Chapter 69: Hayden

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Fri. 2/20/09 • 7:32 P.M. PST

The brightly lit lights hanging along the rims of Mama G's huge gazeebo are overwhelming tonight. My Naeem Khan Gatsby embellished chiffon mini dress reflects every single light, the metallic fabric sparkling obnoxiously when all I want to do is hide. 

It's 7:30; Harlee should be walking Harper out to this backyard in about a half hour, and I still have yet to hear from Russell. He should have been here by now! 

I take a break from tying metallic silver balloons to the legs of the gazeebo to pull my phone from my purse- still nothing.

Did I do something wrong? Am I really moving too fast trying to introduce him to my family so we can be more "official?" Do I dare to ask myself if he's possibly cheating? 

A million thoughts swarm my mind as I shove my phone back into my purse and finish tying up the balloons. My heart sinks further and further into the pit of my stomach with each question I ask myself; I was so excited about tonight...

Mama G suddenly swarms into the gazeebo with her two assistants scurrying behind her carrying blow horns and streamer poppers. She brushes past the many guests already gathered beneath the bright lights to finish up the last few decoration touches for the party. I force a casual smile on my face knowing she's here; God forbid I am not all smiles on Harper's big day.

"Hayden, you done with the balloons?" She asks though she clearly watches me tying the last three up. She grabs a box from Heidi, her assistant, and rushes over to me. "Help us hand out these horns and streamer poppers to the guests so everybody is prepared when Harper gets here. Have you heard from Harlee yet? What's their ETA?" 

I scramble to grab the box as she shoves it into my arms then turns around to make sure Heidi and Emily are passing some out. She's so scatter brained when she's planning parties because they have to live up to the famous Gold standard ones she's thrown for years. Everything has to be just so, from the lighting and food menu down to the theme and dress requirements for all of the guests. 

"Uhm- she says they're still on schedule," I respond after a second, having to raise my voice over the clamor of all of the guest's excited chatter. We both start handing the horns and streamer poppers to the guests in the gazeebo, kindly smiling and offering quick one armed hugs when the people who haven't said hello yet excitedly greet us. 

"Okay, perfect," Mama G says through a plastered smile, discreetly rolling her eyes when she hugs a friend of Harper's she has secretly hated for years. She shoves a horn in their hand and rushes past them, urging me to do the same. 

When we're finally done handing the party favors out Mama G pulls me outside of the gazeebo to talk. For a moment, I think I'm in trouble and easily grow worried and defensive for whatever it is she caught me in. Once alone though, I'm embraced in a bear hug that quickly extinguishes the worry. "I'm so proud of you Hayden, really, you've been such a dear these past couple of months!" she tells me, her tone sincere and excited. "You're growing up to be a great young woman. I know we've had our spats, but I love you, kid! I really do! Thank you for helping me today; Everything looks great."

Wow. That was... weird

Mama G isn't usually too mushy with anybody other than Harlee, and that's just because Harlee is Mama G's actual baby; I may be the youngest now, but I was adopted and raised into the family with a very strict thumb by Mama G. Considering everything I've done since she's adopted me, we've never really had a moment like this. It must be one of three drinks she allows herself any time she throws a party; I'm sure she's started drinking by now.

Part of me is glowing inside. Aside from the runaway I have unknowingly stowed away in my house, my fluctuating eating habits, and the man I have been secretly seeing behind my family's back... I have been doing a lot better than I previously was out here. I have been clean of anything other than an occasional toke here and there; I've been performing well for work; I've been a good mother to my daughter; and I haven't even been sleeping around! 

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