Chapter 44: Evelyn

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Wed. 1/07/09 • 8:11 P.M. PST

"Hurry up! They close at 9! We only have 50 minutes!" Harper calls up the curved set of stairs towards Jena's room. She turns to me with a smile I've seen many times in the TV shows and movies she's played in- fake and horribly acted out.

I know she doesn't like me; None of these people do! Jena's baby even fucking hates me, and I might be the sole reason she even exists!

"She's always got to show out for the paps. I mean, we're going to the Best Buy!" Harper still winks, trying to be playful with me.

I only entertain her because I know Jena would have my head if not. As much as I would love to fuck this all up so Jena can kick me out, and I wouldn't have to worry about what to do with Dane's "orders," I know he would find a way to put me right back in the middle of all of this.

Why did Jena ever have to bring me into any of her bullshit...

"She's always had to show out for everything," I say back to her with the same playful tone she tried to fake with me. I'm unable to hide the snark in my voice as it comes out, but I don't think she catches onto it because Jena suddenly comes rushing down the stairs.

"Here Ev, put all this on!" she pants when she makes it to the bottom of the stairs. She thrusts a bunch of things I can't even identify in my hands before turning to Harper and urging her toward the front door. "Come on! Come on! Come on!" she rushes.

I follow behind them, peeling apart the bundle of fabric in my hands to reveal a baggy sweatshirt, huge sunglasses, and an extra large beanie. I don't know why it makes me upset. I know I'm not here on like... super exclusive terms like I used to imagine it, especially now considering the turmoil my brother injected into it and all...

But I didn't think it'd be like this.

"Why do I have to wear all of this?" I ask suddenly, my tone unimpressed as I stop in my tracks and hold it all out in silent disgust. Both girls stop and turn to face me, their mouths dropped slightly agape. "Going out in public together doesn't tell your new mommy about the leech in your house. I could literally just be a friend."

Jena looks speechless for a second, her face showing the shock of my decision to say all of that in front of her new sister. She clears her throat after a moment and turns toward Harper to roll her eyes with a laugh. She turns back to me with the look in her eyes more serious. 

"It's not about that, Ev," she says as if she were speaking to a child. I can tell she's still deep into this "Hayden" bullshit she keeps trying to explain to me. Jena would never talk down to me like this... like she's any better than me. "It's just better not to have the media make a story before I introduce you... believe me, they do that out here! Right, Harp?"

Jena turns to Harper. If I thought the shadow Gold sister looked uncomfortable before? It's got nothing on how uncomfortable she looks now.

Still, she plasters a smile on her face and begins to frantically nod her head. "Y-yeah!" She stammers, trying to cover her terrible acting with laughter before regaining herself. "Don't let the wrong people introduce you to the world. They know nothing about you, you know?"

Jena nods her head, urging me with her eyes to do the same. 

This is complete bullshit. I wish I could tell these fucking assholes about the bullshit it is, but unfortunately I need time to figure out how the fuck I'm supposed to handle this situation with my brother. 

"Whatever..." I mutter, not even bothering to hide it when I roll my eyes. I start to walk towards their cars again, giving the green light for both girls to turn around and go on as if nothing ever happened. 

I should have never went to the hotel to talk to her last week, I was stupid; I wanted a piece what she had! I wanted Hayden! 

Well, If this is Hayden? If Jena is Hayden? I no longer want any of it. The question is, how am I supposed to leave when Dane wants me to play confidante to Jena so he can decide if he wants to kill her baby? How am I supposed to do any of this?!

I can feel myself starting to freak out again. This is all that I can think about, day in and day out since I left that warehouse with Dane. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! 

"This is going to be great, Evy!" Jena says as we all get into the car. Jena sits up front with Harper, while I sit alone in the back. "Do you want to get Mirrors? I've really wanted to see it, I just haven't had a chance!"

I don't care. I don't care, but I can't say it out loud. The only reason I'm here at all is because I don't know what else I could do.

I don't want to entertain the person Jena thinks she is anymore! 

I don't want any of this!

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