Chapter 15: Hayden

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Mon. 12/29/08 • 6:54 P.M. EST

I didn't intend for Jena's voice to be at the forefront of my mind since I got off the phone with Mama Gold and the baby earlier. I didn't even know that her voice could make its way to the front anymore! The doctors at Miermont seemed to have locked her away. 

I guess not. I should have learned by now that she only hides away to trick me into letting my guard down. There's no getting rid of Jena. 

"I'm sorry about earlier, okay?" I sigh after too long of a silence between me and Ty. He's only spoken to me to let me know that Gage and his new girlfriend will be ready around 8, that we're going out to dinner, and to ask if it was okay that we bring them back here to watch a movie or something after. I have personally been okay with the silence; I know that Ty intentionally withheld the information about Gage from me, and can't help from still being mad at him. It's Jena who has a problem with it. Anger and silence between us doesn't benefit her, or anything that she wants to do tonight though. 

Ty nods his head, his passive aggressive way of accepting my apology but staying mad at me. He lays on the bed, his nose buried in his phone without even bothering to make any eye contact with me. 

I know I really pissed him off earlier with my comment about making guys do what I want. I knew I should have just bit my tongue when I felt it coming on, but Jena was already in the back of my mind making comments about how he reminded her of Dane. 

"Tyler!" I whine, making my way across the large room to throw myself down on the bed beside him. "I said I'm sorry, okay? It was a joke! In very poor taste! I don't want this vacation to suck because you're going to stay mad at me for it!" 

He lowers his phone only to shoot me a side glare. "I'm sure this is just the start of your attempt to make me do as you please," he mumbles, an unimpressed tone in his voice. "Not interested." He raises his phone back to his face, attempting to dismiss me.

Jena rolls her eyes, silently sneering something about how he's acting like a baby before raising her arm to lower his phone herself. She looks him right in his eye, demanding his attention. 

"Don't be like this, Ty," she says, her words assertive yet seductive. "This isn't how I want to bring the New Year in! I had... other things in mind for our little vacation..."

Jena takes full control once her intentions escape my lips. She gently pulls his phone from his hands and shoves it on the nightstand behind her before climbing on top of him, her monster making space in my mind. 

"Hayden, I'm not-" he tries to protest, only for me to inturrupt him by leaning down to plant a firm kiss on his neck. 

I wait for him to respond with the gasp I'm so used to hearing anytime I get physical with this man, but nothing. My monster doesn't let it throw me off my game, though. 

"You're going to give me a reason to shower," I whisper in his ear as I brush my lips against his warm lobes. "I want you to get me really... really wet."

I wait for him to grow hard beneath me, rocking my hips just enough to where I can softly grind myself against him... but nothing. I pull myself away from him until I straddle him with my arms crossed over my chest. My eyes narrow at his emotionless glare as blood rushes to my face.

"I'm not doing this with you right now, Hayden," he says, his tone flat. He tries to lift me from on top of him, but I clench my legs tight around him, preventing it. 

"Wow, really?" I ask, unable to hide the embarrassment that hides behind my words. Don't get me wrong, men have definitely tried to hold off on having sex with me for one reason or another- but nobody has straight up denied me before! And even in their attempts to do so, the signs that they absolutely wanted to get with me have always been there!

It throws a wrench into the inner workings of Jena and her monster's gears. 

"Now don't go getting all offended!" Ty quickly exclaims, resting his hands on my upper arms in the same way one would console their little sister. I shake him off, climbing from on top of him and immediately making my way to the bathroom. "How the hell am I supposed to feel right now, Hayden?! What do you want from me?!" he calls after me. 

I slam the bathroom door, unable to feel apologetic when I consider the fact that all other suites above and below us are booked for New Years. 

"I don't want shit from you!" I call out, uncertain to whether or not he can even hear me from the bedroom. "I'm going home, enjoy your fucking vacation!" 

I don't even know why I'm so hurt. Jena is screaming so loud over all of the voices in my mind that I can't seem to focus on anything other than the fact that she's raging out.

The bathroom door swings open just as I pull my phone from my pocket, and Ty storms in with his face full of both confusion and rage. "Do you want a fucking story about our blow out all over the place tomorrow?" He hisses, snatching my phone from my hand and tossing it on the washcloth rose structure on the counter. "Lower your dammed voice! What do you want, Hayden? What can I do? I'm sorry I fucking- I'm sorry about what happened, okay? What do you want? You want me to fuck you? What's going to make you fucking feel better? You're not going home."  

I look up at him from where I sit on the edge of the jacuzzi, my eyes squinted in disgust as I respond to him. "No, screw you!" I spit. "I'm not doing this shit, I'm over it!" 

Ty rolls his eyes but takes a breath to try to steady himself. He crosses his arms over his chest and shifts his weight to the opposite leg. "Y-You want me to get you alcohol?" he asks, reluctance and defeat dripping from his words. "Will that make you fucking feel better? Promise me I can fucking trust you with this, and I'll make it happen. Is that better? You win, you get your way." 

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