/Chapter Eighty-Three/

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Third Person

After a long weekend of being busy, Y/N and Somi prepared for their flight as it is scheduled on this day. Y/N wandered her eyes on the halls and edges of her eyes as if she's trying to get familiarize that place.

Y/N smiled bitterly as she can't help but remember how the place witnesses her struggles. Going home exhausted after a long time at work in her parents' company.

She even thought that she'll be living like that forever, not until Umji came with her girlfriend, that turns to her ex and now, Y/N's girlfriend.

"Babe, let's go." Y/N snapped as Somi called her.

She looks at the latter and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be there," Y/N said.

Somi nods and leaves the house first. Y/N took a last glance as she did know when will they come back. She's living a new life and this time, she's sure that she won't be alone as Somi is there.

"At least I met Somi and stayed here with her before I leave this place." She said and forcefully smile.

"See you again, my comfort place." She said and get her luggage and walk out of the house. She locked it and get in the van that waiting for them."

"Unnie, thank you for giving us a ride," I said to Jeongyeon unnie.

She's actually on a leave right now as they are planning for their wedding. They said it's already done but they don't tell us the venue.

"You're welcome, this is the only way I could payback." She said.

My expression change as I'm not used to hearing those words from her.

"Mom can't come. But she said that she'll always on your back. She's even proud that Somi and you are together." I suddenly want to hide as I heard what Jeongyeon unnie said.

I can't even imagine my mom's reaction knowing that I am in a relationship already and now we're living together.

Somi laughs as she so my reaction making me unintentionally pouts.

Staying with Somi makes me adopt her personality which she said, is cute...

"And she gave this too." Jeongyeon unnie said as she gave me something and while her other hand is on the steering wheel.

As I opened it, I saw a large amount of saving and it was my name written on it.

"Dad doesn't know it. Don't worry, mom is mom. She got ways." Jeongyeon unnie said and shrugged.

"Oh, where the others anyway?" Somi asked.

"They are waiting at the airport. Dahyun can't come, as expected."

"Why?" I asked.

"The last time she went to the airport... it is the saddest moment of her life. So she never comes near... that's a big problem." Jeongyeon unnie said and sighed.

I looked at Somi as I am quite confused.

"Momo unnie died on a plane crash. The last time they saw each other is when Dahyun took her to the airport." Somi said.

I just nod sadly as I heard that. Well, that's kinda unexpected.

After half hour, we arrived at the airport and saw the squad waiting for us.

"Y/N-ssi!" Umji cries as she runs to me and lifts me.

Damn, she's so strong!

"Girl, that's my girl," Somi said to Umji.

"Uhuh, and she's my best friend. And if not because of me, you guys won't meet." Umji scoffs as she puts me down.

Both of them laugh as Somi hugged Umji.

"Thank you," Somi said.

"Ehe, thank you. And you're welcome!"

"Hey, be good there." Nayeon unnie said as she approaches me.

"Unnie, just do what I told you. Don't leave her." I said to her.

"I won't, we're getting married right?" She said as she lifts her hand showing her ring.

Glad that it was Jeongyeon unnie who proposed to her.

"Hey, be good there." Chaeyoung and Tzuyu said.

"Tss, I'm fine. Why are you babying me?"

"We just want to," Tzuyu said.

"Sadly Dahyun can't be here." I sighed.

"Excuse me tops. May I excused Y/N?"

I snapped as Mina unnie suddenly called me. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu nods and leave us for a while.

"H-hi," I said and bowed.

"You're too formal, just see me as your older sister." She said.

"Yeah, I'm just... happy, I can't believe that, I got to know you all," I said and looked at the others who are talking to Somi too.

"Take care of her, she deserved the love from the person she also loves. And that is you, that's why you are the cure." Mina unnie said.

"Yeah, I will."

"And... destiny is playful, there might be challenges but always find a way to solve it." She said and smiled genuinely.

"Guys! They need to go." Jeongyeon unnie said.

We entered the airport as Jeongyeon unnie and Nayeon unnie helps us.

"Take care, Don't ever separate..." Unnie said.


"Y/N, mom really want to say this... she said, you're lucky to have a girlfriend despite y-"


Unnie laughs and taps my shoulder.

"Nah, she said, she loves you. We love you."

I suddenly felt stung on my heart but it's a satisfying feeling tho.

"Cringe." I just said, but I truly love to hear it from them, I hope dad will too.

"We'll go now," Somi said.

"Inform us if you guys already landed!" Nayeon unnie yelled.


Somi and I went to our boarding plane together. Holding each other's hand as if it was glued.

"You ready?" She asked.

"I'm scared, what might happen after this," I said honestly to her.

I'm totally leaving the comfort zone I live with. Now I need to live my life with Somi as I want to.

"We got each other, Don't worry." She said and smiled making my worries fade.

I faced her and held her hands. It may sound cringe to hear but I think I can live my life with her outside my comfort zone.

"Yeah, we got each other."

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