Chapter 19: Tyler

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Mon. 12/29/08 • 11:01 P.M. EST

I tried to flag Hayden a half hour ago but as you could imagine, it didn't go very well. She keeps insisting she's only tipsy, but I've had two less shots than her and I'm fucking drunk right now. There's no way she's only tipsy! She can't even walk a straight line as she makes her way down the hall and into the bedroom to use the master bathroom.

"Yo, brother man!" Gage calls out from across the room where he sit under the weight of his wasted girlfriend. She isn't a drinker, apparently, but Hayden was sure to keep sliding shots her way all night. I don't blame her for passing out; Hayden can be quite difficult to keep up with. Especially when she's upset, and let's just say Jordan's presence tonight has been enough to make her really upset. "Come here real quick!"

I make my way over to him, only slightly stumbling along the way. "Whassup?" I ask, propping myself up on the arm of the couch beside him.

"You should probably cut Hayden off for the night..." he says lowly, attempting a whisper but failing. "She seems like she's had more than enough... I don't want anything crazy to happen; I know how she gets sometimes..."

The part of me intoxicated from the alcohol thanks him for the suggestion and let's him know I was already working on it. The part of me that still manages to think straight doesn't share the same reaction though. It silently wonders who the fuck he thinks he is telling me how to handle her; I know how she gets sometimes... I'm the one that's been around for it.

I go to make my way back to the couch where I sat, but Gage inturrupts me by asking me to help him move Jordan from where she sleeps on his lap. I only do it because I was already over here; At this point, I just want to pass out.

"I don't got another room in this suite," I tell him as I help to lift her limp body from on top of him. He shimmies out from beneath her. "But you guys are welcome to crash on the couch."

He nods his head as he pulls himself to his feet, shaking out the limbs that must have fallen asleep under Jordan's weight. "Fine by me," he says. "You got something I can wear? Jordan must've been dreaming about food or something, because she drooled all the fuck over me." He pulls the bottom of his black shirt out to reveal a wet patch on it that covers a majority of his lower belly. Though he wears an unimpressed look on his face, I can't help but let out a series of laughs as I nod my head.

"Yeah, I got you," I chuckle, turning toward the bedroom where all my clothes still sit packed in my luggage. "Give me a couple minutes though, I have to go check on Hayden. She really went in tonight..."

Gage nods his head understandingly, removing his black t-shirt until he stands there wearing the same wife beater I had beneath my own shirt. We've always dressed similarly, but the fact that we almost wore identical outfits tonight, even down to our undergarments, is almost uncanny.

"I can grab something if you want," he says after a moment, shrugging his shoulders. "Just tell me where your stuff is. I'm about ready to fall out; You know I don't drink anymore, man! We all went too hard, too fast!"

I nod my head, laughing as I lead him to the large bedroom where both Hayden and my suitcases still lay sloppily strewn open on the bed. I tell him to grab a t-shirt before making my way around the small corner in the bedroom to the bathroom.

"You good, Hayd?" I call out through the door, knocking twice before trying the handle. To my surprise, the door swings open to reveal Hayden comfortably seated on the bathroom counter with her eyes glued to her phone. "What're you doing in here?"

Though sloppily, she raises her eyes to mine, a look of confusion on her face until her lips crack a small smile. She practically throws her phone down on the counter beside her before drunkenly crossing her arms over her chest.

She is so drunk.

"I've been expecting you, Mr. Robson-roni," she says, cracking up into a fit of giggles before trying to refocus her drunken eyes on me.

She's so goddamned beautiful, but I can't stand to see her like this after having spent four months in rehab... I gave in today, and I shouldn't have. I may have just opened up a whole gateway for her to fall right back into the very pattern that took our newborn daughter.

I messed up.

"Have you been expecting me, or my brother?" I ask, slightly rolling my eyes as bits and pieces from tonight's hangout session with my brother and his girlfriend seep into my mind. Hayden isn't taking well to Gage's new relationship; I can tell a lot of her decisions tonight have been based around trying to get under his skin for it. If it wasn't for the fact that she was using me as a prop in a scheme to make him jealous or something, I might as well not even have existed tonight. "Because Jordy out there is knocked out cold already; If you want to do whatever it is you've been trying to do all night, I suggest you hop to it."

I regret it after I say it because I'm so used to statements like these leading to arguments between us since Hayden can't fathom why I'd be upset by her unofficial relationship with my twin brother. I don't get the response I expected though; Instead, she responds with a series of laughs before sloppily hopping down from the counter.

"I've been expecting you..." she says as she starts to approach me, cutting herself off before she can say a name. She reaches me with her body wobbly, but straightens herself out to squint her eyes in an attempt to scope out the tattoos on my chest and biceps that differ from Gage's. She adds on after a moment trying to make her uncertainty in who I was seem nonchalant. "-Ty! Tyler! I was expecting you, Ty-ler!"

She let's out a few giggles, her demeanor suddenly cutesy as she tries to cuddle up to me. I don't know if it's because she's that drunk, or if she knows she basically just told me she was expecting my brother to meet her in a secluded bathroom while his girlfriend slept on the couch- but I want no part of it.

"You were expecting Gage," I say as I step away from her attempt at distraction affection. "Why the Hell were you expecting- You know what? I don't even want to know."

Hayden is too drunk to process my words before I turn around on my heel and leave the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. Gage, who still stands at the bed rummaging through my suitcase, wears a look of concern. I don't want to fucking deal with him right now either. He always wanted Hayden, right? Well I give up! He can fucking have her. I can't take anymore of this bullshit!

We're supposed to be working on us during this vacation, not just for ourselves, but for our fucking daughter! Yet, all she wants to focus on is the fact that my brother moved on from his silly little school boy crush on her?

Well, supposedly moved on. How do I know he didn't fucking orchestrate this with her?!

"Merry fucking Christmas, Gage," I sneer as I brush past him to the bedroom door.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

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