Chapter 96: Hayden

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Wed. 3/18/09 • 2:27 A.M. PST

It's so hard trying to remain calm, but I force myself to do it for the sake of Russ still standing in the corner of my bedroom looking uncomfortable.

"Russ, you can go! Really! I'm okay!" I say for what feels like the hundreth time since Ty stormed out. He keeps telling me he can't, tryng to be the hero in a situation he doesn't even know the half of. "Please, just- just let me take care of this, and I'll text you in the morning!"

Dane laughs from behind me; It's the only thing he's brought himself to do after commenting on my confession to Ty. It's like he's just enjoying watching me squirm under the pressure of trying to get Russ out when the man won't fucking budge!

"Okay, okay! That's enough of that, eh?" He exclaims after a second, clapping his hands together as he makes his way to the space separating me and Russ. "Russ? Why don't you take a seat over there. This back and forth shit is losing its comedic value."

In an instant Dane whips out his pistol, aiming it directly at Russell's face before using it to direct him the love seat in the corner of my room. 

"Dane, no!" I can't help but scream the moment I see the metal leave his pocket. I can't help myself from reaching out in a panic, trying to lower his gun, but he easily pushes me back to my bedframe with his free hand. "Please!" I cry. 

Russ throws his hands up at his chest, his brows furrowing as he slowly complies and makes his way to the couch. "Dane?" he asks, raising one of his brows before turning to me with a look of remorse clear across his face. 

Dane let's out a loud laugh, turning back to me only momentarily before directing his attention back at Russ. "Ah, you told this guy about me, Lil Bit?" he asks, his voice now booming throughout the tall ceilings of my room. "Isn't there a rule about that? I swore there was!"

My stomach feels sick; I could throw up if my body wasn't too preoccupied trying to keep me alive. I hardly remember telling Russ about Dane, and never thought I'd find myself in a room with both of these men when it happened! 

This couldn't be any worse. 

Russ lowers himself on the couch, prompting Dane to lower the gun though he keeps it safely in his hand. 

McKaiden, who somehow managed to sleep through all of this so far, peels her heavy eyelids open to whine a few times. I feel my panic level skyrocket, and quickly reach down to gently rock her bouncer. 

This could definitely get worse... I have to get McKaiden out of here, and then I can work on saving Russ...

"C- Can I take the baby to her room real quick?" I ask, my voice weak before I clear my throat. "She- she's going to get scared... I promise I'll bring her back after we uh... after we figure this out? I just want to-" 

Dane, staying true to character, laughs as if I'd told a joke. "Pipe down, Lil Bit. You know that's not going to happen," he says, his gun swaying toward me as he shrugs his shoulders. "I actually think it's about time we talk. All of us! You... me... Evy... this guy back here... Shit, that little bastard too! I mean, Evy is your best friend, right? And this guy is your new beau? Don't you want a support system? I think you'll need it. This'll be fun!"

My body tenses, but I still push past it to scoot Kaiden's bouncer further behind the edge of my bed. I can't bring myself to say anything in fear of it being the straw to break the camel's back. 

I can't risk it... 

"Hey, let's talk then!" Russ exclaims, his brows raised in concern as he throws his hands up to his chest again to direct Dane. "We don't need a gun for this shit, I mean come on man! Let's just-"

Dane cuts him off, once again pointing the gun to his face. "Nobody asked you, tough guy!" he growls before plastering a smile on his face. "Let's just comply with the guy holding the gun, alright? All of you. I'd really hate for this to get any messier than it has to!"

Dane makes his way to the center of my bedroom, a smug smile on his face as he eyeballs all of us. Evelyn, who has remained pretty quiet up until this point, finally tries to say something but is cut off by Dane's booming voice. 

She would try to speak right after a warning like that...

"So I heard that Tyler guy didn't father your child, Jena!" He exclaims with a malicious smile before laughing. "It's uh- It's only super funny you brought it up tonight because I've been really curious to find out who is! You know? It's perfect!"

I knew it; I knew this was going to have to do with McKaiden! I grow lightheaded trying to come up with a response, my throat going dry despite my urge to throw up. 

"Can we- can we talk about this in private?" I ask, my voice raspy and weak as I try to face him. I can't do it; I'm struggling enough trying to keep my cool for Russ' sake. 

Dane shakes his head, a smile still plastered across his face despite the underlying anger. "No way, not a chance!" He says in exaggeration, scoffing before going on. "What are you worried about? Evelyn? You realize she's been working with me the whole time, right? You're not that fucking dumb!" 

Did I just... Did I hear him right? 

I feel my chest grow heavy as my mind tries to wrap its head around his words. I... I tried to help her... I've risked so much just having her here! I trusted her! How could I have been so blind? So disconnected from reality?!

My face drains of color as I turn around to face her, my mouth agape and brows furrowed in confusion. "How... how could you?" I mutter, unable to hide the hurt in my voice even if I wanted to. 

Evelyn is already in tears. "I didn't work with him, Jena! I- I had no choice!" she rushes to say. "I'm sorry! I'm so so-" 

Dane cuts her off, the anger in his voice growing more prominent. "Enough!" he yells as he closes in on the space between us to shove McKaiden's bouncer toward Ev. He lowers his face to mine, eyes hard, as he speaks through gritted teeth. "Let's not waste any more time, Jenalyn," he says. "Tell me who the father of that child is, it's a simple fucking task."

"It's you!" I immediately respond, the panic in my chest too strong having him so close to me. Tears immediately fall from my eyes, and my body trembles beneath his hot glare. "Look at her! Look at her! She looks like you, Dane! I swear!" 

His face grows red with anger; He doesn't believe me. In an instant, he shoves his gun in his pocket and lifts me by the straps of my dress until I'm level with him. "Don't fuck around with me, Jena!" he yells, his breath hot on my face. He tightens his grip on my dress straps, his jaw clenched tight before he continues. "I will fucking beat it out of you! Don't fucking take it there!"

McKaiden cries behind me; I hear Ev shakily try to console her. I don't even realize Russ had stood up to try to attack Dane until he drops me back on the bed to throw him halfway across the room.

"Come on man, leave her alone!" Russ yells as he tries to peel himself from my floor. "Just fucking-"

Dane whips out his gun, pointing it right back at Russell's head. 

"Please just let him go home!" I scream. "He doesn't know that much about you! He doesn't know not to talk to you like th-"

Dane doesn't let me finish. His brows turn in as a weird smile creeps back onto his face. "Russell here? No... no, he knows, Lil Bit. It's been made pretty clear time and time again. Plus, I need him to see what his shenanigans have caused! You know I love a good opportunity to teach a lesson!" 

... Huh? Time and time again? What his shenanigans have caused? What does any of that even mean...?

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks; it must be apparent on my face because Dane immediately starts to crack up. 

... what? 

"I'm sorry Hayden..." I hear Russ mutter behind the loud laughter Dane fills the room with. "I- I didn't know what I was getting myself into..."

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