Chapter 92: Evelyn

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Wed. 3/18/09 • 1:40 A.M. PST

My lungs feel like they've collapsed, my mouth feels as dry as a desert, and my stomach is in my throat. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, but I also know that doing anything could be detrimental. 

Ty walks through Jena's bedroom door holding a crying McKaiden and her carseat, a shadowed figure I automatically recognize following close behind him.


God, please tell me this isn't real... tell me I've died in Jena's bathtub, and this is just hell...

He's going to kill that baby! 

"Your uncle is going to take you home once Hayden gets here," Ty says matter of factly, making his way to the love seat across the room to soothe the baby. He sets her on his knee, gently bouncing her as Dane makes his way over to stand beside them. 

"I- I don't stay with my uncle," I say, my mind too twisted to think of anything else. I'm usually good at finding my way out of tight situations but I've had no prep time and Dane has made this extremely smothering. I have no wiggle room!

In one hand, I have Tyler. 

I don't think this guy has ever liked me, but I'm positive that tonight's events has only dug me further into the ground as far as he's concerned. Nothing I do or say will hold any weight with him, leaving me too vulnerable to be a pawn in whatever it is my brother intends to do tonight.

In the other, there's Dane.

I knew he's been up to something these past few months. I cycled through thinking he was trying to sabotage Jena's life as Hayden, to wondering if it was an intricate plan to torture me, but I think deep down I always knew that this was about the baby...

"Well you can't stay here anymore either," Ty says after a few moments, his tone harsh until he remembers my "uncle's" presence beside him. He quickly adds on. "I- I'm sorry, but my daughter lives here. Hayden needs to worry about that, not... not whatever you want to get into."

I'm sure this was all part of Dane's plan; It has to be! Why else would he have given me that first bag of drugs if not to get me hooked? He knew I'd find a way to get more! He told me in New York, before he sent me back to Jena, that he wanted her to trust me enough to leave the baby alone with me. 

This is why; So he could catch me on a bad night and worm his way right to her! Ty now too, since he decided to show up at quite possibly the worst time!

"I'm sorry," I sigh, my mind defeated as soon as I realize how terribly I've fucked up. I played right into Dane's game! Jena trusted me with her baby, and I handed her right over to the man that killed her twin...

Tyler doesn't acknowledge my apology; He doesn't acknowledge me at all anymore. I couldn't save this situation if I tried...

I have to do something though! 

My mind plays out a million scenarios of how this night could turn out in quick succession, none of them ending well for any of us if nobody intercepts whatever Dane has planned. 

I did this.

I've known about Dane all along, and chose to numb myself with whatever drugs I could get my hands on instead of dealing with it. I was stupid! I was selfish! 

I was scared...

"T- Ty?" I clear my throat to say, my mouth dry and voice shakey. Dane turns toward me too, but I try not to let it shake me any further so I can seem nonchalant. "I- I'm really sorry about all of this, really... I'm sorry you feel like you have to sit here and babysit me too..."

Ty still ignores me, focusing his attention on the now sleeping baby instead. I can see how angry he is on his face, but can also tell he's trying to keep himself together in fear of making himself look bad in front of "my uncle."

I see one of Dane's brows subtly raise in suspicion after my words, but force myself to ignore it as I continue. "You should just take the baby and go home, honestly," I blurt before my mind thinks better of it. I'm sure it's going to piss Dane off. This isn't really about Tyler or the baby though; They don't deserve to be here taking the fall for Jena's mistakes! "Jena should be here soon... This is kind of her issue, so..."

I know I probably sound rude, and that is not my intention! It's the only way I can think to save them though; They have to get out of here! I'll figure things out for Jena when that time comes.

Ty finally lifts his eyes to me, a dirty look spread across his face. "And leave you and your uncle alone in Hayden Gold's house?" He says before momentarily turning to direct Dane. "No offense," he adds.

Dane nods his head with a nonchalant smile, but the moment Ty redirects his gaze back to the baby it's a different story. He turns to me and rolls his eyes with a slick smile before flashing his eyes to where he rests his hand in his jacket pocket. I don't even have to follow his gaze to know he's holding a gun pointing at Tyler and the baby beneath the jacket.

"You made this my issue the moment you brought my daughter into it," Ty goes on after a second. 

I did this. And I don't think there is anything I could do to un-do it...

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