Now Or Never Lover Boy

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~Tanaka POV~

"Come on bro! It's only a couple of words!" I teased as I slapped Noyas back who was slumped over on the floor.
"ITS WORDS THAT COULD LITERALLY DECIDE MY FATE!" he retorted as I chuckled and sat down in front of him.

"Oh come onnnn, they'll be down here any minute and I doubt she'll say she loves you back if she sees you in this state," I snickered as he groaned in looked up at me.

"I'm gonna be sick," he murmured as Hinata came wandering over.
"Uh, Noya you don't look so good," Hinata pointed out as he poked at his cheeks.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious Hinata," I exclaimed as Noya swatted his hand away.
"Is something wrong? You do know we won right?" Hinata asked as I smirked and slung my arm around his shoulders.

"Hinata, Noya here is about to confess his love," I said slyly, earning a death glare from Noya.
"You're going to confess to Y/N?" he gasped out loud as I snickered and nodded.

"Don't say it so loud!" Noya exclaimed as he hid his face in his jacket and groaned.

"HEY!" I heard the unmistakable voice of my lovely sister call as she barged into the gym with Takinoue and Shimada following closely behind.

"Now or never lover boy," I teased, pulling Noya off the floor as Seiko engulfed us in a bone crushing hug.

"I am so proud of you dorks!" she exclaimed, bobbing up and down as she squeezed us tighter.
"Seiko...air..." I gasped as she finally set us down and Noya looked around frantically.

"What's up Yuu? You're looking panicked," she asked as he looked down the hall and sighed.
"Uh, wheres Y/N?" he asked, ignoring her question as he turned his attention to the balcony to see if she was still up there.

"Oh, she went too the washroom and Yachi went to get her. They'll be along any minute," she explained as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Speak of the devil," I snickered as Y/N was stubbornly pulled into the gym by Yachi, a nervous look painting Noyas face as he spotted her.


"Oh what a shame it appears my vocal chords have stopped working!" I exclaimed as Yachi dragged me towards the gym.
"Y/N, you literally just spoke," she sighed as I groaned and stubbornly walked into the gym, immediately making eye contact with the man of the hour.

"Noya!" I exclaimed as a smile plastered itself on my face (without my consent😔💔) and I dashed towards him. He didn't even hesitate before running towards me, the nervous look on his face being replaced by a large grin.

"You did so good!" I cheered as he charged into me, grabbing me by my waist and picking me up. He let out a soft laugh as he spun around, almost toppling over from the momentum.

"Heh, thanks," he said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck as he set me down and gazed at me. "But now you have to tell me your secret!"

I felt my cheeks flush with heat and I quickly looked down as I gently punched him in the shoulder.


"Nuh uh! First I wanna know if my cheering was loud enough for you to tell me your secret!" I demanded as he smirked and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Well, I suppose it was alright," he snickered as I jabbed my fingers into his ribs.
"It was magnificent and you know it!" I exclaimed, turning away and crossing my arms.

"Fine, fine, it was great. I'll tell you," he stammered, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the hall.

Okay Y/N, this is what you trained for! Do it!

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