/Chapter Twenty-Six/

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Somi's PoV

"I don't like you before, I don't hate you neither." She said as we are walking together.

"Ohh... that's interesting," I mumbled.

She suddenly stopped and faced me with her poker face.

Seriously, didn't she know how to smile?

"It's not, go back to your room."

I just sighed and nodded, well I guess I don't have any choice. I just want to have someone in my checkup but my parents are not here. They didn't even know that I'm here in the hosp-

"Where are you heading anyway?" She asked that made me snapped.


"You know Somi, I'm not trying to be rude here but my mom needs me beside her. Since you are my sister's friend then I'll walk you back to your room. So where is it?" She asked.

I blinked multiple times then suddenly I felt that I wanted to burst into laughter.

"What?" She asked irritatingly.

"Sorry, ok let's go," I said and we both walk back to my room.

"So your mom is here, cool... I haven't met her." I said as I'm trying to dissolve the wall between us.

I mean we'll be working together sooner since she'll be guiding me on my new course. So I need to be comfortable with her same as her.

"Why do you need to meet my mom?" She asked which made me look at her.

Is she even serious?

"Uhm hello? I'm your sister's friend." I reasoned.

"You do know that my parents and my sister are not on good terms right?"

Oh yeah, I forgot about that...

"I wonder why..." I said expecting her to tell it but nope, she was like a younger version of Tzuyu or Mina unnie.

I guess she hates talking a lot.

"Is nose-bleeding is the reason why are you here?" She asked which made me frowned.

Then I suddenly remembered last time when we went out together with Dahyun and Umji. She saw me in the comfort room.

"One of the reasons," I said and just shrugged.

Not so long we arrived at my room. I stopped and looked at her with a smile.

"Thank you for walking me here," I said.

"Ah, so this is your room. Please don't do any noises, my mom's room is just beside yours." She said and entered the next room beside mine.


In my curiosity, I peeked on the small window and saw Y/N fixing the blanket of her mom.

"Did Jeongyeon unnie knows that her mom is in here? Should I tell her? Nah, maybe Y/N will do it." I mumbled and get in my room.

I sat on my bed and decided to open the mini TV in my room. I'm just waiting for my doctor since I did already a check-up.

After few minutes I heard a knock, then the door went open and I saw my doctor.

"Good afternoon doctor Choi, how is it?" I asked.

"Well your rashes are pretty common but I don't really know why it appeared on you when you said you didn't eat or put some products that may trigger you... You don't have any allergens either." He said.

Maybe it's because of my illness again...

"If you don't mind, can I check it again?" He asked.

I just nodded and turned back since it's started on my back.

"Oh." I heard he utters. He then signaled me to turn around again and now he's more than confused than a while ago.


"Did you put something on your skin?" He asked which made me panic for a bit.

"Why? Did it get worst?"

"Uhm No... The rashes are gone. I think you should continue whatever you are putting on it." He said and did something on his board.

"I'll go now Somi, I still need to check some patients. If you still got a problem, just don't hesitate to call me." He said and left.

I loosened my uniform for a bit and tries to feel my back.

Oh right, the rashes are gone...

"Hays, maybe I just overreacted," I mumbled.

Your PoV

I'm just standing here right beside mom's bed as I'm watching her sleeping.

"Why can't you just accept that we can't be like what we are before?" I mumbled.

Suddenly my phone rings so I went out to answer the call.


["Are you ready for the dinner meeting later?"] I heard my dad asked me.

I suddenly felt my blood raising upon hearing his question.

"You know that I'm in the hospital right? Now one will look after mom."

["I already told to Chairman Kim that you'll be attending the meeting. I'm sure you don't want to see this as embarrassment right?"] He asked sounding like threatening me.



I snapped and turned around as I heard someone called me. Then I saw Somi.


"I could look for your mother if you want."

I frowned and face her.

"Why would you do that?" I asked confusedly.

"Uhm... Well, you look need to go on your thing. I can look after you mom. I'm fine anyway, the doctor already said that-

"No, I mean why? You don't have to, stop acting like a good person when you broke my best friend's heart."


"You surely know that Umji is not fine, I need to look after her, now my mom. Then this fucking business that I need to stay with! Don't act nice ok? I don't need your sympathy." I said and get inside the room.

Great now my mood is already ruined!

"Y/N who is it?" I snapped back as I heard my mom and saw her already awake.

"It's dad, he asked me about the mee-"

"No, the girl."

I looked outside and saw Somi is not longer there.

"Uhm, nothing. Don't mind it."

"Your dad called up?"

"Hmm, he wants me to go to the dinner meeting with Chairman Kim," I said and sat on the couch.

"You should go, I can handle myself here."

I just look at her and she seems sure about what she said.

"I'll call the maid to look after you while I'm not here," I said and stood up. I'm about to go when my mom stopped.

"I'm sorry, Thank you too for doing what your father wants."

"It's nothing, but I will appreciate it if you'll start to do what he wants to. Forget about unnie, She'll be the cause of your death." I mumbled at the last part.

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