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Jenalyn: Disconnected
Book #5

After Dane infiltrated "Hayden's" life giving her no option but to return to Pennsylvania, she found herself stuck in yet another one of Jenalyn's horrible situations.

For weeks, Dane shoved drug after drug and gave beating after beating in an attempt to kill her unborn child. After fighting him for so long, she lost her will to do so anymore, convinced the baby had no shot at survival anyway.

Not everybody was under that belief.

Rob was determined to save her and the child they conceived behind Dane's back; He was determined to get Jena back to California so that she could raise his child as Hayden. Enlisting Evelyn, who was desperate to get back in Jena's good graces after trying to expose her relationship with Rob to Dane, they came up with a plan just in the brink of time.

After unexpectedly giving birth to twins, Hayden is devastated to find that the baby she was expecting didn't make it. Convinced that her baby was murdered by her abusive ex-boyfriend, and resentful toward the baby that made it out alive- she's having a hard time adjusting to her new role as a mother until she disconnects herself from reality.

Disconnecting from reality comes at a price though. Hayden has convinced herself everything is perfect, but behind the scenes? It's a different story.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the series! Feel free to leave your thoughts about what's happening in the story so far in the comments, I love engaging with my readers :)


*This story is for a mature audience. It includes sexual themes/situations, drugs and alcohol use, violence/abuse, strong language, mature subjects, and sensitive situations.*

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