Chapter 31: Harper

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Tues. 12/30/08 • 8:27 P.M. PST

"We've been trying to call you for hours! Do you understand that mom was literally about to hop on a plane and fly out there if you didn't answer by 10?" I laugh into the phone despite the awkward energy I'm sure will be between us once I let her know why we've all been trying to get ahold of her.

I signal to mom, who stands across the large lower floor of her house in the kitchen, letting her know I finally got a hold of Hayden. She immediately starts to head over to me, but I hold up my finger and mouth the words "let me talk to her first" while half mindedly listening to Hayden's excuse for not answering in... 4 hours despite our numerous calls. Mom rolls her eyes but the food she has on the stove is enough of a distraction for me to get a few minutes in.

"So mom is a little... confused? Miffed?" I whisper into the phone as if mom could hear me from across the house. As a child, I swore this woman had super hearing powers the way she always knew what Harlee and I were up to, so I wouldn't even put it past her. 

Hayden takes a second but eventually clears her throat and responds in a very flat and unimpressed tone. "About the interview?" she asks. I can perfectly imagine the flattened brows she wears on her face right now.

"Mhm. You have to run those things by management, first off, but... McKaiden?" I ask, peeping over the couch's edge to make sure mom still stands at the stove.

She let's out a deep sigh before saying anything else. "It's my daughter, Harper... I can name her what I want," she says, her tone still deflated.

I nod my head though I know damned well she can't see me. It was more for myself anyway- I need a couple seconds to think about what to say next. She's telling the truth... it is her daughter, and she does have that right! 

"She had a name already is the thing though," I say as the thought makes it's way into my mind. "Mom is just like... what the heck, you know? We all are! You named her Madison already. It's been her name for months..."

Hayden sighs deeply again before she finds it in herself to respond. Everything she says sounds like it's such a hassle for her. "I've been away for months, Harper," she says, her tone sour though still flattened and lifeless. "I met her for all of five minutes before they took her from me and I was shoved into the hospital. I finally met her, and... I want her to be McKaiden. That's that."

How could she be in such a sour mood while on such an amazing vacation? Mom went all out for Hayden's gift, I'm not going to lie! This definitely isn't how I imagined this conversation going.

"I don't know..." I say, uncertain of anything else I could say at this point. I was just trying to help out, as I always do, but she clearly isn't interested in sugar coating this one to big ole Mama G. "She wants to talk to you but I mean... it's your kid. She'll... deal with it, I guess. Are you okay though?"

Hayden is silent for longer than I feel she should be given the question. I hear something shift on the other end of the phone before she responds. "Ty just broke up with me," she says, her voice lacking emotion. "I'm okay but like... wow, you know?"


"What happened?" I hiss into the phone, once again peeping over the edge of the couch to make sure mom isn't heading over to me. I'm not prepared for the craziness that will ensue if Hayden is being serious right now. I mean, I know they're "not together" based on Hayden's talk with me about it just a few days ago, but like... is he trying to break off the facade for everyone too? 

Hayden sighs again. "Too much," she groans. "I'm okay about it, like I said, just... wow."

There is something about her demeanor that gives me an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Hayden is no stranger to turning her feelings off if something is bothering her, but I feel like there are some pretty bad consequences to her doing it...

"Are you good for real, Hayden?" I ask, feeling a slight panic rise in my chest as I hear mom shuffling around in the kitchen behind me. "Are you- are you drunk?"

Hayden finally breaks her flat and unimpressed tone to let out a chuckle. I know the answer before she even has to tell me. "A little bit," she says. "Not much."

Ugh, I had a feeling this was going to happen. Mom too. Hopefully Hayden plans on cleaning it up by the time mom comes to grab my phone; If she doesn't find out, she doesn't care- her words! 

"Oh my goodness, please don't do anything crazy Hayden?" I rush to whisper into the phone. "For Mad- McKaiden? Please?"

I'm sure to use the name she requested as to stay on her good side. The last thing we need is Hayden going off the deep end again!

Mom finally rushes into the livingroom, straightening a few of her shelf trinkets before requesting my phone. I hope to God this goes okay... we can't be dealing with all of this craziness only a week into her being home!

"I'm good Harper, for real," she says, her voice returning to its flattened tone. "Oh yeah- I'm bringing my little sister to California for a little while to help her get on her feet. She's going to help with the baby and stuff... don't tell mom."

I have to consciously tell myself not to react to her statement, but my jaw wants to drop to the floor.

How is this happening already?

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