Chapter 91: Tyler

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Wed. 3/18/09 • 1:32 A.M. PST

I pull open the front door expecting Hayden, but a relatively tall guy with an athletic type build stands there with an entertained look on his face.

Who the hell is showing up at Hayden's house at damned near two in the morning? Is she seeing this guy? Is he one of her fuck buddies or something?

"Ah, Tyler... Tyler Ro... Rossum? Rosen?" The guys says, shifting a duffel bag he carries from one arm to the other so he can thrust his hand out toward me. He's got a weird vibe about him, but I can't my finger on what it is. "I definitely wasn't expecting to walk into this! You're some kind of famous, right? In a pop band or something? I heard you're dating that Hayden chick, right? Congrats on the baby, man... she must be a gem."

Again, who the hell is this guy? 

Who the hell just shows up at someone's house at two AM to make small talk like this? I don't return his offer at a handshake, the odd feeling in my belly directing me otherwise as I cross my arms over my chest. 

"Can I help you?" I ask, my brows furrowing at the guy for the mere fact that it's two AM and he's showing up at my girl's house. I mean, how the hell would he even have gotten past the security gates if Hayden hadn't invited him over at one time or another? Is this the elusive guy I've been so worried about her moving on to? A basic booty call, from the looks of it. Of course she wouldn't give those up. 

Guy let's out a quick laugh, playfully smacking himself on the head and rolling his eyes. "My God! My bad, man! I forgot to introduce myself; You're probably over there thinking I'm crazy!" he says, a confident look on his face as he continues. "I'm Rob, Evelyn's uncle? I'm here to pick her up. She's gotten herself into some pretty messed up stuff lately, and I think it's about time she came home."

Oh, that's perfect! I'm sure Hayden would feel some type of way having to kick Evelyn out to the literal streets, so it's good to know she actually has somewhere to go, I guess. The way Hayden made it seem, the girl was homeless and one bad decision away from selling her body to crackheads! 

"Evy told me she was shacking up with some pretty high end people for a while, but I had no idea she meant like this!" Rob says after just a couple of seconds in silence. He let's out a quick laugh, running his hand through his hair before adding. "I feel kind of bad I have to take her home! I bet she's going to put up a hell of a big stink about it, but... I'm sure she's overstayed her welcome at this point, right? She's got a way with that. Is she here? Or did she already make her escape?"

I'm not sure what to say to the guy. He's just thrown out so much information I don't even know where to start! I clear my throat and say the only thing I can think of. "Uhm- y- yeah," I say, my mind clouded but still clear enough to know getting rid of Evelyn is priority number one. She put my daughter's life in danger today! "She- She's upstairs. You'll uhm... I guess you'll have to wait for my girl to get home though, to take Ev. It's her house, so..."

Rob laughs again. He's got a very cocky vibe about about him but I don't let it bother me because it at least explains where Evelyn got it from. I'll never have to see them again after tonight, so let's just get through this. 

"Ah, Hayden? That's no problem, Ty the guy!" Rob says, the weird smile on his face growing wider. He lets out a laugh as if something I said was funny before continuing. "I'm actually flattered to have the opportunity! She'll be here soon?"

I nod my head, reaching into my jeans pocket to grab my phone so I can check on the time and text Hayden. I'm met with emptiness though, and a quickly realize I must've left it upstairs in her room.

Rob laughs yet again. "Ah, that's perfect! That's perfect..." he says, trailing off for a second to allow his face to grow more serious. It's the first time all night and gives me weirder vibes than his starting demeanor. "Hey! Could I uh- ... Could I wait up there with you guys? I know my niece is a lot to handle; I don't want her freaking out after you let her know I'm here, and not be able to help contain her, you know?"

Ugh. I really didn't want to let this guy into Hayden's house, but he brings up a valid point. Evelyn had already proven to be a handful; If things were to escalate, what the hell am I supposed to do? This whole situation is definitely out of my ballpark.

"Uhm... Y- yeah, I guess," I say with a shrug of my shoulders, pulling the door open wider to let him in. I hope Hayden isn't upset with me for this, but then again she isn't really in a position to judge the decisions I've made when she left our daughter home with a druggie.

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