/Chapter Thirty-Five/

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Somi's PoV

"I didn't mean the romantic one. On the way she speaks to you, it's not a kind of best friend. I'm not judging on the way you talked to each other. If you feel I am wrong, feel free to forget what I said."

Instead of being offended, I suddenly can't avoid admiring the way she speaks. I was stunned for a minute until she turned around and started to walk away.

I snapped back and followed her.

"Y/N, wait! Sunbaenim!" I yelled and held her arm to stop her.

"What again?" She asked annoyingly.

"Are you going back to your room? Can we just talk?" I asked.

She just frowned and didn't reply.

"Only for an hour." She said that made me surprise me.

I am actually hoping she will agree but I didn't expect she really will. I smiled and nodded.

"Let's go," I said.

"Wait, just to clarify, I'm not doing this for something. You looked after my mom so I'll see this as payment." She said that made me laugh.

She's acting bold, what the heck

"Ok fine, let's go," I said.

"You really decided to go here? We just took 10 minutes to arrive in here." She said as she looks at her watch.

Seriously, she's not joking when she said it will be just an hour?

"It's ok, the view in here is beautiful," I said and sat at a vacant bench.

She sits at the almost edge of the bench that made me look at her confusedly.

"Don't you want to move closer, I'm not sick don't worry," I said.

"Are we that close?" She asked back.

"Tch, anyway... I just want to ask-"

"Ah whatever you want. Just consume your one hour time." She said.

On that, I snapped.

Ask what I want? Hmm.

"Are you like that because you're a hopeless romantic?" A question slipped into my mouth.

"I-... I'm just kidding."

"What do you mean like that?" She asked.


"You mean, I'm like this? What do you mean like this?" She asked and looked at me straightly.

"H-hey, Don't take it seriously... I'm just-"

"Tell me, what I am? Jeon Somi?" she asked as she's getting closer.

I felt a sudden electric run in my whole body.

'Jeon Somi'

"Ok, thirty minutes left." She said as she looked at her watch.



"If I were you, I'll just straight into my business. What is it?" She asked while scrolling on her phone.

"I just want to talk to you, you're not even responding properly." I hissed as I crossed my arms.

"It's because you're questions are no sense, what kind of person would ask if someone is into love or a hopeless romantic to someone she's not close with." She said.


"Aish, here you go again, can you stop saying sorry? It's not even a bad thing." She said.


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