/Chapter Twenty-Seven/

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Your PoV

As I left the hospital, I drive back to my apartment to change. I checked my watch and it's still 2:30 pm.

Maybe I should call Umji.

I get my phone and dialed her number. After few rings, she answered.

"Hello Umji, I'm sorry I left the café a while ago.

["Oh yeah, Dahyun told me that you left after seeing Jeongyeon unnie?"]

"No not that, I just need to go for an urgent. Something happened to mom."

["What? What happened?"]

"It's a long story, anyway are you good? I can't go now since I'll be having a meeting with Chairman Kim later night."

["Oh Chungha? That's nice, don't worry about me, I'm still at the café tho. Dahyun and I are just talking for some stuff."]

"Ah, ok... See you tomorrow, I guess."

["Sure, call me up whenever you're free."]

"Yeah bye," I said and hung up the call.

I slammed myself on my couch and let myself rest first.

When I can live freely without worrying about anything? When?

Somi's PoV

"Aish, acting good? She's the one who's acting good between us. How can she be good at first then now hates me." I huffed as I'm already going to lobby to settle my bills.

I really cannot believe that girl, I'm just being nice here with pure intention.

"I can't imagine working with her, gosh." I hissed as I shook my head.

"That's everything ma'am, thank you." The girl in the lobby said.

"Thank Y-"

"Oh jeez! Ma'am your nose is bleeding!" The girl said that made me snapped.

I wiped my nose with my fingers and saw blood on it.


"Ma'am do you need h-"

"No it's ok, I'll just go to the restroom," I said and left her.

"Aigoo, I shouldn't stress myself," I mumbled while walking to the restroom.

As I arrived there, I walk into the sink and wash.

"Am I going to die?" I mumbled looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I just shook my head and continued my thing when I saw someone went out of the cubicle.

"O-oh, aren't you the girl that I saw talking to my daughter?"

My brows furrowed then I faced her.


"I saw her talking to you outside my room."

Oh, don't tell me this is-

"I'm Y/N's mother."

My mouth went 'o' as I heard her. Unconsciously, I looked at her from head to feet.

Geez, she's gorgeous... just like her daughters...

"I-I'm Somi, Jeon Somi, Ma'am."

"Are you visiting someone here? She asked with a full smile.

She knows how to smile, unlike her youngest daughter. Geez

"A-ah no, I'm a patient... well, a while ago. I'm good now." I said and laugh nervously.

Her smile is really overwhelming, just like Jeongyeon unnie's. If only that girl can smile too, you guys know already who is she

"Are you... Y/N's friend?" She asked seems like hesitating.

Am I?

"Hmm, well kinda... I guess?" I said and shrugged.

"Oh, I thought you are. I saw you a while ago talking to her, I thought aside from Umji she also had another friend." She said and sighed.

"Uhm actually She'll be mentoring me. I'm taking the same course with her." I said

"Really? Does that mean you can be friends with Y/N?"

Uhm I mean yes if she'll just fix her attitude?

"Of course ma'am..."

"Good to know, I haven't seen anyone besides her except Umji. I mean a friend." She said and suddenly smile weakly.

"Ma'am! There you are!"

We both looked at the door as it opened and a girl panting showed up.

"I told you, you don't need to follow me here." I heard Y/N's mom said to the girl.

"Ma'am, I'll be dead if I'll let you go out alone."

"Says who?"

"Your bossy daughter." The girl said that made me almost burst into laughter.

I bet it's Y/N She's referring to HAHAHA!

I heard Mrs. Yoo sighed which made me look at her.

"I'll go now, Somi. See you when I see you." She said and started to walk with the girl.

I looked at my watch and realized that I don't have anything to do.

"Mrs. Yoo!" I called up as I run to her.

"Oh, why? Did you forget something?" She asked.

"May I go with you? I don't have something to do so..."

"Oh sure, no problem." She said and we walk back to her room.

"Samatha, could you buy us food to eat, include yourself too." She said to the girl.

The Samantha girl looked at me as if she's asking if I could look after her so I just nodded and smile.

As she left, I sat on the couch and just look at her.

"Anything you need? I'm sure you want something that's why you want to stay here." She said.

Guess Y/N got that from her, they are good at making conclusions, gosh.

"How did you meet my daughter?" She asked.

"Uhm through a friend... Umji." I said and nodded.

"Umji and Y/N are really close, to the point that when someone is hurt the other one will feel the same, you know? They can't just see each other struggling. That's why when Umji left to study in another country, Y/N adjusted too much."

That explains why she hates me.

"They only have each other." Mrs. Yoo said and chuckled bitterly.

"That's very sweet," I mumbled.

"It's not, actually."

"Why?" I asked and looked at her confusedly.

"It's from my daughter's perspective. On Umji, of course, she does have her own life. She can't stay with Y/N whenever Y/N wants."

"Don't worry Mrs. Yoo, she'll find someone who'll stay with her. More friends plus someone who'll truly stay with her."

"Well I wish too, this upcoming school year, I hope she'll have new friends. It's been a while since she introduced someone and that is only Umji."

"Count me in Mrs. Yoo, and also we have one friend. Her name is Dahyun, she's good too." I said.

"Really, I wish I could meet her too."

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