THATS Ushiwaka?

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The entire gym went silent as the ball tumbled to the ground, rolling and stopping about fifteen feet away from Seijohs captain. Hinata slowly rose, looking down at his palm before making a fist and letting out a loud howl of a cheer as Aoba Johsai fell to the floor in defeat.

"YES GINGER! THEY DID IT! THEY ACTUALLY DID IT!" I screamed as Seiko held Yachi and I in a bone crushing hug.
"THEY WONNNN!" Yachi shrieked as Hinata was showered with applause and dragged to the end line to thank Seijoh for the game.

"See! I told you guys they'd be fine!" I exclaimed, punching Shimada in the shoulder as the boys thanked each other and the refs
"Hey, I never said I doubted you," he said in defence, rubbing his shoulder.

"Hey! Fantastic job everyone!" Takinoue cheered as the boys walked in front of the viewing platform and thanked us all for coming.

"Oi! Shorty! Why didn't you say you were decent at this sport?" I teased as Noya looked up at me and smiled, and gentle blush crossing his cheeks.
"I did tell you, you just don't listen," he teased as the boys gathered in the middle of the court in a hug.

I smiled as he waved to me before he and Hinata ran over and jumped on the group hug, making the entire team fall to the ground in a sort of dog pile.

"Aw man! Let's go down and join them!" Seiko exclaimed as she grabbed Yachi and I and took off towards the stairs.
"Wait, wait, wait!" I exclaimed as the two stopped a few stairs down, "I have to slide."

I quickly motioned for them to go to the bottom as I put one leg onto the railing and slid down, landing perfectly on my feet as the teams laughter could be heard down the hall.

"Nice one kid!" Seiko said happily as she patted my head and Shimada and Takinoue rushed down the stairs with us.

"Hurry up! You old people are slow!" I teased, running around the corner before I could be told off and spotting the team.

"HEY! YOU GUYS ARE TOTAL BAD ASSES!" big sis screamed as she and I took off towards Tanaka and Noya.

"NOYAAA!" I cheered as I sprinted towards him, jumping into his arms as he picked me up and swung me around, nearly toppling over.
"Hey! I think you're more excited about this then I am!" he teased as he set me down and I looked up at him.

"Oh excuse me for being proud of my shawty," I said sternly, ruffling his hair as Seiko put Tanaka in a head lock and dug her fist into his skull.
"Dial it back! It's embarrassing to have you as my biggest fan," Tanaka grumbled as she finally let him go.

"Tanaka! Appreciate your sisters support!" I exclaimed, smacking the back of his head before turning back to Noya.

"Aw man, I think you cheered louder then anyone else in the entire building," he snickered as I crossed my arms and smiled a cheesy smile.
"What, do you honestly expect me to be quiet? ME?" I asked as he rolled his eyes and swung his arm around my shoulder.

"Ew, you smell like boy," I gagged.
"That's not my problem," he sighed as I tried to remove myself from his sweaty grasp, but failed miserably.
"Yeah cause you are the problem," I grumbled as he led me off to the side.

"Yea but I'm your problem," he said slyly, finally letting me go once we were a little ways away from all the commotion.
"Pssh, whatever you sayyy," I sang back as he smiled and fiddled with his hands.

"Hey, would you wanna go out and celebrate the win with me?" he asked after a moment.
"Well, I suppose I could spare some time for a simple peasant like you," I sighed dramatically as he rolled his eyes.
"So that's a yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a yarse actually," I teased, jabbing him in the ribs.
"A yarse?"

~Time skip, brought to you by Tendou Satori~

"Get to the gym! Meeting starts in two minutes," Ukai instructed as the sleepy team trudged off the bus.
"Does he actually think we can walk ALLLLL the way to the gym in two minutes?" I grumbled as I pulled my hood up and tightened the strings.

"Unlike you, everyone else here can actually walk fifty feet without complaining," Noya teased as a group of third year girls came running up.

"Hey! They're back!" the middle one cheered as she stopped in front of Daichi.
"Congratulations on the win guys!" they all said happily.
"How did you guys hear about that?" Daichi asked as the front girl tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"There was a school wide broadcast!" the girl said cheerily as she pointed to the school windows where people we're beginning to gather, leaning out the windows and cheering.

"Oh wow, looks like you have some fans," I snickered as a group of girls waved to Noya who for once, didn't look very impressed.
"Meh, I had you there," he said plainly, giving the girls a nod before turning to me. As his eyes met mine I felt my cheeks flush with heat, and I quickly looked down so he couldn't see.

"Oh! The news report should be starting soon!"


"So, shortys gonna be on the news," I teased as the team sat in front of the TV, waiting for the broadcast to start.
"Well of course I am!" he said happily as I rolled my eyes and leaned against his leg.

"Today at the Sendai city gymnasium, the quarterfinal and semifinal matches for high school volleyball were held," the news reporter began as the entire group quickly quieted down.
"This tournament decides which team will represent Miagy at the springs nationals!" she continued as footage from the boys game flashed up on the screen.

"In the first match, Karasuno high defeated the powerhouse Aoba Johsai and advanced to the finals. This upset shook things up as Seijoh was heavily favoured this time round," the reporter explained as they zoomed in on the boy's victory.

"Hey Tanaka why does it look like you're about to bite into a massive cheeseburger?" I asked, peering at the screen as everyone burst out laughing. He had his hands in fists at his sides and his mouth was open extremely wide as he cheered.

"Oh shut it, I was probably hungry," he grumbled as I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Take your own advice," I retorted.
"It was a very strong team lead by captain Tooru Oikawa. It's a shame we won't see them in the finals," a second reported sighed as they showed footage of Seijoh after the game.

"Jeez they could show us a bit more, we won after all," Tanaka grumbled as he narrowed his eyes at the screen.
"No kidding," Hinata added.
"No fair! Why are they only showing Seijoh?" Noya whined as I leaned my head back and looked up at him.

"It's cause you're ugly," I teased as he sent me a playful glare and flicked my forehead.
"Sorry guys, we gotta win a few more to get the headliner," Daichi sighed as the announcer moved onto the second semifinal match.

"The favoured team, Shiratorizawa, also advanced to the finals," the announcer said cheerily as Ukai narrowed his eyes at the screen.
"Okay, now here comes the big head liner," he sighed as a tall boy with green hair appeared on screen.

"They are undefeated and hold consecutive wins through out this tournament. They were led by their captain, Wakatoshi Ushijima who was recently chosen to be on the national 19 and under team! They took the match in straight sets and cruised to a safe victory," the news lady reported as I sat forwards and narrowed my eyes.

"THATS Ushiwaka? Why does he have moss on his head?" I asked seriously as everyone burst into laughter again.
"Aw man, she's gonna have a feild day with him once she sees Ushiwaka in person!" Tanaka gasped as he clutched his stomach and pretended to wipe a tear.

"Well I have to keep myself entertained somehow. You all know my attention span is shorter then Tanaka's hair."

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