Chapter 45: Hayden

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Wed. 1/07/09 • 8:25 P.M. PST

"We're here!" Harper exclaims as she pulls into a parking spot outside of the closest Best Buy to our house. "Did you know it's just Best Buy?! Not the Best Buy? I've been messing it up this whole time! I don't think I've ever even been here before!" 

I hear Evelyn scoff before opening the back door to Harper's car, but choose to ignore it. I don't know what's going on with her, but I know it's too late as far as my decision to bring her out here goes.

I should have known it wouldn't be all rainbows and butterflies like she let me imagine it to be. Evelyn is Evelyn, and she doesn't fit into Hayden's life the right way. I love Evelyn, and I will do anything I can to help her, but... she's got to help me help her.

I can't do it alone.

I open the passenger door and hop out of the truck, only to press myself back up against the vehicle when a small sports car seemingly comes out of no where to swerve into the spot beside us. 


I wait a few moments for the person to get out of the car so I can give them a piece of my mind, but they continue to just sit behind dark tinted windows. 

"You sure you don't want to just leave me in the car?" Evelyn hops out of the backseat asking, the tone in her voice patronizing. I turn away from the sports car with an eye roll as she continues. "You could leave a window down... and maybe a sign saying 'don't pet the dog.' I mean- you wouldn't want anyone to see your poor, insignificant friend, would you?"

I don't know what I did so bad to have her acting out like this toward me. I mean, yeah she's got to wear a bit of a disguise while we go out, but I'm just taking precautions in case Dane, wherever he is, has eyes on me! Just because he's been MIA for a little while does not mean he isn't watching- Evelyn should know that! 

"Chill out with the attitude, Ev!" I snap in a whisper noticing Harper make her way around the car. She already has her reservations about Ev being around, she doesn't need another reason not to like her.

Not if she wants to stick around, that is. 

"Come on chickadees!" Harper sings as she makes her way over to us.

Evelyn doesn't react, but it's probably better that way. I'm starting to think I was a little in over my head with all of this.

8:25 P.M. PST

Evelyn wanders off the moment the sales representative starts going into details and testimonials about each of the four projectors they have in stock right now. I don't know why I'm still even doing this whole "movie night" thing; She's clearly not interested in doing it at all. 

"I'm going to go checkout the laptops! Let me know when you're done," Harper leans toward me to whisper, signaling past the cameras toward the computer section before scurrying off. 

We're drawing the attention of a few people in the store. Maybe it's a good thing Ev wandered off. Harper said people are usually good when we go shopping, and they usually are, but Best Buy also isn't somewhere you would typically find the Golds shopping.

"If you'd like, I can see if we have any other brands in the back?" The sales representative offers after a couple of moments. I must have zoned out because I still have no idea what the difference between any of these projectors are and I'm sure he did a great job at explaining. 

"Uhm... no, that's okay!" I respond, scanning each projector's display model before continuing. "I'll take... that one!" I smile, pointing to the one with the highest price tag.

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