Chapter 39: Tyler

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Wed. 12/31/08 • 11:42 P.M. EST

"It'd be a lot better if you would let me to partake in the activities!" Hayden says in response to my asking how she was enjoying her first time partying in NYC for New Year's. "I've been so good all night! Just run down to the room, give me a couple shots in a water bottle, and nobody will even know the difference! I promise you! Come on! It's New Years!"

She has been trying to get me to run down and grab her a few shots for about a half hour now. She insists the amount I left her was only enough for a slight buzz and promised me she wouldn't make it obvious of I grabbed her a few more.

She knows I'm about to cave; I can see it in the smile starting to spread across her lips. It's the same one she always gets when she manages to swindle me into doing her bidding. I don't know why I'm going to cave for her, but I like to think it's for different reasons than before, while we were still together.

"Fine, fine... just give me a second I want to see the rest of this performance!" I tell her, turning my eyes back to the stage in the streets beneath us. A young singer wielding a guitar belts her heart out to some song about partying on weekends.

Hayden jumps with joy beside me, and even goes as far as to wrap her arms tightly around one of mine. It's so strange how easily she is able to forget about what happened with Gage. I know we're putting up our facade for the media and Mama G's potential eyes watching us on national TV though, so I quickly return the affection by moving my arm to wrap it around her.

The singer on the stage finishes up, thanking the crowd for being so amazing and wishing everyone a happy New Year. Hayden starts to excitedly jump again. "Okay! Hurry hurry! T minus 13 until the ball drops!" she exclaims over the sounds of the crowd beneath us roaring. "I'm going to try to video chat Harper really quick to show her our view, meet me right back here!"

I nod my head, maneuvering my way through the small crowd settled on the edge of our rooftop longue. I have to ignore the couple of people trying to get my attention to avoid boring small talk, but I've never been too big on socializing so it's no hair off my chest.

The elevators are empty; It makes sense considering how little time there is until the big event up here. What sane person spending thousands of dollars for this hotel would wait until last minute to make their way to the roof for the ball drop? Nobody, that's who!

Hayden is lucky I love her so much. Despite everything going on between us, I don't think I'd do this shit for anybody else.

I rush out of the elevator once it makes it to our floor, and turn the two corners leading to our suite at the end of the building. Though the shots I've had have me watching my feet as I jog down the hall, I can't help but notice someone standing outside of the door to our suite.

"Can I help you?" I ask from halfway down the hall, slowing my jog to a swift walk as he turns to face me. He's a short guy, slightly underdressed for what he's going for, and in desperate need of a haircut. He looks surprised to see me, but doesn't respond. "Can I help you?" I ask again, this time with a little bass in my voice.

Dude clears his throat before turning to the door, and then back to me. He furrows his brows in confusion and suddenly stumbles toward the door a little. "Uhm... n- no?" he stammers, "I'm just trying to g-get into my room... can I help you?"

His words slur as if he's drunk, but I swear to God he was perfectly fine just a moment ago as I approached him...

"Nice try, asshole. This is my room," I spit, holding my arm out to separate him from my door as I pull my phone out.

The guy fumbles with something in his hand before pulling it to his face- a key card for this hotel. He stumbles backwards as he squints at the card and regains himself to check the number on the outside of our door. "Aw, my apologies dude!" he exclaims after a moment, his jaw dropping in embarrassment before he begins to drunkenly laugh. "I'm on the wrong floor! I'm one beneath you! Sorry man I've had more than enough to drink tonight. My bad."

He begins to stumble down the hallway towards the elevators, laughing and mumbling to himself as he does.

That was... weird. I clench my phone, questioning whether or not I should still call security. The guy had a key card though... it could have been an honest mistake...

I let out a deep breath and turn around, my mind quick to remind me that I only have a few minutes to get Hayden her shots and make it back to the roof in time for the ball drop. Aside from sincerely wanting to spend the start of my New Year with her as "friends," we do have an act to keep up. Hundreds of pictures are going to be snapped during that ball drop, and Mama G, along with the rest of the world, is expecting a Kodak moment between Hayden and I to start a new year of our lives together.

I mindlessly rush through the suite, grabbing everything I need before rushing back to and up the elevators and back to the rooftop longue. Hayden waits exactly where I left her, the task now is just getting through the crowd of people now hooting and hollering between us as the atmosphere begins to change.

"TEN... NINE!" Everybody starts to yell as I finally make my way over to her. She jumps into my arms with a smile as big as the moon tonight and then quickly pulls me to the ledge of the building to point out the dazzling geodesic ball slowly sliding down with the timer.

"SEVEN... SIX!" We yell with the entire world as hopes for the next year and memories from our past swirl in our minds. This feels unreal. In these moments, you really feel one with everybody. The energy is insane! I can tell Hayden feels it too; she glows with excitement.

"FOUR... THREE... TWO... ONE! HAP-PY NEW YEAR!" Everyone roars, the ground seeming to vibrate beneath us. Cannons of confetti blast into the air, fireworks show a great display of lights, every building around us comes to life with vibrant colors! Hayden jumps into my arms again, this time to plant a firm kiss across my lips. The thick blanket of confetti slowly floating to the ground falls on us like colorful snowflakes, sticking to our hair and clothes.

Everything feels so perfect.

I didn't think it would; I couldn't imagine kissing her like this and not feeling like I have to fold on my decision to give us some space. But as the energy of the last year makes room for the fresh batch, I realize that my decision was perfect.

It's a new year, and it's time for a new me.

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