Chapter 95: Tyler

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Wed. 3/18/09 • 2:23 A.M. PST

"Tyler, no!" Hayden yells just as I'm brushing past her lover boy, headed toward the bedroom door. At this point, I just want to get the fuck out of here; Not even want, but need to. My nerves are running wild with a slew of emotions I don't want to fucking deal with right now. 

How could she not only leave our baby home with a junkie, but then show the fuck up with a dude that looks like she pulled him off the streets and threw a suit on him?! 

I turn around with a sigh, rolling my eyes before I go to ask her what she could possibly have to say to me after all of this.

"You're- you're not her father, okay?" she says, interrupting me with a deflated tone in her voice. She quickly follows up. "You're not... I- I wanted to tell you for a while, I just- I didn't know how..." 

... what? 

What the hell is this? Did she really just say what I think she said? Is she really trying to claim that McKaiden isn't mine?

She must've lost her fucking mind!

I shift my weight to the opposite leg, my patience wearing too thin to stand here and listen to her blasphemy any longer. 

She's mad at me, I get it! She doesn't really have to take it there though. That's just dumb.

"You're being stupid, Hayden," I scoff after a moment, unable top stop myself from rolling my eyes once again. How the fuck could she even joke about that? We made not only one, but two beautiful little girls! She can't just write that the fuck off because she's upset! "Don't say shit like that. This is my daughter. We made her."

Hayden looks like she could cry, but pushes past it to continue. 

"It's true..." she mumbles, unable to look me in the eyes as the words fall from her lips. 

I feel like I could be sick. She has to be lying. This is all to get back at me for what happened with Sophie, right? It has to be! 

Before I can try to make any sense of this shit storm she's trying to brew, she continues with her voice heavy. "It's true!" She says again. "I- I used you to cover my ass with Mama G... with the world... I- I got pregnant in Pennsylvania..." 

Used me to cover her ass? We fucked around before we even officially got together! We were in love! 

She- she didn't just use me; She couldn't have...

I can't help from narrowing my eyes at her as I search her face for any ounce of a lie. Nothing comes up... Nothing except the face of a fucking liar, apparently! She can't even look me in the damned face!

"Oh yeah...?" I ask after trying and failing to understand why the hell she would do this right now unless it was to get back at me for Sophie. 

I can't do this. I won't fucking do this right now!

"Is that- Is that so? You just used me?" I ask as I make my way across the room to shove McKaiden's seat back in her hands. She wants the baby so bad she'd fucking do this to me? She can have her! 

Hayden takes the baby with her eyes hurt; Seeing her like that would usually kill me! I can't feel a thing for her right now though... 

Maybe she deserves to hurt as much as she's always so willing to hurt others!

"Goodnight Hayden," I say, using everything in my willpower not to run from this room. I turn around to make my way to her bedroom door, my legs wobbly and stomach churning. "Thanks for... thanks for everything. It's been... it's been a time! Fuck yourself, okay? Go fucking fuck yourself!" 

I can't help the last part. Between the hurt, rage, and confusion, it bubbles effortlessly from my lips. I damn near run down the long stairs outside of Hayden's bedroom, my mind racing all the way up until I get to my truck.

There's no way she's serious, right? This has to just be another one of her sick manipulations! It's so like her to do something like this, so what weight does it actually hold?

Something in the back of my mind can't let go of her words though... Hayden has always had the tendency to sleep around; Is it really that crazy to think Madi and McKaiden really aren't mine...? 

I slam my hand against the steering wheel as I climb into my truck, completely unable to make sense of the information overload happening in my head. Now that her promiscuity has crept into my mind, I can't get it out! 

I need some time to think things through by myself, but still can't bring myself to go back to my house with Gage. Especially not after all of this...  

I start my truck with shaking hands, and pull out of Hayden's driveway with a shattered heart. 

Mindlessly, I head back to Sophie's. 

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