ambushing the boys once they arrived at the gym, each with one large gun hand.

"Let's go," Y/N whispered, just barely loud enough for Yukie to hear as the girls crept over to the door.

"They won't know what hit them," Yukie agreed as they pried the door open and slipped out into the hall.

Meanwhile in the gym, four boys stood around, waiting for the two girls to arrive, unaware of the events too come.

"Oi shorty, where's your girlfriend?" Kuroo teased as Noya glared up at him with crossed arms.

"She is not my girlfriend, and if I knew where she was I'd tell you," he huffed back as Bokuto let out a loud laugh.

"Aw man, you two are made for eachother!" he gasped as Tanaka joined in on the teasing.

"They've got a point man, I see the way you look at her," he exclaimed through laughs.

"Aw what's it to you? Why do you care so much about Y/N and I anyway?" Noya asked angrily, glaring down his best friend.

"Because Noya, if you have Y/N then I get Kiyoko to myself," he said smugly, grinning stupidly at the other three.

"Hah, yea right as if I'd let you have Kiyoko you dumb ass," Noya retorted, smirking at the bald kid in front of him.

"You're both idiots, no way a girl of that status would ever go for either of you," Kuroo chimed in from his placed resting below a basketball net.

"Haha, rooster heads right, although it is awfully entertaining to watch you both chase after her like little children," Bokuto chimed in.

As the boys continued to bicker, the two girls had made their way the gym and were now waiting outside of it, listening in on the boys conversation.

"All four of them are nerds," Yukie mumbled with a laugh as she watched Noya leap onto Tanaka and start pummelling him.

"Oh boy, you got that right," Y/N sighed in agreement, loading her gun and cocking it back.

"Well, you ready?" Yukie asked, a wild grin spread across her face.

"You know it."

"AHHHHH!" the girls yelled in unison, charging into the gym and rapid firing at the boys who were startled out of the conversation.

"Ah what the hell-"

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" Bokuto screeched, interrupting Tanaka mid sentence.

"AND WHERE'D YOU GET THOSE THINGS?" Noya demanded as Y/N locked onto his cowering body.

"I BROUGHT THEM IDIOT!" she chanted, shooting at his back as he tried to run from her.

"WIFEY COME HELP ME GET BOKUTO HE WON'T STOP MOVING!" Yukie shrieked as she chased the two toned hair boy throughout the gym.

"I GOT IT!" she yelled back, turning away from the
libero and rapid firing at the ace, hitting him a couple times.

"OW STOPPPPP!" he whined, hiding behind Kuroo for protection.

"No, you are not using me a shield you sneaky son of a bitch," Kuroo exclaimed, dodging the bullets which were flying towards his face.

"SOMEONE STOP THE TINY TOWERS OF TERROR!" Tanaka exclaimed as the girls gave up on Bokuto, and began firing at him as the others broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Tanaka, I thought you were supposed to be the tough one!" Noya teased as Tanaka dipped between the two girls and charged at him.

"I AM! Y/N IS SCARY ENOUGH BY HERSELF BUT NOW SHE HAS A GUN AND AN ALLY!" he shrieked sliding on the ground to dodge the bullets.

"You're still running from two girls who are shorter then you!" Kuroo exclaimed as the girls stopped above Tanaka and shot at him as he rolled over in pain.

"FEEL THE WRATH OF OUR POWE- AHHH!" Y/N screamed as she was suddenly lifted off the ground by a certain 5'2 libero.

"HEY PAWS OFF!" Yukie yelled as she too was lifted up by Bokuto.

"Kuroo, get the guns!" Bokuto yelled as Kuroo gave his signature smirk and wandered over to the two girls.

"Nooo, we haven't even gotten to Kuroo yet," Y/N whined as she kicked her legs around.

"Exactly," Kuroo said slyly as he pried the nerf guns from the girls hands and put them on top of a set of folded up bleachers so that the girls couldn't reach.

"You're no fun," Y/N whined as she let her body go limp, leaning her head into Nishinoyas.

"Aw, look at the happy couple," Tanaka coed as Yukie freed herself from Bokutos grasp, and laid on the floor as she caught her breath.

"Uh look at the happy couple," Y/N mocked as Noya spun her around in circles.

"OIII PUT ME DOWN SHORTY!" she exclaimed as the others burst out laughing.

"Oh the suspense is killing me!" Bokuto exclaimed as he crossed his arms.

"What suspense?" Noya asked as he finally put the girl down, and she fell over from the dizziness.

"The suspense between you two, just admit you're in love with each other so we can move on," he sighed as the girl frowned and dug into her pocket, pulling out a single shot nerf gun and aiming it at his head.

"Ah, no no," Noya exclaimed, noting the toy pistol and swiping it from her as she lined up her shot.

"Heyyyy, give it back," she whined.

"Nope. You lost your nerf privileges," he told her, smirking as she crossed her small legs and arms.

"Meh, I have more where those came from," she grumbled as the boy rolled his eyes and shot the bullet at her chest.

"HAHAHAH NO WAY SHE LETS YOU GET AWAY WITH THAT!" Tanaka exclaimed, still rolling around on the floor.

"YEA SICK EM!" Yukie encouraged as the girl jumped at the boy, wrapping her arms around his legs and making him topple over.

"Ah, young love."


"Ah, young love," Kuroo sighed as I held onto Noyas legs, reaching up with one hand to reclaim my pistol.

"Give it here nurdette," I yelled as he held the nerf gun over his head, just out of my reach.

"No chance tiny," he smirked back, Tanaka still rolling on the ground with laughter behind us.

"Oh nuh uh, giving nicknames is MY job!" I yelled, letting go of his legs and running past him, snatching the gun and stuffing a foam bullet in it.

"Uh oh, she's got you know shorty," Kuroo laughed as he stood next to Bokuto, the two tallest in the room amused by the scuffle of the smallest.

"No, please, I beg for your merc-"

I shot him in the face.

"Oh okay, I see how it is," he huffed, grabbing the bullet I shot at him and sticking it in his pocket.

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