/Chapter Fifty-Six/

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Your PoV

I woke up as I heard a ring on my doorbell. I stood up lazily as I walk out of the room to open the door.

"Good morning."

I immediately turned back and sat on my couch in the living room as Somi walks in.

"Didn't sleep that much?" She asked.

"Why are you here again?" I asked as I looked at her with my half-open eyes.

"You told me we're are going to school together."

Did I?

I stood up and about to walk into my room when Somi stops me by wrapping her arms around me making her back hugging me.

"What the hell Somi?"

She leaned her head on my back as I could feel clearly her breathing.

"I like you."

For unknown reasons, I froze from my place.

This is it, this is the thing that I always want to avoid. This feeling, I can't encounter this to anyone but Somi...

"Did you bring food? I'm sure I told you that if you'll going here, you need to bring food." I said trying to lift the atmosphere.

She laughed and broke into the hug making me breathe in relief.

"Of course, I'll prepare it and you'll go and get your uniform." She said and walks into the kitchen.

"Tch, who told her that she can tell me what to do?" I hissed and walk into my bathroom.

"If you date Somi, Chungha will stop bothering you. Come on, Somi will understand. Just explain to her."

I shake my head to remove the thoughts.

Why would I do that? I would never be going to use a person to save my life.

"I'll see you later," Somi said as we arrived at the school.

I just look at her as she walks away.

"Is she even sincere when she said that she likes me? If yes... then I can't really pursue Dahyun's plan."

"It's really unfair for her part."

I just sighed and walk into my classroom as I do my daily life.

"Hey, Tris," I called up.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" He asked.

I hissed and look at him.

"Can you update me on our daily lessons? I'll be leaving for a week." I said.

"Oh sure, you got me." He said.

I sighed and smiled at him.

Sometimes I thank myself for having some connections with my classmates.

Maybe I should focus on the company for a week so I could get back.


"I ordered already. Here." Somi said as she arrives.

We are now in the cafeteria as we take our lunchtime.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

I just rolled my eyes as I let my chin rest in my hand.

"I'm not going to school for a week. You should go yourself starting tomorrow." I said.

"What? Wait, are you sad that we are no longer going to school together?" She asked making me raise my brows.

"Excuse me? I'm actually glad. I'm just informing you." I said and started to eat.

"Why tho?"

"I need to focus on the company." I just said.

I don't wanna tell her that I am losing the chance to get to the company since it's important for her to know it. Plus she might think that it's because I was so busy in school plus company. Then she's asking for a tutor.

After all, I want to help her since I promised her.

"Oh...uh how abo-"

"Let's have face time."

"Face time? Can't I just go to your house?"

I looked at her as her eyes beg to me.


I hissed and looks away.

"I'm going home every 8 at night. If you just have time." I said.

"Of course I have!" She said and giggled.

I look at her as she eats.

I really can't understand this girl, like really...

"Good afternoon Ms. Kim," I said as I arrived at the office.

"Oh, you're here already. I heard that you talk to your father?"

Even tho Dahyun will tell me multiple times that Chungha is nice, I can't see it.

"Yes. Sorry again for being irresponsible ." I said and bow.

She stands up and walks closer to me as she looks at me darkly in her eyes.

"You must give her clarifications."

"You look unwell, you want to unwind?" She asked as she traces her fingers to my jaw.

"I'm good."

She just smiled and place her hands on my shoulder.

"You know that I am the one who told your dad that I want to have you right?"

"Yeah, he said that you need a secretary," I said.

"I mean... I want more than that." She whispered as she gets closer to my ears.

"She likes you, you're just too innocent to notice it."

I shook my thoughts and sighed.

"Sorry Ms. Kim, but I can't agree with dad's offer," I said as I moved back.

Her dark eyes turned to confuse as she crossed her arms.

"Why not? You don't have someone with you right?"

I stopped for a minute as I remove my thoughts again.


"So what's stopping you?"

"You don't deserve me. My dad just agrees with what you want because you can help him to raise our company. I will confess it to you so that you will know." I revealed.

She looks at me blankly as she laughs.

"Do you think I care?"

"Mwo?" I uttered.

"Money is nothing, I just want to have you, Ms. Yoo."

She walks closer to me again but I'm walking back. She puts her hand on my shoulder to stop me and moves her lips closer to my ears.

"I've been following you since then, I won't let you go this time." She whispered.

I was surprised but not intimidated. I gently remove her hand from me as I don't want her to see me as rude. After all, she's a boss.

"Sorry, but I can't," I said and walk back to my table.

I glance at her and she's just looking at me as if she will get me she has her chance.

Just like what Dahyun said...

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