Where Did You Get An Oikawa Plush?

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It was quiet, to say the least. After thanking the fans and the other team, and collecting the boys things we headed back to the court teams could gather in before and after their games.

The third years were standing around talking, yelling at the first and second years who were falling asleep as they stood there.

Tanaka was lazily rested against a wall, an apple sauce pouch hanging out his mouth and his shirt half on. Tsukkishima had fallen asleep in the midst of putting...two jackets on? Kageyama was also bobbing in and out of consciousness, his eyes glazed over from exhaustion.

Hinata was the only one not about to sleep for twelve hours, sitting wide awake as he stared at his wrists which were still slightly red from his excellent receives.

Nishi on the other hand was completely knocked out, his sweatshirt in his arms as he slept on a small wooden bench. I too lay against the bench with my body seated on the floor and my head laying over his waist.

"Nishinoya! Y/N! Don't fall asleep there!" Suga warned, laughing slightly at us.

"Hush now," I mumbled, waving a finger at him and shutting my eyes tighter. After that they simply let us be, going off to talk about whatever. I felt Nishi move slightly, rolling over on his side and removing my pillow.

"Excuse me! I was using that!" I exclaimed, titling my head back and pointing at his back with my thumb.

"Too bad, my elbows hurt," he mumbled, eyes still shut as he rubbed his arms which had large imprints left on them from the wooden bench.

"Well then I'm gonna go exploring," I teased, sticking my tongue out as he mumbled for me too come back. I skipped over to where Daichi and Suga were sitting, giving them a huge, fake smile before I asked my question.

"Hi guys! I just wanna say I'm sooooo proud of you fo-"

"What do you want?" Daichi sighed, raising an eyebrow as he interrupted me mid sentence.

"Can I go find Fukurodani and see if they won their match?" I asked quickly, touching the pads of my pointer fingers together.

"I suppose. But don't get in the way of the game, don't cause ANY trouble and come back in no more then a half hour! Once coach is done talking with some people we're leaving," Daichi instructed.

"Yes sir!" I exclaimed, saluting and spinning on my heels, skipping towards the main bit of the stadium.

I wandered around for about five minutes, passing random stands and shops until I found the main arenas. Two new teams were warming up on the court we had just used, and the two courts next to ours already had games in progress. The final court game was about to end, when I spotted Fukurodani. They were at match point.

I eagerly ran down the stairs, stopping once I was underneath the bleachers and watching with pure joy as Bokuto got the final kill for their team.

Fukurodani exploded with celebration as the whistle blew before going too thank the other team and fans. The second they had finished, I hopped over the barrier things intended too keep people out...maybe they wanna rethink those.

"BOKUTOOOO!" I screamed, charging across the court too where he, Akaashi, Yukie, Konoha and Komi were gathered. (Komi is the libero for Fukurodani you uncultured ducks)

"Y/NNNN!" him and Yukie exclaimed at the sound of my voice, whirling around and racing each other towards me.

"Gagh...can't breath..." I gasped as Bokuto picked me up and his mammoth arms, holding me out of Yukies reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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