Chapter 88: Tyler

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Wed. 3/18/09 • 12:12 A.M. PST

I'm losing my mind, right?

I drank way too fucking much today. I drank way too fucking much, passed out at a bar, and this is just a terrible drunken dream I've been cursed with for fucking up these past couple days.

This fucking junkie is strung the fuck out in my baby mama's bathtub while my baby sleeps, and said baby mama is no where in fucking sight!

I knew keeping this bitch a secret from Hayden's family would turn around to bite me in the ass; What regarding Hayden hasn't? This can't be a dream, it fits too well into her book of fucking patterns. I know it's not a fucking dream but fuck, do I wish it fucking was! She will too by the time I'm done with her!

I pull my phone out of my back pocket to call her but the call won't even go though. I try two more times, my frustration growing stronger when the outcome doesn't change. Where the hell is she?

What the fuck! I should call the police... but what about McKaiden? A simple investigation into this would reveal that Hayden, once again, put our daughter's life at risk! We already flew too close to losing the baby once because of her reckless decisions...

We can't afford that again.

"Yo, wake the fuck up!" I yell in a panic as I frantically rack mind for what to do with the unconscious girl laying in Hayden's bath tub. Is she fucking dead? "Evelyn! Are you- come on! Wake up!"

Evelyn lay in the bath, only her head above the milky water filling Hayden's tub. Her phone, sitting on top of a folded towel on the edge of the bath beside her, holds two small baggies lined with white powder. I don't know what it is, but have no time to investigate before I hear a gurgling sound that automatically sends me into more of a panic.

She's throwing up- well, trying, I guess... Her body jerks twice before a thick white foam only dribbles down her chin and into the cloudy water. Despite that, she's still unresponsive and only sinks lower into the tub as her body reacts to her jerking.

This is bad.

So many aspects of what I walked into here tonight on a simple mission to win Hayden back are fucking terrible! So many things need to be addressed, but the only thing I can react to is the realization that I have to save this girl.

As much as I have, and still do dislike her... it's the right thing to do. I can't just let her die!

I lean over the edge of the bathtub and hit the drain before quickly kicking my shoes off and stepping over it. I'm careful not to step on her legs as I stand above her and reach for the closest towel. Her phone slides into the cloudy water, gently resting up against my foot as it settles on the bottom of the tub; It's the least of my concerns right now. I lift Evelyn from the tub, wrapping her in the large towel before carefully stepping out of the tub and carrying her from the bathroom, right to Hayden's bed. I lay her on her belly and pull up a small trash can before pulling my phone from my pocket again to call Hayden again. I have no fucking clue what to do from here; I've never been put in this position!

Where is she?! Did she really leave our daughter home alone with a girl we already established is a fucking junkie?! Has she lost her fucking mind?!

My blood boils in my veins when the phone connects and the call immediately drops. It doesn't even go to voicemail. Did she turn her fucking phone off too?! I let out an exasperated sigh and call again.


The phone connects and I'm so filled with anger that I don't even bother to let her to say hello. "Where the fuck are you?!" I growl into the phone, the panic and frustration spewing out of my body like water through a sprinkler. She takes a few moments to respond but I have no problem filling the dead silence to let her know about the dumb decisions she's made tonight. "Do you have any fucking idea what's going on here at your house? With your fucking friend? And our daughter?!"

Hayden let's out a small gasp but quickly recovers to respond. "Relax, Ty!" she tells me. "Evelyn has watched the baby numerous times; She's not fucking incompetent. What are you doing at my hou-"

I'm fuming before she can finish and inturrupt her to call her out. "Relax?!" I roar, my face scrunched up in confusion although I know she can't see me. "You left our daughter with- with a fucking druggie, Hayden! She was unconcious in the damned bath when I showed up! Why the fuck would I relax? Where the hell are you?!"

Evelyn must be throwing up again. Her limp body jerks every couple of seconds and I hear a liquid dripping into the trash can I set up beneath her.

Hayden needs to come the fuck home and handle this.

"Evelyn... Evelyn isn't on drugs... I don't even let her leave the house!" She mumbles into the phone, her voice confused. She pauses for a few moments before clearing her throat to continue. "Is McKaiden okay? H- how do you know Ev was on drugs? Are you by yourself? Did you tell anyone?"

"I fucking saw it, Hayden! What the hell do you mean?!" I snap, my annoyance reaching its peak at her attempt to seem oblivious to this. "How could you bring this shit around our daughter? Her sister literally died over shit like this, or have you forgotten? A- are you using again too? Jesus Christ, Hayden! I- I'm at a loss!"

I don't mean to come off so aggressive, but I definitely don't regret it. This is just... it's so unacceptable!

Maybe I should just take McKaiden and go home... this isn't my problem, but she is my daughter and I have the right to remove her from toxic situations. The Golds want the baby to primarily stay with Hayden; I get that! But Hayden obviously isn't ready for such responsibility.

"No! God Ty, no! Is McKaiden okay?! I literally don't get what's going on! I- I'm going to head home now, it'll just- it'll be about two hours or so," Hayden says after a few seconds, her voice exasperated and still confused. It sounds sincere, but I still can't wrap my head around how this could get past her. I know she's not fucking stupid! "Is Evelyn alright? I mean... Is she going to die? I can't have this getting out... Mama G will kill me! What do I- what do I do?!"

I look to Evelyn, who still lay passed out on Hayden's bed. She's definitely breathing... I'm pretty sure I heard her groan the last time she heaved to throw up...

Maybe she's coming around? I guess I could keep an eye on her until Hayden gets here... I can't really drive my daughter to my house when I've spent the entire day drinking and then turn around and get upset with Hayden about this...

"McKaiden if fine! She's still asleep! I- I think Evelyn okay? This isn't really my forte, Hayden! She's breathing? Puking? She's not dead yet! In better condition than when I found her!" I exclaim, shrugging my shoulders. "I'll keep a fucking eye on her until you get here but then we need to have a serious talk about McKaiden's future, Hayden, I can't believe this!"

Hayden scoffs, but doesn't bother to address what I said about the baby. "Yeah, okay Ty," she says, her voice dismissive. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Keep this under the radar please. I've already been in the process of getting her out; I made a mistake."

Just like that, she hangs up.

I can't believe the fucking nerve of this girl!

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