Wake Tanaka! He'll Love This! ✔︎

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~Third Person~

It was early in the morning on the second day of training camp, and most of the players were sitting in the cafeteria eating. Of course this excludes Bokuto, Kuroo, Tanaka, Yukie, Nishinoya and Y/N, who were passed out in the gymnasium.

"Hey, has anyone seen our favourite trio?" Daichi asked, realizing he was missing a few energetic freaks.

"Now that you mention it, I see Nekoma is missing their captain," Asahi added on as he looked over at the Nekoma table.

"Hey, has anyone seen Bokuto or Yukie? We cant find them," Akaashi chimed in as he walked up to the Karasuno table, followed closely by a small, blonde setter.

"I might have an idea where they are," Kenma scowled as he held up his phone to reveal the text messages from last night.

"And, that explains everything," Tsukki muttered as members of the Karasuno, Nekoma and Fukurodani teams made there way to gym 3 in search of their lost players.

Sprawled around the gym, surrounded by nerf bullets and a white penny board were the group of six who were being searched for.

With her waist and legs on a bench, and upper body on the floor, Yukie laid still fast asleep with Bokuto sprawled out on his stomach nearby. Against the wall was Kuroo, knocked out with his hair falling over his face and an exhausted Tanaka a few feet away from him.

"Oh my goodness! Look!" Kaori squealed, pointing to the far end of the gym where Nishinoya and Y/N lay next to a massive speaker.

Noya was passed out on the ground with Y/N laying delicately on his chest, their breathing perfectly synced as they slept.

"Someone wake Tanaka! He'll love this!" Hinata exclaimed as everyone cooed at the pair.

"I got it," Ennoshita called, walking over and grabbing Tanaka's ear before yelling, "TANAKA GET UP SOMEONES TRYING TO KISS KIYOKO!"

"W-what? Where? Oh when I get my hands on that dork-"

"Sh," Ennoshita hushed him, covering his mouth and pointing across the gym.

Tanaka let out an excited squeal like that of a a five year old girl before ripping himself free from Ennoshitas grasp and pulling his phone out.

"I called it! Hey four eyes, where's my money?" he called out to Tsukki who was face palming against the wall.

"Shut up. It's to early to bicker with you," the tall blonde shot back as Tanaka continued to snap photos of the pair.

"Hey hey hey, what's everyone doing?" asked a groggy Bokuto who was pulling himself out of a deep slumber.

Akaashi put a finger to his mouth and pointed across the room, focusing Bokutos attention on Y/N and Noya as he went to wake up Yukie.

"LITTLE SIS!" Bokuto exclaimed as he leapt up and dashed towards the group to get a better look, his usually spiky hair falling in his face.

"Shhh, I'm not done taking pictures. Someone put Noyas hand on her waist," Tanaka instructed, receiving a slap to the back of head from an angry Daichi.

"Awww, how precious," Yukie gushed as she peered over Bokutos shoulder, shortly after being joined by Kuroo.

"I knew something had to be happening. Just before I dozed off last night, they were singing some love song together. After it finished, I could hear them running around and giggling, and then it just stopped. I guess all that chaos finally caught up to them," Kuroo explained to the group in a sleepy voice as he leaned an arm on Kenma's shoulder.

"Alright, as adorable as this is, someone should really wake them up," Daichi sighed as Tanaka finished his photo shoot, and stepped back into the group.

"Not it," he exclaimed, touching a finger to his nose.

"Oh no, I got this," Bokuto exclaimed as he stepped forward and reached on top of the folded up bleachers behind them.

"Bokuto I don't think that's a good idea," Akaashi huffed as he pulled down one of the nerf guns which Kuroo had confiscated the night before and shoved a dart into it.

"It'll be fine," Bokuto teased as he loaded the gun and aimed it at the sleeping pair, firing one bullet on each of them.

"Wh-what?" Y/N asked sleepily as she lifted her head and looked around, only realizing what position she was in once her eyes connected with the brown orbs belonging to the small libero.

"Agh!" they yelled in unison, stepping back as a deep red flushed both of their cheeks and the entire gym burst out laughing.

"Aw man, you too should see how red you both are!" Tanaka exclaimed as he knelt down.

"Tanaka! Not funny!" Y/N exclaimed, extremely flustered as she tucked her knees to her chest and looked down.

"Well, well, little sis making moves on the libero!" Bokuto exclaimed as he held the nerf gun and blew over the top of it as if he'd just shot a real gun.

"Oh no, bring it on," she exclaimed, leaping up and grabbing the gun and rapid firing at him as she backed him into a corner.

"Ow, ow! Kuroo, a little help here!" he pleaded as the rooster head watched with glee.

"I'm gonna pass," he snickered as the girl continued to attack the ace until she ran out of bullets.

-Time skip, brought to you by Takeru's cheering section~


"I can't believe this!" I groaned as Noya helped me carry my nerf bullets back to the managers room.

"We're never going to hear the end of this," he muttered as I opened the door and dumped my hand full into my bag of bullets.

"Oh no, do you think Tanaka got pictures?" I gasped as he dumped his armful of bullets into the bag aswell.

"It's Tanaka, he probably had a whole photo shoot before they woke us," he snickered as I punched his arm and pushed him towards the door.

"Well then, if you see baldy tell him I'll have his tongue on a plater," I instructed as I shoved him out of the room and placed my head against the door.

Noya, I think I'm falling for you.

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