/Chapter Thirteen/

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Your PoV

It's already morning, since Ms. Son hasn't decided on the meeting day, Umji and I decided to go out to enjoy the place.

"So what's your plan?" Umji asked.

"Well if I can't have this partnership then I'll look for another company. I'm actually searching by now so if ever, I can talk to the owner immediately." I said as I browsed on my phone.

"How about your dad?" Umji asked while we continued to walk.

"If I didn't get the deal and need to proceed on my own plan, then I'll just inform dad that I had a deal with another company. He can't reject it if I already close it." I said and shrugged.

"As expected from Y/N," Umji said and chuckles.

"Well, dad wants me to do this so I'll do what I want," I said and put my phone in my pocket.

While walking we both stopped as we saw Ms. son and her friends.

"Ms. Yoo! Are you good now?" Ms. Son said.

"Ne, Thank you. And also to your friend... It's so embarrassing that you witnessed what happened to me. Hehe." I said and scratch my head.

"It's ok."

I looked at each of them as I realized that they are all looking at me except Jeongyeon unnie Of course.

"What the hell is this?" I whispered to Umji.

"I don't know either."

"Uhm, we'll go now," I said and we continued to walk when someone spoke up.

"Ms. Yoo."

I looked back and saw it's Dahyun who called me.

"Mind to join us? We're having a tour at this place." Dahyun said.

I looked at Umji and she seems so fine with it, the fact that Somi is with the squad also.

"Uhm is that fine?"

"Of course, the more the merrier!" Ms. Son said.

"But first, let me introduce them. Umji already knows them but I guess you also need to know them." Ms. Son continued.

She introduced each of them by name and also what are they working with.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I guess we should drop formalities right now? What you think?" Nayeon said.

"Nice to meet you too, and sure," I said and smile.

My gaze landed on Jeongyeon unnie who's glaring at me. Then I suddenly remember that Nayeon is her girlfriend.

Tch, is she jealous?

"Let's go, we still have many places to go," Tzuyu said.

While walking Dahyun and I also Umji are talking some random stuff while the others are also joining if they want to.

"So Y/N, can you just give us a little thing about you?" Jihyo asked.

I stopped and looked at Umji who's also looking at me.

"Uhm, nothing much special. Umji is my best friend. Now that it's vacation, I'm working with my parent's company. As schooling continues, I need to work with it together. It didn't bother me too much since I'm graduating this year so no worries." I said

"Mr. and Mrs. Yoo is so lucky to have a hard-working daughter like you," Chaeyoung said that made me feel uncomfortable, not because I'm not used to it but because of Jeongyeon unnie.

I glance at her and she's just in silence.

"I guess," I said and chuckles.

After a few walks, we arrived at the cottage and decided to take some rest.

"Wait, I'll just answer this," I said and excused myself.

I went out of the cottage and answered the call as I saw that it's my father.

"Hello, dad?"

["How is it?"]

I sighed mentally as I heard his question. I mean can't he just wait?

"We don't have a meeting now but I'm with them for a personal talk."

["Ok, update me as soon as you got it."] He said and ended the call.

"Mr. Yoo?" I looked back and saw Dahyun behind me.

"Ah yeah," I answered as I realize that she's asking if dad who called me.

"How are you Y/N?" She asked and walked beside me.

"Always fine, how about you? Your husband?" I asked

"We're fine. Truly fine." She said and emphasized the last word.


"Y/N-ssi, Is Jeongyeon unnie is your sister?" She asked straightly which made me startled.

I looked at the others and good thing they are busy.

I looked back and Dahyun and signaled her to hush.

"Am I right?" She whispered.

I just sighed and nodded. She clung to me and dragged me away from the place. As we are now far away, she stopped and looked at me worryingly.

"But she said that her younger sister is already dead," Dahyun said

I'm not surprised but I'm hurt. I don't know to be honest. It was like mixed feelings but more likely hurt.

"It's ok." I just said.

"Why? What happened?" She asked

I just sighed and tell her what happened since she's a friend of my sister and also my friend so why not right?

"I knew it, but I think the others will find out about this. I mean, you guys are somehow lookalikes. Also the surnames." She said

"Then let it happen, just don't tell the others. There's a reason why Jeongyeon unnie hid it... It's fine with me, I don't really mind." I said.

"Ok then, I hope you guys can fix your things. I know that you're aiming at the company of Chaeyoung for partnership and it will be tough since you had an issue with your sister." Dahyun said.

"Well yeah, wait why are you so concern?" I asked teasingly

"Tch, of course, my husband and I's café is under your company. If you got the partnership with Chaeyoung then there are more possibilities that our café will be more successful." She said that made me giggle.

"Yeah right, so you better push Chaeyoung to sign the contract immediately," I said.

"But most of the decisions are made by Jeongyeon unnie." She said and looked at the others who are having fun at the cottage.

"Dad said that I should do anything. If I need to talk to her even if she'll push me then I will."

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