simple and strong?

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I stood outside the Sendai city gymnasium along side the Karasuno high volleyball team. Today is the first day of the tournament which decides it all, and we're going against a team who ranked fourth at prelims.


I stood between Noya and Tanaka, loooing down the line of boys and seeing Hinata staring confidently at the building. Suddenly, he let out a loud scream and started charging towards the building followed by an eager Kageyama

"Not fair you got a head start!" Kageyama yelled as I laughed and shook my head.
"Those two knuckleheads only have the brain capacity for one thought at a time, don't they?" Tadashi asked as we watched the chaos erupt in front of us.
"Simpletons," Tsukki sighed.
"Jack asses," I added, getting a snicker out of Noya and Tanaka as Hinata crashed into a tall boy wearing a yellow tracksuit.

Hinata almost seemed to freeze in his tracks as the boy turned around, revealing his unfortunate dye job and tongue piercing.
"Hello cutie pie, you forgot to give me your number the other day!" he called out, waving to Kiyoko as Tanaka and I got a fiery look in our eyes.

"BACK OFF OUR GODDESS OF A MANAGER!" I screamed, running towards him with Tanaka as Daichi lunged out in an attempt to stop us.
"No, stop it!" a girls voice exclaimed as the boy was pushed aside, stopping Tanaka and I in our tracks.

"I'm really sorry," the brunette girl said sweetly, bowing before us as she shooed the team off.
"Uh- it's okay? Just control tongue piercing over there," I grumbled, crossing my arms as she stood and nodded.

"See you around, Karasuno," the guy huffed, turning and waving as the rest of the team caught up to us.
"They were one of the semifinalists from the preliminaries," Kageyama sighed as we watched the team enter the building.

"This goes without saying but, they were all good enough to make it here," Hinata sighed, sounding almost worried which I wasn't expecting based on his actions from just a moment ago.
"Oi, ginger! Why do you sound worried? I bet you guys can take on any team here!" I said confidently, knocking him in the shoulder as we entered the building.

~Time skip, brought to you by the Nekoma reverse uniform~

Cheers erupted from all over the place as we entered the playing area, each of the boys with a determined look on their faces.
"Everyone is here to do good. But they can't beat us!" an unfortunately familiar voice exclaimed as I looked to my right to see tongue piercing standing on the court.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding," I huffed, sending a glare their way as Johzenji let out a loud cheer and jumped up in the air.

"They chose to receive," Daichi told coach before bowing and joining in on the warm up.
"They seem nervous, especially the third years," I heard Takeda stay as I stood by with Kiyoko and Yachi, each of us in our Karasuno suits.

Nervous? Nuh uh. I don't think so.

"Oi! Are you idiots nervous?" I exclaimed, walking onto the court as they all turned their attention to me.
"Uh, Y/N, what are you doing?" Noya asked as I raised my hands to silence him.

"Because you shouldn't be. Are you really going to stand here and get intimidated by someone with banana hair and a tongue piercing?" I asked, getting a laugh out of Hinata and Tanaka.
"Yea yea I know this tournament decides it all but if you guys can't face the opponent right here then how do you ever expect to get to nationals?" I asked as Daichi let out a laugh and smiled at me.

"I agree. Although it might not have been delivered in the best way, she has a point. If we get too focused on what's ahead, we'll get stumped by our next challenger. Let's give it our all!" he exclaimed as a smile appeared on my face and all the boys started yelling in agreement.

"You sure do have a strange way of inspiring people kid," Ukai sighed as we watched the boys finish warm up.
"Not exactly. She's just like Bokuto," Takeda pointed out as I thought of my idiot owl. "She's got the spirit and moral to boost the energy of anyone around her. That's part of the reason why I wanted her as a manager."

"Thank you sir!" I exclaimed, saluting to with a smile on my face before Yachi and I ran off to go to the viewing area.

"Thank you for the game!" the boys yelled as the starting whistle blew, and Yachi and I stood above on the viewing platform. The boys gathered in a huddle as the Johzenji cheering section erupted in applause, catching the attention of anyone and everyone in the gym.

"Ugh, the cheering section is almost as annoying as tongue piercing," I groaned as we watched the boys do their cheer and walk onto the court.
"Then we'll just have to cheer louder," Takinoue, one of Ukais friends said as Yachi let out a cheer.

I nodded and looked to the court, watching as Asahi sent a strong serve over the net which Johzenji appeared to have trouble receiving. Their libero then ran in, passing the pall high up, but in the back of the court.

"Chance ball!" our boys yelled as tongue piercing ran to the back of the court, jumping up and somehow managing a spike from behind the service line.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I gasped as the ball landed in our court, the boys too astonished to react.

The next serve went up, this time from Johzenji which Asahi easily received. It went up to Kageyama, who set Tanaka, spiking it down right into a Johzenji receiver. It went flying into the net, somehow being picked up by a guy who was probably more fit for soccer then volleyball based on his reactions.

Once again, the boys were astounded to see a player run up and spike the ball down onto our side, just barely within the end line.

"They're insane!" I gasped as Takinoue shook his head.
"Ain't that the truth," he sighed as Johzenji served it right into the net, and their team immediately started ruffing up the server, earning a warning from the ref.

Next was Tsukki up to serve, which meant Hinata was finally in the front row. Maybe now we could catch a break.

Johzenji easily received the serve, going right into a quick attack which we weren't able to pick up again.

What is happening? This isn't the same Karasuno from training camp.

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