/Chapter Six/

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Your PoV

"Good morning Ms. Son, the daughter of Mr. Yoo is here." I heard the girl said who's peeking at the door while I'm still waiting outside.

"Let her come." I heard.

The girl looked at me and gave me a smile.

"You can come, Goodluck." She said and left me.

I actually want to thank her but she already walked out. I just walked inside and saw a girl that I saw on the TV show.

Also my unnie's friend.....

"Good day Ms. Son. It is nice meeting you. My father, Yoo Seunghon sent me here to talk to you about the partnership that he wants to do with your company." I said.

"Take a seat."

"Thank you," I said and sat across from her.

"Actually, I already checked all the information about your company. I found out that your company has a special team that builds connections with small stores and businesses. What's your purpose then?"

"Oh about that, I was the one who suggested that to my father. Since I'll be the future person who'll manage the whole company, I used my small connections from my father to raise our funds for our company. Tho the small business is not enough... but it doesn't mean that it didn't help us. I managed the choice of businesses that we're be connecting with. I made sure that those can help us after we help them. I assure you that it's a great plan because the company is on good now. And we highly need a partnership with your company Ms. Son, we could help each other here. I can assure you the safety if you'll agree." I said.

She just nodded and sighed after.

"Actually, I'm good with your company. But I can't just accept it just like that. I still need to consult the people who are working in my company, especially those how to have positions in the company."

"Is that so? Well, it's fine. I'm not rushing you tho. We're on, any time." I said.

I heard her hissed causing me to look at her.

"Is there any problem?" I asked

"Oh, nothing. I'm just kinda curious. You said that you'll handle the company in the future right?"


"I thought Mr. Yoo has two daughters. You are the second right?"


"Are you sure the company will be yours? Cause if not, it will cause big trouble. I can't gamble my company with another company that has the possibility to have a problem in the future." She said.

"I understand, Ms. Son but you don't have to worry. My parents assured me that I'll be holding the company. My... My sister is not interested in this so I don't think she'll be a problem." I said.

"Is that so? Sorry to ask you about that."

"It's fine, it's a business matter tho."

"I like your professionalism."

"Thank you."

"Ok, uhm I'll just call on you if the talk with my team is done." She said and smiled.

"Sure, I'm counting on it. See you next time Ms. Son."

"Ok, Thank you for your time, Ms. Yoo." She said and offered a handshake.

"Thank you too, I'll leave now. Here's my calling card if ever you want to contact me."

After the meeting with her, I left the building and decided to go back to my apartment. I also informed dad about what happened during our talk and like what I expected, he expects me to finish it as soon as possible.

He said that he's worried, he doesn't want to lose the chance so yeah.

As I arrived at my apartment, I slammed myself on the couch and opened my phone. I saw a bunch of messages from Umji. I checked it and immediately stormed out of my seat when saw her message.


She broke up with me, what should I do?

"What the heck."


Somi's PoV

"Somi, What's the matter?" Chaeyoung asked as I walk into her office.

"Where's Mina unnie?" I asked

"Uhm... house why?"

I just sighed and slammed myself on the couch.

"Why? You look frustrated? Why don't you go with your girlfriend and hang out?"

"We're done," I said while keeping my eyes shut.


"We're done. I broke up with her."

"Wo—wait why?"

I opened my eyes and sighed deeply. I sat up and look at her.

You won't understand...

"Is this because of the scent thing again?" She asked

"Well yeah.. but—"

"You shouldn't rely on that too much. At least learn that from me."

"Chaeyoung, Mina, and you are different. You're both compatible with each other." I said.

"As if Umji and you are not."

See, She wouldn't understand it

"We used to," I said

"Like Mina and I...You know our story Somi, First, the string is with us then it went gone. Look, Mina and I are still together. Sometimes you shouldn't rely on what you know."

"Tsk, whatever. I just want to end our relationship before making it long... before we hurt ourselves." I said which made her sighed in defeat.

"If you say so... anyway, did you see Jeongyeon unnie?"

"No, why?"

"I need to talk to her. You know, she's also part of the company. Just need to settle things up."

"Damn, guess you're so busy."

"Hell yeah."

"I'll go now, I'll talk to your wife."

"What? Why?" She asked

"Ahh, Chaeyoung-ah. It's a thing that only Me and Mina unnie would understand." I said

"Aish, since when you became close?"

"Since before... when you thought that I'm into her!" I said and burst into laughter.

"Silly, as if Mina will hit you."

"Whatever, I'll go now," I said and head out of the office.

I immediately drive myself to Mina unnie's house to talk to her.While driving I suddenly think of Umji.

I'm sorry for being selfish... It's just, it's not you that I'm looking for.

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