Chapter 63: Hayden

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Sat. 2/14/09 • 6:17 P.M. PST

Tonight is going great!

I was nervous about having Russ meet the baby before, but they clicked surprisingly well! She didn't even fuss when I had him hold her for a picture, and she fusses with everybody! 

I think I really like him... 

It's crazy to think about, considering that just a little over a month ago I was creeped out by him. I wasn't even going to give him the time of day! I gave it a shot on an odd whim though, and here we are! We spend most of the free time we have between work together, mostly at my house but occasionally going to his. I think it's safe to say we're in a "relationship." It just felt like the right time to introduce them. 

Just like it feels like the right time to come clean to Mama G about my relationship status with Ty, I can't help but mindlesslessly think to myself. It causes an ache in my chest, but it's easy to push past.

Tyler and I have had less and less contact as the weeks have passed. There is only so long that we can pretend to be together for everybody else's sake. Plus, maybe it's time I start introducing everybody to my new "friend," Russ. I'm sure Reina and my management team could swing it right to the public! 

I mean, how could it go wrong? Russ is a good guy! He'll be good for Hayden. Not only that, but he's been good for Jena! She has never been so content with Hayden's decisions before. And that has wreaked absolute havoc on my life! 

If Jena likes Russell? I can't imagine that anybody wouldn't! 

"So, I have a little surprise for you," I sing to Russ, pulling myself from my thoughts. We make our way towards the kitchen, where my first Valentine gift for him awaits. I pause outside of the large entrance to my kitchen, blocking his view inside until after I continue. "I wanted tonight to be a little special, so... I hired a local celebrity chef to cook for us tonight! It'll be great!" 

I clap my hands together excitedly, allowing him around the corner until the main island of my kitchen can come into view. Chef Tonda and her small team of assistants have a colorful display of fresh fruits and vegetables lining the counter in different bowls, while the pots and pans on the stove billow thick steam. All four women are busy chopping, stiring, blending, and pouring, but take a brief moment to offer a kind smile as we enter.  

"Hey guys!" Chef Tonda smiles as she continues to chop what looks to be fresh cilantro. She finishes, swiftly adding it to a small bowl before removing her gloves and clapping her hands together. "Dinner will be ready soon, but we are preparing a few more appetizers to hold you over until the main course. We set up a few things in the dining room for whenever you are ready!" 

Russell and I thank her, commenting on the fabulous aroma the kitchen is filled with before making our way through the kitchen to the dining room.

"You didn't have to hire a chef, you know," Russell laughs as soon as we are out of earshot. He gives me a quick nudge as we make it to the large table centering my dining room. "Didn't I tell you I went to Culinary School? I've worked in Five Star restaurants, you know... I could cook you up a little something too!" 

I can't help the warm feeling spreading throughout my body as I remember the conversation we had about his culinary experience. That was two weeks ago; The first night we kissed; The first night we made love; The first time in so long where something like this felt right. He made me feel safe, even sexy, while satisfying Jena's wants and needs. And she let him! It was a magical experience for me then, and every single time after. 

For the first time in... forever, I'm not upset with her choice in men.

"You told me," I giggle, nudging him back. 

I have to get the thoughts of sex with him out of my head before I ruin our dinner over it. Chef Tonda already has a huge display of food set up on my dining room table. Different appetizers of all sorts line the center, all plated so beautifully it looks like you shouldn't touch it, let alone eat it. I will shove it all on the floor to clear a spot for us if I let myself think about the sex any longer.

He has become an addiction for me all on his own. I'm careful as I turn myself around to face him and lean against it though. Patience is a virtue.

"I need you to... save your energy for your last gift though, I've been cooking up something real good for you," I say in a tone I know will fluster him. I wrap my arms around his neck and raise my face to his, just millimeters away from his lips just enough to tease him. "-If you get what I'm saying...?"

The smile on his face widens, his brows raising in mock surprise before he presses his body closer to mine. "Oh, really?" he asks, his hands finding the back of my thighs. He gently pushes me further and further up on to the table, using his grip on my thighs to start lifting me. "You uh... you think I could get an appetizer too, Chef Hayd? I been real hungry..." 

I can feel my stomach grow more and more tight with each second that passes. The way he presses his body into mine is intoxicating. I can feel how bad he wants me and contemplate, once again, clearing this table for us. He must be thinking the same thing too, because he has me completely sitting on top of it now, urging me further and further up it so he can wedge himself between my legs. 

I can't take it anymore, I use my grip around his neck to pull his face to mine until our lips are pressed firmly together. It's so easy to grow worked up, our hands roam each other's bodies without regard for the food sitting about a half a foot behind us. Are we really going to do this? Am I really going to allow it? Here? Now? 

Nothing inside of me objects to it, not even the thought of Chef Tonda and her groupies in the kitchen right next door. Not the thought of Evelyn upstairs with the baby. Not even the fact that my dining room has a huge sliding glass door that offers a perfect view inside from Harper's section of the house! 

A loud ring startles us both though. Russ pulls back from me in a quick motion to pull his phone from his pocket, only for his face to fall flat landing on it. 

"Oh God," he sighs, his breathing still heavy as he runs his hands through his hair. His cheeks, flushed with the blood that didn't make it between his legs, drain of color. "Shit. I- I have to take this call. It- it's work. Mind if I run upstairs? I- I left my laptop in my bag, I'm going to need that."

I can't do anything beside nod my head and try to regain the parts of me that were just so quickly lost to the ecstasy. Russell apologizes before rushing out of the room. 

That was terrible timing! 

I take a deep breath to steady my breathing before carefully sliding myself off of the table. A part of me expects to be mad once I gather my thoughts, but the other part has grown all too familiar with the fact that Jena has changed for Russ. Her monster doesn't roar at me when it comes to him... it's silent. 

My stomach, still tight with anticipation, does somersaults once I make it to the ground only to find that Chef Tonda, as well as two of her assistants, are filing into the room holding plates and silverware to set the table. 

That was actually perfect timing, I can't help but laugh to myself as I play off my overly flustered demeanor to them. Thankfully, I think they're oblivious as to what they almost just walked in on. 

Thank Goodness Russell got that call! 

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