/Chapter Forty-Three/

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Somi's PoV

["Somi, why you are not answering our phone calls? We are worried about you."]

"Mom I am fine, I just left my phone that's why I wasn't able to answer it."

I am now driving to the hotel where the others are when mom called me.

["Did you celebrate your birthday yesterday? What happened?"]

"Yes mom, it was the best."

["We're sorry we are not in there. Will arrive next week."]

"It's ok mom."

["How about you? Do you feel good or what?"]

"I'm fine, I told you. I rarely had a hard time breathing. Plus the wild rashes lessen."


"Yeah... I think I found it."

["Oh my gosh, we'll be there after a week."]

"Take your time mom, I'm fine here with the squad." After that, I ended the call.

Not so long, I arrived at the hotel. I parked my car and walked in.

"Somi! There you are!" I snapped as I saw Dahyun approaching me.

"Gosh, belated happy birthday!" Dahyun said.

I laughed and hugged her.

"Thank you, I had a great celebration don't worry," I said.

"Cool, let's go. The others are waiting!" She said and dragged me into her room.

As we arrived there, I saw the whole squad except Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie.

"Belated happy birthday Somi!" They greeted while they are holding a cake.

"Thank you, for this!" I said and hugged them.

"Sorry, we really forgot that yesterday is your birthday. We came busy on preparing and helping Nayeon unnie." Mina unnie said.

"It's ok, let's eat," I said as they agreed and prepare the cake.

"Where are Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie? Guess the proposal went good huh?" I said as I ate a slice of cake.

They all went silent as I said that, which made me stopped.


"Nayeon unnie wasn't able to ask Jeongyeon unnie," Dahyun said.

"Why?" I asked.

"As usual, she drowns with her works," Chaeyoungg said sounding irritated.

"Did something happen?" I asked as I looked at Mina unnie.

"Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon are getting off these days. So Jeongyeon unnie left the company."

"It's because she's being bossy! She's getting over on her position." Chaeyoung hissed.

"Did Nayeon unnie knows this?" I asked.

Chaeyoung sighed and shook her head.

"I think it will be good if Jeongyeon unnie will manage her own company. She's good at first, but when Y/N came, she started to be over competitive." Chaeyoung hissed.

I looked at Mina unnie as she calmed Chaeyoung.

That's why Y/N is also mad yesterday.

"So Jeongyeon unnie will manage the company? How about Y/N?" Dahyun asked.

I know that she's worried for Y/N too, after all, she's friends with her.

"I don't know, I don't want to know. I had problems and stress since Jeongyeon unnie acted like that. I want to give myself a break." Chaeyoung said.

"I think Nayeon unnie is having a hard time too, imagine she keeps on staying on Jeongyeon unnie just to make sure that she's not alone as she chases her dream," Tzuyu said.

"But the question is, is it really her dream? Jeongyeon unnie is just fine before, but then it all changed. I'm not blaming Y/N for appearing suddenly but Jeongyeon unnie is acting off on her age." Dahyun said.

"After all, the major problem is the two sisters." Mina unnie said.

"I never thought that Jeongyeon's family can be chaotic like that. No wonder why she won't tell us anything about them." Sana unnie said.

"Anyway, Where are you yesterday? You eventually left even the proposal is not yet starting." Mina unnie asked me.

"There's no proposal happened, honey." Chaeyoung reminded.

I just sighed and smiled at them.

"I stayed on Y/N's house."


I flinched as I heard them all exclaimed at the same time.

"I... I'm just concerned when I saw her running out of the hotel. When I got to her apartment, I found out that something happened. Maybe it's about Jeongyeon unnie too." I said.

"Then I stayed since it's already late," I said.

"In her apartment?!" Chaeyoung asked.


"In her room?" I wasn't able to finish when Sana unnie interrupted.

"No, I stayed on the couch in her living room," I said.


"Wait, that's why you are in a rush yesterday," Dahyun said.

I just nod as I received a puzzling look from them.

I sighed and smiled at them.

"I'm sure now, It's Y/N," I said.

"What!? How can you be sure with that?" Sana unnie asked.

"I told you, I was on the verge of death yesterday. I thought it will be the last birthday I will be celebrating but Y/N came to save me. And last night, I just remembered. When I was in the hospital. I got wild rashes, but when Y/N is with me, it disappeared."

"If it's Y/N, then it's a huge problem," Chaeyoung said.

"Yeah, her father is homophobic," Tzuyu said.

"Are you really sure that it's Y/N? I mean you can't just be with her. Remember what happened to you and Umji? You almost died. Just a wrong scent, it will be the end for you." Dahyun said.

I gulped as I realized what she said. I mean yeah, it's too early to say that. But I can feel it's Y/N.

"If only I can still see the strings," Chaeyoung mumbled.

"I'll just stay with Y/N. If she's not the one, then I should accept it." I said and shrugged.

"Your crazy, you must still do your medications." Mina unnie said worryingly.

I smiled and nod.

"Of course."

"But I am wondering, you are meant for each other, then what makes you both connected?" Chaeyoung asked.

"As for me and Chaeyoung, we are connected to our dreams and red strings," Mina said.

We all stopped as we think of a reasonable reason.

In the middle of brainstorming, Someone's phone rings. It was Dahyun's.

"I guess your husband needs you on the café now," Tzuyu said and laugh.

Dahyun checks it as she shook her head.

"No, it's just a reminder of Ms. Yoo's birthday," Dahyun said

We all went silent as Dahyun looked at us.

After minutes we realized who she's referring to.

"Y/N's birthday!?"

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