Chapter 26: Hayden

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Tues. 12/30/08 • 10:03 A.M. EST

I keep texting Ty, but he refuses to respond to me. I don't blame him if what Gage said went down last night is true, but I really didn't know it wasn't Ty that I slept with last night! That was actually an accident! Before I fell asleep again last night when Ty came back from the lounge, when I still thought it was him I slept with, I felt bad about trying to hook up with Gage! That's why I answered Ty's question so honestly! I thought maybe it would clean the slate...

"They didn't bring anything for Tyler!" Ev exclaims as she lays out all of the food Room Service brought up on the table. She eyeballs it like she hasn't eaten in days. Come to think of it... she looks like she hasn't either. "Maybe they forgot? He can have mine, honestly... I don't have an appetite."

It's hard for me to hear her over all of the clamor going on in my mind, but when I do I'm almost dumbfounded at how quickly I'm able to focus in on her to form a response. "Why did you order anything then?" I ask, furrowing my brows when I turn to face her. "That doesn't make any sense."

Evelyn looks surprised that she could elicit a response from me. She must have caught onto to my detachment since coming out of the bedroom after talking with Ty. "The same reason you did, I guess!" She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "Where did Tyler go anyway? Is he still in the room? What? Do I smell bad or something?"

He must have slipped out while Ev was preoccupied checking the suite out. I don't feel like getting into why he left with Evelyn; She's never been one to bite her tongue when it comes to my ability to fuck everybody over. As much as I deserve that at this point... I can't handle it.

"He had shit to do," I lie, reaching for my phone before throwing myself back on the couch. I don't bother to say anything else. It's none of Ev's business where Ty went, or what he's doing! Ty is a part of Hayden's life, Ev is a part of Jena's... they shouldn't even have met!

"He said that you guy's schedule was free..." she responds hiding skepticism in her voice. She's silent for a moment before she let's out a small sigh. "Look- if you dont want me here or something, just let me know... I didn't mean to intrude on your perfect little life with your perfect little people, okay? You're the one that told me you would take me away from all of this Dane shit when the time was right! Well, the time isn't going to get more right than this, Jena! Excuse me for having a little faith in you..."

Excuse me for having a little faith in you... The words automatically remind me of Ty's from just a little while ago. "I had more faith in you than I should have, I guess..." he told me.

I never asked for any of these people to put any of their faith in me; I barely have any faith in myself!

Instead of getting mad and responding to her, I unlock my phone and seek a distraction. I'm emotionally checked out at this point. Gage has texted me a few more times since he decided to come clean to Ty about what happened. I'm not really interested in talking to him right now; He could have at least gotten my input before he opened his mouth to Ty. A part of me can't help but wonder what he could possibly have to say after doing that to me though. I'm just about to open the thread when Ev let's out a louder sigh.

"You're just going to ignore me?" she asks, stomping over to where I lounge on the couch. She snatches my phone from my hand, shoving it behind her back. "You know, your babies wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for me! I got somebody killed to save you and those kids! You'd think you'd show someone a little fucking appreciation once in a while, Jenalyn!"

My first response is to grow frustrated; One of my biggest pet peeves is people snatching things from me. Especially my phone. I don't have the time to stay frustrated before a cloud of confusion washes over me. Who died? And what did Evelyn have to do with the birth of the babies? I remember very little about the days leading up to the birth of what I thought was just my baby. It was probably a mix of having been drugged out of my mind, and post traumatic stress. The only things I know is what Ty told me about, and none of that involved Evelyn. He told me that "the abusive ex" dropped me and the babies off on a bench, and rushed off. It never made sense to me why Dane would make it a point to get us to a hospital safely if his intentions were still to kill my baby, but it's all I had to go off of. As little sense as it made to me, it was the only thing that made sense at all! Did Evelyn know he was going to kill my baby? Is that what she considered "saving me?"

"I don't even know what happened that day, Ev!" I spit, snatching my phone back from her hands when she offers it back to me with a locked screen. I have so many questions, but I can't bring myself to ask them while she sets my blood at a low boil. "Last thing I remember was you telling me I was getting what I deserved, and selling me out to Dane for your next fix!"

Ev's cheeks grow flushed as she recalls her behavior, but her arms cross over her chest again nonetheless. "I saved you, Jena. I saved you, and those babies!" she yells. "I know signing people's death certificates is just another day in the fucking life for you, but that fucked me up! You fucked me over time and time again, and I still put your life above the life of another! Shit- and myself! Sierra didn't deserve to die, Hayden! But I chose to save you! You don't get to be mad at me for what I did back then anymore! I fucking saved you!"

Sierra is dead? That's enough for my simmering blood to run cold in an instant. It's not that Sierra and I were the best of friends or anything, I just- I thought she was talking about McKaiden when she mentioned someone dying...

So Evelyn doesn't know what happened...?

"What'd you do?" I mumble, furrowing my brows as confusion drowns out my anger again. "What happened to Sierra?"

Evelyn huffs and rolls her eyes as if answering my question is such a task for her. She stares at me for a minute before letting out a resigned sigh and allowing her body to fall down on the couch beside me. "I needed to distract Dane and make sure he didn't go after you and the babies..." she says weakly, trailing off as her mind seemingly gets wrapped up in the turmoil the memories cause. When she continues, she hides a defensive tone in her voice. "I- I knew I had to play on his love for you... and how he reacts whenever he thinks he's lost you for good. I wanted him to think he killed you, but how was I supposed to do that without putting you in actual danger?! I thought I had time to figure it out, but then the babies were coming, and you weren't even functional! Rob had damned near given up, and I- I- I just-"

Tears suddenly stream Ev's face when she turns to me with her eyes wide. Her chest rapidly rises and falls as she starts to hyperventilate. I do the best I can to comfort her, but I can feel my own anxiety attack beginning to form in my chest as I absorb her frantic energy.

"I remembered what I did to you... When I told on you and Rob and Dane almost killed you-" Ev continues after a few moments of trying to catch her breath. She turns to me, her eyes full of hurt and despair. "And- and then I remembered this time Rob and I walked in on Dane and Sierra having sex, and we thought it was you..."

She trails off to catch her breath again, wiping a new stream of tears from her cheeks. Pieces of the puzzle she's laid out in front of me try desperately to connect. It's like I can see where the pieces belong, but I can't get them to fit.

"I just... I staged a scenario where Dane would catch you and Rob having sex because I figured he would kill you on the spot..." she sighs when she goes on. "Only... Sierra was you that time..."

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