Chapter 14: Tyler

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Mon. 12/29/08 • 5:17 P.M. EST

This is exactly why I didn't want to tell Hayden about Gage's new girlfriend, but how am I supposed to say that without pissing her off by accusing her of having feelings for him? We all know she does already, but bringing it up only creates a tense atmosphere that'd honestly only make this trip a hectic one.

I can't have that with her right now. Hayden acts out when things get too hectic; I can't afford for her to go on a fuck spree, or runaway to Pennsylvania to do drugs or something.

Plus, this trip is supposed to be about fixing us. That's not going to happen if I stick a match to old flames and set her off.

"It just didn't cross my mind, Hayd!" I sigh, running my hand through my hair as I tactically step over the eggshells of Hayden's psyche. "I've had a lot going on since you came home! Gage's life updates aren't on the front line of my priorities right now!"

She rolls her eyes. I know she senses that I'm lying, especially considering the fact that she asked me about Gage when he didn't show up for Mama G's Christmas breakfast. I told her he was spending Christmas with our family on the East Coast, when in reality he was still in California with his new girl.

"I fucking asked you about him, Ty!" she screams, throwing her tiny arms down at her sides in frustration before crossing them over her chest. "You don't think that's an important fucking update? It's Gage, Ty! It isn't fucking Zain from East High!"

I was expecting a bad reaction to Hayden finding out that Gage has "moved on" from his school boy crush on her, but this is a little ridiculous. I'm trying to keep it together, planning each step to stratigically avoid any egg shells, but I approach a patch with no open ground. There is no longer any space for me to tread without crunching a few shells.

"Yo, why are you screaming at me about this?!" I snap, my frustrations growing too strong not to show in my voice. "I fucking forgot, okay? It's not that big of a fucking deal! Damn!"

Hayden furrows her brows at me, but finds herself at a loss for words. She huffs, uncrosses her arms, and then makes her way over to the bed where her suitcase lay.

"What are you doing?!" I call after her, the familiar anger of being dismissed by her quick to bubble in my veins.

She rips open her suitcase, rummaging through it before pulling out a small leather vest and matching black skirt. She proceeds to make her way around the bed until she reaches her makeup tote bag before responding to me. "If we're hanging out, I'm getting alcohol," she says, the tone in her voice meant to express that it's not up for debate.

I've crushed too many egg shells by now not to step on a few more to fight her on this though; The girl just got out of fucking rehab!

"I don't think so," I say, my voice stern. I know she's not going to take it seriously, but I'm not budging on this one. We've got a four month old at home, for Pete's sake! And again, she just got out of rehab!

"I didn't ask what you think, now did I?" she hisses, her voice full of snark. "I simply let you know what I intended to do."

I can't help a small smile from cracking across my lips. I know she's giving me attitude, and yes it pisses me the fuck off- but she's fucking adorable when she gets like this. I don't let her know that though.

"And how do you plan on getting said alcohol?" I ask, sure to wipe the small smile from my face by the time her eyes find me. "A simple Google search would let anyone know that Hayden Gold isn't 21. Nobody is going to just hand you alcohol."

Hayden pauses her rummaging through her suitcases to flash me a condescending smile. "I have a way of getting guys to do what I want them to do," she says, her words wrapped in ice. "-And if it's a female I need to convince? Hey, I'd take a whack at it."

I feel the blood rush to my face in anger the moment I process her words. What the fuck am I supposed to say to that?

"What the fuck, Hayden!" I growl as soon as I know that I'm calm enough not to react physically.

She let's out a teasing laugh before scooping up everything she'd picked from her bags and making her way toward the bathroom. "I'm joking Ty, Relax," she giggles, brushing past me with a cocky eye roll. "... about the girl thing. But don't worry! You're the only guy that needs convincing."

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