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"YUKIEEEEE!" I yelled as I went sliding across the gym towards her.

"Y/NNNNN!" she screamed back.

I nearly slid into her but managed to stop myself, bowing dramatically before her as I stuck my arm.

"Would thou do me thee honour, of having this dance?" I asked in a posh accent, raising my eyebrows and smirking at her.

"It would be my honour," she exclaimed, returning the accent and taking my hand as we ran over to the back corner of the gym next to the Karasuno bench.

"Ooo, I have the perfect song," I squealed as I pulled my phone out and began to blast the music.

"Oh no," I heard Kageyama mumble as the team looked over at us, and I sent a glare his way.

"Do you remember the dance?" Yukie asked excitedly as the unmistakable tune of 'Shut up and Dance' played out of my phone speakers.

"Of course," I said with a wink as we lined up next to each other.

"Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said your holding back, she said shut up! and dance with me," we started singing along to the lyrics, tapping our feet to the beat.

When Yukie and I were second years in middle school, we made a dance to this song for the school talent show. We didn't win which I think is an absolute travesty but it eez what it eez.

"This woman is my destiny, she said oooooo! Shut up and dance with me," we continued to sing as the first verse came on.

From here we clapped, two at a time as we leaned our bodies left and right until the words started up again.

We then began to skip around together until the words 'chemical, physical, kryptonite' played.

For those words we posed, and when they sang kryptonite, we brought our arms to our chest one at a time and pushed them out on the last syllable.

"Wait a second, why are they actually decent," Tanaka laughed as I sent him a glare and continued on with our dance.

Next we stood in a line, me in the front and Yukie in the back. We then dipped to the sides, pumping our arms on the beat as the chorus started to arrive.

On the words 'bound to get together' we did a cute little shimmy on each side before going back into the chorus.

We simply mimicked what the words said, Yukie taking my hand and me putting a shocked expression on my face.

We then skipped forwards and held our hands to our mouths as we pretended to sing. After this we simply jumped around in freestyle until the chorus was over, doing a dramatic pose to signal that our performance was over.

The boys were silent for a moment until none other then the tiny ginger erupted in applause, stars in his eyes as Yukie and I collapsed on the floor.

"Woahhhh! Teach me! Teach me!" he exclaimed as Noya, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Suga, Asahi and even Daichi erupted in applause.

"I'm terribly sorry ginger but that dance is reserved for the elite of the elite," I told him, smirking as Yukie helped me up and paused the music.

"But that means I can learn, right?" Noya asked, pointing his thumb to his chest and smiling.

"Oh I don't know shorty, I think you have a little ways to go before you reach that status," I told him, ruffling his hair.

"Aw come on, you're not going to help your boyfriend?" Tanaka asked, a sleazy look on his face.

"Do you want to have your eyes clawed out?" Yukie asked seriously, cocking her head as I flicked Tanaka in his forehead.

"No, teasing people just comes naturally to me."


Lol hey baes hope your all doing spectacular.
This is kinda just a little filler chapter for funsies.
Also there's going to be A LOT of chapters from training camp because I absolutely love those episodes.

Anyways, have a g day mah dudes mwah😗

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