Chapter 77: Hayden

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Mon. 3/16/09 • 5:19 P.M. PST

My mind is working overtime trying to process all of the thoughts and emotions running wild through it right now. 

I should have listened to Harper when she told me to head back to my place for a nap, a hot bath, or something soothing to get my mind off of things... She offered to take the baby for a few hours though, and that gave Jena other ideas. 

I can't ignore her anymore... I was doing so well keeping her controlled, and now she holds the tight grip on the reins of our mind. She has control.

I pull onto a long road leading to Ty's house, my breathing unsteady from my overwhelming emotions and the anxiety I always get being behind a wheel. I've had my license for a little while now, but never really drive myself around unless Mama G makes me. I've had a fear of driving since I was a kid, and it all went out the window the moment Jena realized she just had to talk to Ty. 

I'm sure a lot of things went out the door. 

By the time I pull up to his house, I'm practically shaking from all of the emotions I feel. What am I going to say to him? How will I even say it? And what if Sophie is in there with him? Celebrating the great news with more baby making? 

I knock on his door without any hesitation despite having no idea what to do or say when he answers. I can barely even give him the time to make it to his front door before I find myself knocking again, more frantically this time. 

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I hear through the door. 

Apparently, that's a problem you fucking have, Jena silently sneers back. 

The door swings open and I'm ready to explode. I didn't know what I was going to say, or how I was going to say it but Jena doesn't need my thoughts to react. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?! It's been three months, and you've already knocked her up?!" I yell. "I don't even care if you wanted to get back with her, dude, but pregnant?! Are you seri-"

I cut myself off once I take a moment to look at the man standing in the doorway long enough to realize it's not Tyler; It's Gage. He looks both bewildered and concerned, but says nothing once I shut up long enough to allow him to.

"I- I'm sorry..." I stammer, my cheeks growing flush with embarrassment. I haven't seen him in... months. I don't even know why until Jena quickly reminds me. I wish I could push it from my head. "I thought you were- ... yeah. I- is he here? Can I talk to him, please?"

Gage shrugs his shoulders. I can tell by his face he doesn't know how to react to seeing me. I don't blame him

"Uhm- Hayden...?" He sputters, his demeanor uncomfortable despite the time we've spent together in the past. "W- what are you doing here? Ty hasn't been here since- ...Hasn't been here since-"

I don't need him to finish; Jena knows exactly why Tyler hasn't been home with Gage, and can easily assume that he hasn't been since we flew back from New York on New Years. I cut him off before he has to mention it, my anger towards Ty only growing stronger when I question where he has been. 

And where he's been taking my daughter. 

"Do you know where he is?" I ask folding my arms over my chest. 

Gage shrugs his shoulders, his face growing confused as he shakes his head. "I guess not," he says. "I thought he was at your place again.. I- I had no idea."

It doesn't take long for me to put two and two together to get four. That asshole has probably been shacking up with Sophie! More importantly, that asshole has probably been taking my daughter over there too! 

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