/Chapter Eighteen/

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Somi's PoV

It's already morning when I decided to go to Umji and Y/N's room to check them.

I went out of my room and walk into their room. As I arrived in their room, I knocked first it took many times but nothing happened so I just decided to do it later. Since it's still morning I went to the others to check them and saw Dahyun at the lobby.

"Good morning Dahyun." I greeted.

"Good morning Somi, don't you have a schedule for today?" She asked

"I took a week's vacation so none..."

"Good to know, anyway I heard from Tzuyu that you saved Y/N," Dahyun said

I just smiled and nodded.

"I mean, I saw her in need so why not?" I said and shrugged.

"Yeah, she looks unwell when they left," Dahyun said that made me look at her.


"Yeah, they just checked out a while ago." She said


"Why? Do you need something with Umji?" She asked which I responded with a No.

"I need to talk to Y/N, I'm just thinking of an offer."


"Yeah, you know Chungha's company right? I already consulted Chaeyoung. I said that if they didn't do well with Y/N then I'll recommend Chungha's company for partnership with Y/N."

"Oh the KC company!"

"Yeah, Chungha is just starting but I bet they'll be in good," I said.

"Right, I'll tell her about this," Dahyun said excitingly.

"You know her address?"

"No, but her number yeah." She said

I just nodded and looked around.

"I'll go now. I need to check on something." I said to Dahyun and bid him goodbye.

"Yeah see yah!"

I'm now at the beach and just staring at nothing. I usually do this every morning. I'm just having free thoughts about everything.

While doing it, I remembered the time when I went to the share house.

That scent...

It is the scent that I smell at that time. What could be the meaning of it?

I just sighed and shake off my thoughts. Chaeyoung is right, maybe I shouldn't rely on this ability for long. It just blocking me to do the things I wanted. I don't know when will I die, I don't know if I can see my cure.

"Hey, doing fine?" A voice behind me asked me.

I looked back and saw Mina unnie.

"Yeah, where's Chaeyoung?" I asked

"She's with Jeongyeon for a talk. I saw Umji and Y/N went out in your room yesterday, what happened?" She asked.

I just sighed and looked at her.

"Someone just tried to harass Y/N, then she lost her consciousness after I saved her," I said


"Don't worry, Y/N is fine now," I said in relief.

"Aigoo, I'm starting to assume that Y/N is a friend with danger," Mina said and shook her head.

"Yeah, how come a tough-looking girl like her will be always in trouble," I said and chuckles.

"I think Jeongyeon and her can't really keep going. Jeongyeon just declined the offer and now consulting Chaeyoung for confirmation." Mina said.

"They'll be fine."

"Hope so. So do you find it?" Mina asked

"I... No, maybe I should stop and just live without worry." I said and chuckles.

"You know... I don't know if this will help but, you know that Chaeyoung and I are connected right?" She said that made me look at her.

"Yeah, bet the strings are still into the both of you. They are unbreakable this time." I said with a sense of envy.

I actually want to be like them to, before they are just plainly connected but now they are way stronger than before. I could tell if just by smelling their scent. They both have the same and compatible one.

"Yeah, Chaeyoung maybe lost her ability to see the red strings but, not me."

I frowned and looked at her confusedly as I don't know what she's talking about.

"Remember before? When Chaeyoung found out that we are for each other? And the time that I was kidnapped. That day, I happened to see the strings tho it was only in my dream."

I nodded as I started to get what she said. It was the time before they met me. Chaeyoung told me everything that's why I know.

"I saw you in my dream, and I'm pretty sure you'll be living happily. You'll find your cure so don't worry." She said and smiled.

"I hope so, but now maybe I should live worry less."

"So, what's your plan?"

"Maybe I'll stop the modeling for now and continue my study."


"Schools have many cute girls." I joked which made her beat me.

"I mean maybe we are in the same school right?" I said as we both laughed.

"Whatever you like, just don't forget to take care of yourself."

"Of course."

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