/Chapter Four/

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Your PoV

(The next day)




"Ugh!" I stopped my alarm after it rang.

I stretched my arms and went off of my bed. After fixing it, I walk to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

"I have to meet a client," I uttered as I remember.

After taking a shower, I get some formal clothes since it's going to be a meeting with a client. I dried off my hair and fix myself to look presentable. I get my phone to check if there's a message from my client and saw one.

Mrs. Lee;

"Good morning Ms. Yoo, I just like to remind our meeting later. Do you want me to send you map on how to find our café?"

After reading the message, I replied immediately. Since I'm not familiar with her place, I accepted the offer.

"Sure, Mrs. Lee. I'll be glad if you will. Let's see each other later!"

After that, I walk to the living room and wait for her reply.

Like I said before, I managed the company of my parents. Tho not completely since I still have to learn some things. So by that, I manage all the transactions to smaller stores or shops that want to work with us.

Mrs. Lee is an owner of a café here in Seoul. She's working with her husband. Her husband was actually the one who talked to me about the partnership and when I did some background checks, I can say that they are good to work with.

My phone vibrated as a message popped. It's from Mrs. Lee. I went out of my apartment and get in my car when I received the address of the café.I also informed Mrs. Lee that I'll be in her place after a few minutes.

I started my car and went out of my parking place when my phone rings.


"Hello, dad."

["Y/N, Are you busy today?"] he asked without even saying hello back.

"Not really, I have a client to meet this morning. Why?" I asked

["Go to the building after your business. I have to talk to you."] He said and ended the call.

I just shook my head out of the moment.

"Ok, guess I don't have time to lay on my couch again." I just said to myself and started to drive away.

After several minutes, I arrived at the place. I parked my car outside their café. Good thing that they have a parking place. I roamed my eyes out of the place and I say that it is a good spot. Their café is crowded and the outside appearance of the store is attractive.

I walk inside and a brewed coffee scent is the first thing that welcomed me.

I roamed my eyes as I did a while ago. The tables, chairs, counter, the aura of the place seems to be nice. I saw many people seem to have fun. Then a girl welcomed me with a smile.

"Ms. Yoo. Oh, nice to see you."

"Wait, Mrs. Lee? Oh, I didn't expect you to uhm look like that." I said out of amusement.

I know I did some background checks but I cannot believe that she looks so young in person.

"Just Dahyun. Call me Dahyun." She said and offered a handshake.

"Mind sitting first?" She asked and lead me to a vacant table.


After going to our table; she leaves first.

I just waited on her and still do my job. I checked their menus and other things.

"Ms. Yoo, have some coffee. My husband is just preparing food for you." She said and sat in front of me.

"So, I think I haven't introduced myself so clear. I'm Yoo Y/N. My parents assigned me to manage the partnership with  basic businesses. But to say, your café is beyond that. Just a few more checks and we can settle the contract." I said.

"That would be good." She said

After that, she started to state some deals about their café. All the things they can benefit from us and how can we help them. After an hour, the discussion ended.

"Ms. Yoo, want to have some? This is a special dessert that our café offers. I hope you'll like it."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee."

"Just Eunwoo, if we are in the café I don't mind if you'll call me that."


"Ah yeah, it's just people call him with that name," Dahyun said.

"Ahh, ok then. Just call me Y/N then. And I would like to inform you that the deal is closed. Congratulations, we'll support this café." I announced.


"Yeah, the thing that you are good to talk with, I think there won't have any miscommunication in the partnership so yeah," I said

They smiled in joy after hearing the news. I excused myself first and get the paper on my car and went back after.

"You just need to sign this and we're all settled."

They look at the paper and after reading it they signed it.

"Thank you," I said as they gave back the paper.

"Can I stay here for a while? Uhm for a talk?" I asked.

"Sure, you don't have to ask tho," Dahyun said

"I'll just go back inside. Have some fun." Eunwoo said and left.

Dahyun and I just continue to talk about some things that are not related to our work.

Like their life as husband and wife and my life as a college student.

"Doing work and studying at the same time is kinda hard. I experienced that before, gladly I managed to finish the last year." Dahyun said.

"You must be lucky because there is someone that you can run with if you feel so stressed and done," I said.

"You mean Eunwoo? Oh yeah, also my friends, and my father." She said


Dahyun and I turned our heads as we heard someone called her.

My body worked to sit up properly as I saw the person who called Dahyun.



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