Chapter 29: Tyler

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Tues. 12/30/08 • 7:21 P.M. EST

The only reason I'm still here is because they'll be news coverage tomorrow night when the ball drops, and I'd hate for Mama G to watch wondering why I wasn't here with Hayden. Mama G has only been tolerating me since Harlee and I broke up and I started dating Hayden. Ever since Madi was born and we split parenting duties while Hayden was away though, she's actually started to like me again. I don't know what the future holds for me and Hayden, but I know that it's still better to be on Mama G's good side if I want to be an active part of my daughter's life.

"I'm sorry Mr. Robson, the reservation for your original room was booked weeks ago!" one of the two women at the front desk to our hotel says. She clicks a few more times on her computer before looking back to me again with sympathetic eyes. "We have no empty rooms until January 1st! I am so sorry for the inconvienice, Mr. Robson!"

I figured that would be the case, but I had to at least try to get another room for the remainder of our stay here in New York. I can't fathom how I'm supposed to stay in the suite with Hayden acting as if nothing happened! She cheated on me last night with my fucking twin brother! Still, I plaster a smile on my face and tell the woman at the front desk that it is no trouble at all.

"Ah, that's alright!" I exclaim, acting as if I'd only asked for shits and giggles. "I love our suite! My girl's friend showed up this morning though- I was just checking in case she planned on staying!" I lie.

The woman looks relieved that I'm not angry; I'm sure she deals with a lot of disgruntled customers working in such a hotspot during this time of year. Everybody who's anybody wants to book a room at the hotel holding a front row seat to the ball drop on New Years! She let's out a shy laugh before going on about how she can let me know if a room does become available.

On the outside, I'm sure it looks like I'm paying attention to her. I stand at the front desk, a smile on my face as I watch her veer off into a story about an "anonymous celebrity" she had a particularly bad encounter with. I can't even focus on a word she says though. My mind, now aware that I do have to go back to the suite with Hayden, is trying to process how I'm supposed to act like nothing happened after what she did last night if her friend is still there.

"-Anyways! Is that all I can help you with today, Mr. Robson?" the woman at the front desk asks after she's finishes her story and I fail to respond. I shake my head, sure to keep the kind smile I've held on my face in place. She goes on to let me know about the different services they have here before the younger woman at the desk rushes over to grab our attention.

"Look!" she rushes over to exclaim before directing our gazes to the large TV that centers the wall in the lobby beside us. "We're on the news again! That's Abby working front desk in the background!"

They have on a news channel covering the Time's Square scene for New Years. When I first turn to face the TV, it's just a bunch of reporters sitting in a room discussing something I can't hear from where I stand. After a second, they flash over to footage of a sidewalk I recognize as being the one right outside of this hotel. Different people shuffle inside while a soft eyed woman stands with a microphone excitedly talking to the camera. I recognize the "Abby" woman in the background that this girl is talking about as the woman who checked us in yesterday; How funny would it be to see Hayden and I shuffling inside? I had no idea that there was any coverage here yesterday!

I turn back to the women at the front desk ready to thank them for their time before forcing myself up to the suite. Right as I go to speak though, the younger woman interjects, her eyes still glued to the screen in excitement before she turns to me.

"You're Tyler Robson from Generation Z, right? Hayden Gold's hubby?" she asks, her eyes indicating that she already knows the answer. She turns back to the other woman with excitement on her face, not even bothering to wait for me to confirm. "That's so funny! Hayden is the girl they're going to interview! They just said it! What are the chances he would be standing here right as it came on?!"

Wow... what are the chances? Hayden didn't tell me she did any interviews yesterday. Mama G actually advised us against it while we're here as not to ruin the "vacation" her Christmas gift was intended to be.

I thank the women at the desk before making my way over to the lobby where the giant TV sits hanging on the wall. I missed a little bit of the interview, but that's definitely Hayden on the screen chatting up the blonde reporter in the lobby of this hotel! Even with this footage having been taken yesterday, before everything happened with her and Gage, it still troubles me having to see her.

"Aw! So cute, so cute!" the reporter is saying to Hayden as I get into earshot. Hayden wears her interview smile as she nods in agreement, her eyes anticipating the next question. The reporter continues without hesitation. "You've been so low-key lately! You haven't even shared the baby's name! It's a girl, right? You think you might share her name with us today?! In Christmas spirit?!"

The reporter is excited. I'm sure any reporter good at their job would be! There's been very little details shared about Madison since she was born. Mama Gold didn't really know how to approach it while Hayden was away, so we just put it off. I'm sure a lot of news sources would pay a ton of money for the privilege of announcing Hayden Gold's daughter's name!

"Hmmm..." Hayden hums, raising her thumb and index finger to her chin to visibly contemplate whether or not she could do it. "I don't know... this whole experience is pretty personal, you know? I haven't decided how or when to announce something like that!"

I release a breath I didn't know I held in at her response. Hayden and I haven't spoke to Mama G about announcing the baby's name yet; I guess I was hoping she wouldn't have announced it without coming to us first.

The reporter looks disappointed but persists with a quick laugh. "You've got to give us something, Hayd! All your fans have been dying to know!" she pleads, jutting out her bottom lip. "Consider it a Christmas gift! for all your fans! For loving and supporting you on your journey to stardom! C'mon Hayd! Do it for your fans!"

Oh God, this woman is relentless! I've always hated when they press too hard. I feel myself grow anxious again as the contemplation returns to Hayden's face.

"... Oh, okay! For my fans?" she exclaims with a small laugh, validating the anxiety forming in my chest as she does. She peeks over her shoulder before continuing. "McKaiden Rose! My baby girl's name is McKaiden Rose."

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