Chapter 50: Evelyn

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Thurs. 1/08/09 • 1:16 A.M. PST

I had to make my way to the window across my room and down the hall just to be able to see Jena walking her friend back out the the long driveway outside of her house. I'm not usually one for "spying," but this particular guy she's chosen to involve herself with has me especially intrigued...

Why do I get such weird vibes from him?

They don't interact like people who have known eachother. I expect to see something juicy; something I could report to Dane if it came down to saving my own life. What I see is nothing to write home about though- just two people saying their goodbyes before they depart for the night.

Russell leans into Jena, embracing her in a hug before seemingly planting a kiss on the top of her head. He walks off to his vehicle down the way before Jena turns back to the house, the silly smile on her face visible beneath the bright lights of her driveway.

I still can't believe she just... got a new life like this. If the world knew Jena like I did? They would never accept her! I guess that's going to be the point of Dane's whole operation, huh? I'm just helping him try to expose her for who she really is, and the first step must be getting rid of her handler, Tyler Robson. I'm sure Dane assumes he's the only reason things don't seem as hectic with her to the rest of the world. Tyler covers for her a lot.

I make my way back down the hall and toward the balcony that overlooks the livingroom. Jena has just made her way inside, skipping to her maroon sectional sofa before throwing herself down on it.

"That good?" I ask from the balcony, the flat tone in my voice unable to be hidden.

Jena jumps at my sudden voice echoing throughout her livingroom before sitting herself up on her elbows and turning toward me. I make my way down the stairs and to the sofa.

"I had a good time, yes," she says matter of factly, her voice holding a smug tone. "Did you? While you were out there, at least?"

I want to tell her how much I hated it, but that would require coming clean about the fact that Dane just has me here playing sitting duck until he's ready to make a move. How am I supposed to have any fun with a weight like this on my shoulders?

"I did, I just got tired so I had to come in and take a nap," I tell her. "What's the deal with this Russell guy anyway? You hooking up with him or something? Can't rectify your situation with Tyler?"

I know I'm supposed to be rooting against Jena and Tyler, but I can't help myself from asking. I've suspected that Dane tapped my phone the night he plucked me off the streets in New York, but I left it upstairs in my room so we should be okay...

"I mean, I could probably rectify it to be honest..." she says after a few minutes, letting herself fall back into a laying position on her sofa. She mindlessly scans her high ceiling as she continues. "I'm just not sure I want to. Not right now, at least. I need time to like... figure things out with myself. Things just got a little too hectic there for a while, and I needed to slow down for McKaiden's sake, you know?"

I nod my head, falling back onto the sofa with her. "And Russell?" I ask, "How does he fit into any of that? Things are going to be just as hectic with him, you know... That's just how relationships seem to work for you."

I can feel Jena tilt her head to look at me, probably with her eyes narrowed in disbelief that I said that, but I don't even bother to acknowledge it.

"Uhm- thanks, Ev!" she scoffs sarcastically. "For your information, Russell is a friend. And even if anything was to come of our friendship? It'd be different... I can feel it."

Oh God, here she goes with her fairy tales again; Everything is rainbows and butterflies, nothing could ever go wrong because she feels it, all that bullshit...

I don't even know if I could knock her for it though. I mean, her entire life as Hayden right now started as one of her fairy tales, right?

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I scoff with an eyeroll I know she can't see. "You're psychic."

Jena sits herself up to scowl at me, I'm sure. It's confirmed by the tone in her voice when she speaks again. "What is your problem, Ev?" she sneers, the volume of her voice louder than it was a moment ago. "Did I do something wrong, inviting you out here? Because you sure as hell act like it! I'm not holding you hostage, you know! If you don't like the things I do, you're very welcome to leave!"

I wish I could but that goes against Dane's plans. And although at this point, currently burning the only bridge I'll ever have to a better life, I would love to forget everything and die?

I can't let it be at Dane's hands.

I quickly try to cover my ass. "I just think you should be careful," I say after a few moments. "You barely know the guy, and let him inside of your home? Aren't celebrities supposed to like, be cautious about these things?"

Jena falls back onto the couch and shrugs her shoulders. "I can't get to know someone without hanging out with them," she says. "But thanks for the concern."

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