Chapter 67: Hayden

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Fri. 2/20/09 • 5:04 P.M. PST
About a week later...

"So you really think they're just going to accept him, huh?" Evelyn asks as I finish applying my Velvet Teddy lipstick at my vanity. "You haven't even told them you're not with Tyler, and you're going to do it while introducing them to your new guy? When they're expecting Ty at the party? I don't know, Jena. It sounds pretty stupid to me."

I didn't ask her opinion, but Evelyn has been following me around all day spewing it. I expected her to be upset that I invited Russell to Harper's birthday party when I could use the opportunity to introduce her, but that's not even what her constant bickering has been about. It's like she just wants to talk to talk, to complain about any and everything. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's hopped up on something! I've been trying to keep my patience with her today, but I will admit that it is running pretty thin at this point. I've got a lot on my mind...

It's 5 P.M., Harper's party starts at 8, and Russell hasn't even messaged me. I usually wake up to a text, if not a call from him every morning- but today? Nothing. I know it seems silly, but this is a really big deal for me! Russell knows that, and hasn't even made it a point to let me know he'll still be there...

"They don't have to accept him, Evelyn; He's not their boyfriend. He's mine," I snap as soon as I've applied a perfect line on my lips. I put the cap back on before tossing it back with my ever growing collection of MAC lipsticks and then turn to her. "-and it doesn't matter if it seems stupid to you; You have no idea how things work around here. Harlee stuck around Ty for almost a year before they broke the news that they were done, and Ty already had another chick pregnant by then. That's a lot worse than this, thanks."

The words come out of my mouth, but I feel anything but convinced right now. Maybe I really am moving too fast? Not because of how my family will react, but because we have two hours until the party, and Russell seems to have cold feet...

Maybe he's just busy with work, I silently tell myself as I leave my bathroom and make my way to my walk in closet. He did say that'd he'd have to shift some things around...

"Well, let's hope Russ is better than your last few choices in guys then!" Evelyn suddenly exclaims after a moment, a joking tone in her voice though her words definitely don't match that vibe. "You've had a man who damned near beat you to death, a forbidden bitch boy, and a spoiled slutty rockstar... I may not know how things work around here, Jena, but I know the men you go for- just like everybody else probably does. They won't just accept him, you know. Any man you bring home is bound to be-"

I've heard enough; I'm not going to just sit around and listen to her talk shit about me as if she knows anything about my life! I inturrupt her, shooting her a dirty look before I drop the outfit I'd picked out to turn to her. "Can you seriously just shut up?" I hiss, furrowing my brows at her. I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight to one leg before continuing. "Look, I'm sorry I don't want to introduce you into Hayden's life yet, okay? I have my reasons! That doesn't mean you need to constantly disrespect me in my own house! I'm still doing you a favor, despite how you feel about it, and frankly? I've felt nothing but unappreciated!" 

Evelyn narrows her eyes at me, her face indicating that she has something to say, but her lips remaining sealed for the moment. 

I don't mean to keep her cooped up like this, I really don't! I just can't afford to introduce her to my family knowing how unpredictable and erratic her behavior has been lately! When I invited her out here I wanted her to try to get on her feet with me, but she doesn't seem to want that and nothing I say can change that. I can't introduce someone like her to the Golds... they already have a hard time trusting that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing! What am I supposed to do with her now though? Ship her back to PA? Throw her out like garbage? 

I couldn't do that to her... 

Maybe I could just set her up in a place a couple towns over? Visit her every week or so to keep her in line, but do my own thing without really having to make her a part of Hayden's life? 

I wouldn't hate that... I mean, it's not only helping her get on her feet, it's kind of putting her on them...

"Sorry," Evelyn suddenly says, her voice emotionless and forced as she breaks the silence left between us. It's a very insincere apology, but she doesn't allow me to say anything about it before continuing, her voice growing slightly urgent. "I appreciate you letting me babysit your mansion. Are you going to bring Russell back with you after the party, at least?" 

I should call her out on her less than half-assed attempt at an apology, but I can't help but linger on the latter part of her statement. Why is she concerned about whether or not I'm bring Russell over all of the sudden?

"What?" I ask in confusion, my brows furrowing as I cock my head to the side. "You hate Russell... why should you be worried about whether or not he's coming over? Especially enough to ask like that! At least? What the hell is that about?"

My mind is instantly swarming with conspiracies about Evelyn and Russell. Are they... are they hooking up behind my back? Could either of them really do that?! There's no way! No way.

Evelyn must realize where my mind went, because her eyes immediately widen as she offers a frantic explanation. "Do you think- what? No! No no no! Oh my god!" she exclaims, her arms waving between us as she tries to explain. "You've just been spending a lot of time at his house is all! I- I get bored! And your house if fucking creepy alone at night! God! You really think I'd-"

She cuts herself off, shaking her head in disbelief as she waits for me to respond. I search for any hint of deception in her face and words, but thankfully come up with nothing; I knew it wasn't possible. 

There is no way Russell could go behind my back to hook up with her. 

"-Plus," Evelyn adds on after a second, shrugging her shoulder once she sees my demeanor relax. "He's kind of growing on me anyway. I mean... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Isn't that what they say? You're clearly not getting rid of the guy, so..." 

I go to respond to Ev, but a message coming through on my phone is quick to pull my attention from it.

Is it Russ? Texting to apologize for going ghost all day, but telling me he'll meet me at the address I sent him for Mama G's soon? I rush across my room, pushing past Evelyn to grab my phone from my nightstand. 

My heart deflates. It's just Mama G letting me know she'll pick me up in a little over an hour so I can help set up for Harper's party. 

"You okay?" Evelyn asks after a moment, her tone forced but genuinely curious. She must see the disappointment I can't hide from my face as I send a quick reply to Mama Gold. 

I force a smile, tossing my phone on my bed as I nod my head. "Y- yeah," I respond, rushing back to my outfit so I can distract my mind from Russ. "I'm just- I have to get ready, Ev. Could you... could you just give me some space?"

Evelyn narrows her eyes again, but doesn't bother to respond before shuffling out of my room with a huff. 

I didn't have to lie to her; I'm sure she would have loved to hear that Russ isn't responding to me so she could revel in it. She's hated him from the moment she met him, despite what lies she wants to tell now.

I think I did it more for myself though. 

I have to lie to myself for a while so I don't have to face the reality that I am possibly being stood up by a guy I think I sincerely liked...

I don't think Jena or Hayden would handle that well, and I still have to be okay....

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