Chapter 71: Hayden

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Fri. 2/20/09 • 11:31 P.M. PST

I'm still trembling with nerves even after we made it upstairs to finishing cleaning up the gashes covering Russell's face. You would think I'd be more equipped to deal with these kinds of things after everything I've been through with Dane, but all of those experiences have only made me more squeamish.

I've watched so many people get their asses handed to them. I've even took a fair share of beatings myself, and dealt with the wounds! This though? This is so different for me. My heart races in my chest as I finish applying a butterfly stitch to the deep gash on Russ' eyebrow. I feel like I could throw up! 

"What were you even doing in the city?" I ask once I'm done carefully applying the stitch to his wound. I pull away from him to throw all of the bandages and tissue out in the small garbage bin beside my nightstand before continuing. "You knew Harper's party was tonight; You didn't even text me this morning, like... I don't get it."

Russell looks agitated. I'm not sure if it's his general situation or my further questioning setting him off, but I still fold my arms over my chest and glare at him expectantly. 

"It was- I was out there for work, Hayden, I told you that already," he sighs. "I was just really busy today trying to make sure my schedule was cleared for the party, and- well, I got a call for a quick job in the city! I thought I could make it in time, but... you know. This happened! I didn't mean not to text you or anything, I'm sorry! I just- ... I was juggling a lot..." 

Russ looks completely defeated by the end of his explanation. I'm not sure if the ache in my chest is because I believe his claim and hurt for him, or because I don't and hurt for myself

I know it sounds terrible, but I want it to be true. I want Russell to have been too busy with work to text me this morning; I want him to have been too wrapped up in getting mugged than to have stood me up...

For him to be lying would mean we'd be over. It would mean that Jena would have a broken heart, and that Hayden would have to pick up the pieces alongside her own. For him to be lying would mean I'd have to stop loving him... wanting him... needing him...

"I'm... I'm glad you're okay..." I finally break down and say, my arms dropping back down to my side as I make my way back over to him. I lower myself on the bed beside where he sits. "I uh- I didn't tell my family about you yet in case you were trying to... you know, dip on me or something..." I trail off, growing too embarrassed admitting I was having those thoughts knowing now that he was actually just in danger. 

Russ laughs quietly, turning toward me though he visibly flinches in the process of doing it. "Thanks," he shrugs. "I suppose we should wait now considering that I look like a common hoodlum, huh?"

I laugh too, though mine is just an automatic response to his attempt at a joke. He's not wrong! We should definitely hold off on introducing him to my family! I was just... really excited to do it.

I was really excited to officiate what we have...

Sat. 2/21/09 • 12:20 A.M. PST

Russell and I both lay on my bed, our phones glued to our faces while the TV advertises in the background. Aside from the visual factor of the events that went down last night, Russell and I have been able to move on completely. 

I think it really was just a poorly timed, unfortunate event! 

We've spoken a bit more about what happened, and he seemed sincerely upset about the way things went down. Plus... he wouldn't lie to me! It's Russ! 

We've been nothing but honest to each other... 

"Damn, I am swamped with work these next few weeks!" I sigh, scrolling through the calendar application my management team and I use to organize my schedule for the month. "I don't have time off again until... the second week in March! The 16th! They've spoiled me with free days since Kaidy was born; I guess that novelty has finally worn off!" I laugh.

Russ lowers his phone to turn to me, his face still hard to look at even after I've cleaned him up. He's about to say something when a knock on my bedroom door cuts him off. 

"Yeah?" I call out with an eyeroll. It can only be Evelyn, and I am less than excited to have to deal with her at any point anymore. 

She opens the door, her eyes wide and movements quick. "Hey, uh-" she starts to say, her eyes darting back and forth between me and Russ. "There's a- there's a huge spider in my uh- in my room... Can one of you come kill it?"

I narrow my eyes at her, partially out of annoyance but mostly out of disgust. I hate spiders! Evelyn knows that! Why would she even bring this to my attention?! 

"I have bug spray in every single closet on the way to my room, Ev..." I sneer, my attitude unintentional but well deserved in my opinion. Evelyn has been such a brat since she's been here; I don't know why she'd expect me to do a damned thing for her after all of the shit I get from her!

"I don't want to go near it!" she exclaims immediately, throwing her arms up dramatically. "W- what if it jumps at me? What if it- what if it-"

She cuts herself off, her overexcited demeanor proving to be too much for her brain to process. I wonder what's got her so pumped at this time of night...?

"I guess I can do it?" Russell offers after a second, turning toward me to shrug his shoulders in question. Even through his swollen eyes, I can see the annoyance written all over his face. "Y- you want me to take care of it?"

I think about telling him to stay solely because he doesn't really seem like he wants to do it in the first place. Evelyn is afraid of spiders too though, and despite the fact that I do have Raid lining every closet in my hall, I don't trust that she won't just migrate to another room to avoid having to deal with the spider at all. 

I don't need that thing running off to make a bunch of babies!

"Would you mind?" I ask, physically flinching as I do because I feel like an asshole. 

Russell let's out a small laugh, easily forgiving my decision as he pulls himself from the bed to grab his jeans. 

Evelyn practically hops up and down in elation, her hands repeatedly making a clapping motion though she never makes the sound. She has been so energetic lately, to the point of concerning me sometimes! Her ups and downs are so frequent and severe I'm starting to question if she's bipolar again... 

Russell grabs his jacket, an odd thing to grab just to walk across a house, and then turns to me to let me know he'll be back. I want to question him on his jacket, but decide not to last minute when Evelyn fills the silence. 

"Yeah! Woo! Spider busters! Let's goooo!" She cheers, her eyes still wide and animated. She turns around to start leading the way, Russell following behind her while shaking his head. 

What is up with her lately? 

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