Chapter 74: Harper

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Sat. 3/14/09 • 9:12 P.M. PST

"Do you know if your sister is still doing tummy time with the little bean?" Mom asks as she reaches across the coffee table to grab her phone. "I thought she'd be more mobile by now! Seemed like such an early crawler. You and Harlee? Same thing! It's the tummy time! You got to keep up with it!"

I shrug my shoulders and resist the urge to ask my mother how I would know that. I'm sure she thinks Hayden and I hang out a lot more than we do anymore; That's how we've always been! I should know the answer to her question, I just don't. 

I rarely hang out with Hayden at her place since the Evelyn chick has been hidden out there... She makes me uncomfortable, really. I feel uneasy being around her, and sacrifice my time at Hayden's to avoid it.

I guess that's why Hayden hasn't told me about her little... situation, I can't help but think to myself bitterly. I can't believe that... Hayden and I have always been so close. She tells me everything! 

"I'm sure she does," I answer after a second, pulling out my own phone to pull up my thread with Hayden. 

I hear my mom scoff from across the livingroom where she still sits on the couch. "Well that didn't seem to sure!" she says. "Don't you know? Aren't you checking up on her?"

Hayden hasn't even messaged me other than to plan out when I'll have my shifts with McKaiden. I guess I've been so busy between work and helping her with the baby that I haven't noticed we don't really talk anymore...

"Uhm- yeah! I do!" I mutter halfmindedly after a few moments. My focus is set on drafting out a quick message to Hayden. "I check in here and there..."

Harper: Hey how're things?
You're late? Why not tell me?
I'm still your favorite big sis, 
you know! 

I try to keep it light, and stare at my phone waiting for her to respond. I know she's working in New York these next couple of days but I'm sure she's off by now.

My mom clears her throat, pulling my attention from my phone screen to the scowl she wears on her face as she glares at me. "Here and there?" she asks, her jaw dropped slightly agape. "We did not agree on here and there, miss Harper Catherine! Hayden was discharged from the hospital because we agreed to monitor her! Not leave her to her own devices! What if she-"

Was harboring an attitude filled, ungrateful part of her previous life in her house? 

Underhandedly fired the staff you hired for her section of our house?

Got pregnant again while still trying to juggle life with a 7 month old? 

I have to cut her off to avoid having to lie too seriously about any of those things. Mom is bound to find out about all three of those things one day, and I'm not trying to be caught in a lie when she does.

"You said yourself that she's been doing better than ever!" I exclaim referencing what she'd told me at my surprise birthday party. Apparently mom had a moment with Hayden, telling her how proud she's been lately. I missed the actual moment, but was just as ecstatic to hear about it! Mom and Hayden have had quite a few rough patches. "I still check in on her, don't worry! She's just-"

I rack my mind for something to save myself from having said too much. Why didn't I just tell my mom I've been checking in on her regularly? That I could confirm she still does tummy time with her daughter? 

I think about Ty, and what I overheard him talking to her on the phone about earlier. If she really is pregnant with his child, I think it'd throw us all for a loop. Mom and Harlee have been pretty certain they'd been broken for a couple of months now, especially after Hayden left him out of my birthday celebrations spewing some lame excuses as to why. Hayden told me a while ago that they were "taking a break," she just never told me that the break was over...

"-She's been with Ty a lot! They're new parents!" I blurt, instantly regretting it despite my intentions being in the right spot. "I'm not- I'm not just going to barge in on them all of the time! She's been doing good, I thought that meant we give her some space..."

Mom rolls her eyes. I'm sure it's a reaction to both the mention of Tyler, and my own lame excuse. "Tyler?" she sneers, pulling herself from the couch to fiddle with a picture frame she has above her fire place. "I thought they were ending it; I was so sure!" 

I roll my eyes back at her, thankful she can't see me once I realize what I'm doing. My mom puts up with Tyler because of the baby, but we know she's still rooting for them to separate. Would it do any good for Hayden's image? Maybe, maybe not! But Mom has progressively grown to despise their relationship more and more as the time has passed. She blames him for a lot of her "whoopsies." 

I go to respond to my mom, but she continues before I have a chance. "Regardless, I still need you to check on her Harper," she says. "Tyler has let us down on more than one occasion when it comes to her, and we can't afford his leniency. Understood?" 

I nod my head, glad to be done with the conversation just in time for Hayden to text me back. I quickly unlock my phone and pull it up. 

Hayden: Wtf lol Random...
Hayden: I'm okay, no worries.
Stressed, if anything. You'll
always be my favorite big 
sis, stupid 😋

What? I reread her messages again and again trying to make sense of what I heard earlier. I know what I heard, and that doesn't line up with her response at all! 

She wouldn't lie to me about it, right? 

Maybe she got her period between then and now? It's barely been an hour, but I guess it's possible... 

Did I hear Tyler wrong...? There's no way- his voice was clear as day! 

Maybe she's trying to pull one over on him? Lie to him about a pregnancy to keep him around? I can't put that past her given her track record...

Maybe I should just stay out of it? For now, at least?

She would tell me if she thought she might be pregnant; She knows I'm the only person who'd be able to help her around it with the family! This is clearly something between her and Tyler that she doesn't need me butting my nose into.

I decide to leave it alone. 

Harper: Just making sure!
I know you'd tell me some-
thing like that 😊

Hayden's text bubble bobs up and down for a few moments before disappearing completely, a reply to my last message never having been sent. I'm sure she's busy, but still can't help a part of myself from still growing dejected.

We really have grown apart... How did I let this happen? 

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