/Chapter Forty-One/

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Third Person

As Y/N left Somi to wash her bowl, Somi followed the younger in the kitchen.

"Yah, it's my birthday. At least act nice to me. That would be a great present!" Somi said excitingly.

Y/N stopped and turned back looking so done to Somi.

"Don't you feel embarrassed after what you did a while ago?" Y/N asked as she rests her hands on her waist.

"Pfft! What are you talking about? Did I do something wrong?" Somi asked innocently as she averts her eyes.

"Don't act like you don't feel ashamed, it was all written in your face," Y/N said and continued to wash her bowl.

She walked on Somi and get the bowl that the latter is holding too.

"Still, thank you for staying. Even if I didn't ask." Y/N said as she continued.

Somi smiled as she just watched Y/N. While leaning at the door's jamb and arms crossed, thoughts starting to come into her mind.

'If she's the one, then I need to stay with her.'

"Today... Is it really your birthday?" Y/N asked as she finished washing the bowls.

She wiped her hands and looked at Somi who's staring at her since she arrived there.

"Yeah, why? Are you going to celebrate it with me?" Somi asked hopefully.

"Don't you have friends to do it with them? You're invading my personal time." Y/N said as she walks into the living room to watch again.

Somi just followed her and sat beside the younger.

"But it's already late, none of them greeted me...maybe they forgot," Somi said without erasing her smile.

"That's so off, find other friends," Y/N said as she plays with the remote.

"Yah, I understand. They are busy preparing surprises for Jeongyeon unnie. Nayeon unnie wanna asked Jeongyeon unnie and I guess it turns good... ah no, it should be!" Somi said.

Y/N looked at Somi as she checks it from head to foot.

'This girl almost died a while ago, but she had the will to smile like that. Such an idiot.'

"What are you thinking?" Somi asked.

"I'm thinking why you're still here and why you're being a chaotic idiot," Y/N said and looks at the TV.

"Go get on your friends. Celebrate your birthday. I'm sure they will remember it, if not... then make them." Y/N said and shrugged.

"I told you it's already late... besides, It's my first time not celebrating my birthday with any who. Maybe this is happening to make me experience how it feels... it's actually not bad." Somi said.

"Yeah, I've been doing it for several years already," Y/N mumbled.

"Really!? Don't you celebrate with your parents or Umji?"

"What are you talking about? Umji just got here this year." Y/N said and hissed.

"Oh right."

Y/N just sighed and ignore the latter. She walks into her room to do something and as she went back, she saw Somi, sleeping on her couch.

"It's just 10:30 pm, can't she drive herself?" Y/N hissed.

She left the house as she waits on something outside. It's starting to get cold but Y/N stayed outside until the thing she's waiting for arrives.

"It's almost in the middle of the night ma'am. Having a midnight party?" The guy asked.

"None of your business." The younger hissed as she gives the payment.

"Have a great night ma'am!" The guy said and left.

"People are stupid, acting nice to someone treats them the opposite." She mumbled.

As she gets in, her eyes landed on Somi.

"Like this one," Y/N mumbled.

She walks into the living room and puts the box on the table in front of the couch where Somi is sleeping.

"Should I wake her?" Y/N asked hesitantly.

"Somi, somi wake up," Y/N said.

Y/N moved closer and tries to shake Somi.

"Somi, wake up," Y/N said

"Somi wak-"


Y/N stopped as Somi woke up and surprised her. Tho the younger is not surprised but annoyed.

"Hahaha! Did I make you worry? You thought I was dead huh?" Somi asked as she sits properly.

"Shut up." Y/N hissed as she stands up.

"What is it?" Somi asked with sleepy eyes.

Y/N didn't reply. Somi looked at the back of Y/N as she saw a box on the small table behind her.

"What is that- ohh! Did you order a cake!?"

Y/N looked at her watch and sat beside Somi.

"It's still 11:00 pm. It's still your birthday." She said as she unboxes the cake.

Somi looks at the cake and saw a birthday message.

"Stay dumb, stupid." Somi reads.

"Wow, how sweet!" Somi said as she wipes her fake tears.

Y/N just shook her head and get to the box to throw it.

She walked into the kitchen to get a knife and plates and she went back, Somi is wearing a party hat.

"Where did you get that?" Y/N asked.

"It's included. Come on, wear this too!" Somi said and handed another party hat to Y/N.

"I ordered a cake and now I need to wear this thing? You're being too much Somi-ssi." Y/N said as she wears the party hat.

"Tch, you'll be wearing it too, why bother to whine?" Somi hissed.

"Ah sing me a birthday song. I'll light up the candles." Somi said.

Y/N who's already done took the party blower and blow it with the tone of the birthday song.

"Happy?" Y/N said.

Somi just rolled her eyes and did her wish.

"I wish... for a longer life so that Y/N can be happy as me for longer," Somi said and blew the candles.

"Come on let's eat!" Somi said as she started to slice the cake.

Y/N just looked at the cake while Somi is slicing it.

"Here for you," Somi said as she looked at the younger one and saw that she's staring at the cake for long.

"Why? Don't you like the flavor? You should have ordered the flavor that you like." Somi said.

Y/N didn't reply, she gets the plate and started to eat it.

'This is the first time I bought something for someone.'

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