Teen Romance Movies Dont Have Xylophones And Toasters!

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I really only started writing this as something fun to do while my city was in lockdown due to covid but I'm having so much fun with it now! Anyways, enjoy dis chapter😗✌🏼
~Third Person~

"Oh, hello Hinata!" Y/N's mother exclaimed as she opened the door too see the small ginger standing on the front step.
"Hi Miss L/N! Is Y/N ready?" he asked, bowing too the woman.

"Oh, ready for what?" she asked, knowing well that her daughter wasn't awake at the hour of 10:30 on a weekend morning.

"Didn't she say? We have a practice at 11!" he exclaimed as the mother's eyes widened, and she let him into the house.
"I'm afraid not. Wait here, I'll go wake them," she sighed as the boy cocked his head, wondering what she meant by 'them',


"Y/N! Nishinoya! Are you awake?" my mom called, awakening us from our slumber.
"No!" I called back, hearing Noya laugh as he rolled over too face me.

"Hinatas here! You bozos have a practice in a half hour!" she exclaimed as both our eyes widened. With all the fun we were having last night, the thought had completely slipped both of our minds.

Thankfully, Noya had his stuff with him since we'd come too my house directly from practice yesterday.
"WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE US, THE FUCK?" I gasped as we both jumped out of bed, hair messy and voices still sleepy.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU HAD PRACTICE, THE FUCK?" she shot back as Noya snickered, grabbing his practice clothes from his bag.
"Pssh, I don't remember shit," I exclaimed, hearing her sigh and walk away.

"Okay, you go change in the bathroom, I'll change here. Meet downstairs in 5," I instructed as we saluted to each other, and I watched him run out of my room.

I shut the door behind him, grabbing a plain, white tee (hey Delilah who?) and my team sweatpants and throwing them on. I quickly ran a brush through my messy hair, slipping an elastic onto my wrist in case it got in my way.

I then ran down to the bathroom in my moms room, quickly brushing my teeth and washing my face before grabbing my phone and backpack and heading downstairs.

"HI GINGER!" I exclaimed, seeing Hinata seated at my dining room table yet again.
"HI Y/N!" he called back as I grabbed three eggos from the freezer and shoved them in my prized toaster😏🤏🏼

"Morning Hinata!" Noya called as he thundered down the stairs, barging into the kitchen and tossing his bag next too mine.
"O-oh, hey Noya! What are you doing here?" ginger asked, cocking his head.

"I spent the night," he explained simply, running a hand through his now spiked hair as Hinatas eyes widened.
"You spent the night?" Hinata gasped as I smirked and nodded.

"So you can understand basic english! I'm impressed," I teased as the waffles popped out of the toaster, and I handed one too each of the boys.
"Of course I can understand basic english! I just didn't know he was spending the night!" Hinata scoffed in an offended tone as I bit into my waffle.

"I'm tired, I'm going back too sleep," Noya yawned as he sat down at the table, resting his head down.
"Pssh, we probably got 7 hours of sleep, you'll be fiiiine," I taunted, flicking his head as he creased his brow and opened one eye.

"Exactly! Nishinoya's need approximately 10 hours of sleep minimum too function properly," he exclaimed as I rolled my eyes.
"Oh yea? Then how come you send me tiktoks at 1am on school nights?" I asked slyly as he pouted and closed his eyes.

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