A Hoe Never Gets Cold

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It was FINALLY the last day of the camp which Hinata had forced me into. Thankfully, we were ending the day with another practice match against Shiritorizawa, so I got too see best friend Tendou!!!

"TENDOUUUU!" I exclaimed as he boy waltzed into the gym, immediately waving at me as he spotted my small figure.

"Y/N! Hey!" he cheered, giving me a fist bump as some of the other players laughed and walked past us, lining up for the pep talk with the coaches.

Anabarbra explained something about one of Shiritorizawa's coaches being sick (unfortunately not the sack of flesh💔) and how all the players should do their best.

However, I was too distracted trying too bend one paper clip in a '69' so I didn't really know what was going on until it started.

Per usual, Hinata was stalking around the gym trying too observe the players as I rested my arms against the scoreboard. I only payed attention when points were scored, and kinda dozed off until I heard something STARTLING.

HINATA was currently questioning Ushiwaka.

"Can I ask you a question?" he exclaimed, standing below the tall chia pet.
"Hinatas...talking to Ushiwaka?" onion head gasped as a bunch of the boys watched the interaction.

"He sure has guts," thing one sighed, mopping the court between sets.
"Uh, I'm just gonna go make sure he doesn't get squashed," I stammered, running over and slinging my arm over his shoulder as Tendou waved too me.

"When you're receiving the ball, what do you think?" Hinata asked calmly as I paused, titling my head.
"USHIJIMA!" Goshiki suddenly exclaimed as he appeared behind Hinata and I, hands at his sides.

"Goshiki bro, you almost burst my ear drums!" I exclaimed, taking my hand off Hinata's shoulder and going too stand next too Tendou.

"That little squirt sure knows how to take initiative, huh?" Tendou asked as he eyed Hinata.
"Pssh, more like he doesn't know when to quit," I snickered as Hinata and Goshiki continued to harass Ushiwaka.

~Time Skip, brought to you by Shirabous haircut~

"I played volleyball all week and now I have to go again tomorrow?" Tsukki sighed as he, Hinata and I exited the building.

"What are you saying? The spring tournament is soon!" Hinata exclaimed as he turned around and glared at the dino.
"Yea! How the hell are you going to complain about Kageyama if you don't practice?" I snickered as he rolled his eyes at us.

"Resting is part of our training. Do you two not know that?" he asked as Kogane burst out of the building, cellphone in hand.

"HEYYY! Tsukki! Let's swap numbers!" he exclaimed, holding out his phone. "Goshiki, I need yours too!"

"Fine," Goshiki sighed as Kogane got each of their numbers.
"You two were the only ones I'd missed! I'll text you so make sure too save my number!" Kogane cheered, saving their contacts.

"Uh, hey," someone sighed from behind Hinata and I, and we turned too see onion head looking down on us.
"Oh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked away.

"Uh, never mind," he sighed, walking away as Hinata and I looked too each other before taking off after him.
"What the?" Hinata asked as he stopped, hesitating before speaking again.

"Is Kageyama doing okay?" he asked, nearly startling Hinata and I.
"Uhm yea, when we aren't doing exams," Hinata thought out loud as I nodded my head.

"Why do you care?" I asked as Kindaichi let out a long sigh.
"It seems like he's changed," Kindaichi explained as Kunimi walked up behind us.

"You worry too much. You did your best, didn't you?" he asked, seeming to get under Kindaichi's skin with that question.

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